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My last question was misunderstood. Atheist, Agnostic, or Theist?

The words atheist and theist are about whether or not you BELIEVE in a god or gods.

The words agnostic and gnostic are about whether you claim to KNOW if there is a god or gods.

This being the case, why is it that people still say that you are either atheist, agnostic, or theist?

You can be any of the following:

agnostic atheist = I don't believe in a god but I don't think I can know for sure.

gnostic atheist = I don't believe in a god and I think that I can know for sure.

agnostic theist = I believe in a god but I don't think I can know for sure.

gnostic theist = I believe in a god and I think that I can know for sure.

You can be both atheist and agnostic. That is my point. The choices are not just atheist, agnostic, or theist.


neil s:

It is true that we don't need 100% certainty in order to claim knowledge, but it is perfectly reasonable to say, "While I do not know for sure whether God exists or not, I do not see any reason to believe that he does." This is the agnostic atheist viewpoint and I can see no reason that it is not valid.

Update 2:


It is important to talk about what the labels mean because, whether you like it or not, people use them. If we don't know what they mean then it is hard to pin down the beliefs of a person who uses them well enough to have a valid discussion.

Update 3:

Raisin Caine:

All of those words still mean those things. No one is redefining them. Did you even read what I posted or did you just post based on the title?

The fact that few people claim to know for sure does not change the fact that that is what gnostic means.

Update 4:

Atheist is not the "no" group, it's the "I don't believe" group. I am putting the "I don't believe" group with the "I don't know group". In the same way that I am putting the "I do believe" group with the "I don't know" group.

Update 5:

Why would I need a dictionary from the 20's. You just said that the meanings of words change. Regardless of what they meant then, this is what they mean now.

Update 6:

What I meant when I said that no one is redefining the words is that I wasn't redefining the words. I apologies for being unclear. I do understand that words are changed and redefined all the time.

Update 7:

" Take the person that firmly knows that there is no way to know whether or not God exists. This person would now be defined as a gnostic atheist, when he would have been defined as an agnostic."

No this person would be agnostic. A gnostic person believe that the truth of Gods existence CAN be known. This same person could also, while knowing this, still believe in a god and therefore be a theist. Or he could not believe and be an atheist. The point is that belief and knowledge are different topics. A gnostic person believe that the truth of Gods existence CAN be known.

Also even if you don't like these terms, they provide a comprehensive way to describe both a person's beliefs and claim to knowledge about gods. So they are useful. That is why they are used and why it is important to understand them.

Update 8:

One more thing, you are right, a person who believes that there is no god is professing a belief. But it is still the case that they have no belief in god so they are still atheist. It's the gnostic part that shows that this particular atheist is professing a belief. It's not a very important distinction but I though that it was one worth making.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because atheist use to have the meaning of "believe no god exists" while agnostic meant "did not know" and theist meant "believe a God exists".

    With atheists taking over agnosticism and rewriting what everything means, the whole term become stupid.

    Hardly anyone claims to KNOW FOR SURE. So all that happened with this redefining of words is that all those who were agnostics are now "atheist" and all those who were atheist are still atheist.

    The people who were atheists and believe no God exists get to hide behind no belief as they attack theism. It is quite intellectually cowardly and those types have now given what were agnostics, a bad name.

    Neil S,

    By your logic, since before we had no evidence that the earth was round, it wasn't. Further OBVIOUSLY, you like your little lack of evidence crap talk, but it is quite useless and STUPID. At the very least you MUST admit to testimonial evidence which is accepted as evidence in every court of law everywhere throughout all of human history. So you must mean evidence YOU find acceptable. To this point, I laugh cause I do not care at all what you find acceptable, and neither does anyone else but YOU.

    You all ignore the inherent problem of distinction. We are talking about belief. Belief need not ahve the label of certianty or lack of certainty, what it does need, however, is clarity. Saying a cup is hot, a cup is cold or I don't know is clarity. Putting the I don't know group into the cup is cold group is just arbitrarily stupid.

    That is what is being done!!!! Deny all you want. Say a means without or whatever crap you want to say, all you want, you have degraded the clarity of meaning by placing the "I don't know" group with the NO group. Your silly pretenses does nto make what I am saying any less true. And clearly you cannot rationally justify why anyone would place the "I don't know" group with the "No" group.

    Is that the normal standard for other things? Democrat and Repubs, with all the independents going into dems? Would that make sense???

    Edit: I read your post and your definitions. I also read the defintion from the 50s. I also read some literature written by mostly atheists that started the redefining process. There were actually words and meaning to words before you were born. Further the meaning of words have changed over time.

    In fact, if you really want to show me wrong, pull up a dictionary from say 1920 and read the definition of atheist.


    I agree that the definitions you use are the "accepted" definitions of today. The reason I don't like them is because I find them silly. Take the person that firmly knows that there is no way to know whether or not God exists. This person would now be defined as a gnostic atheist, when he would have been defined as an agnostic.

    Further, if you believe no god exists then you hold a belief, so simply claiming that this is a lack of belief is foolish.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    each and every IQ try i have ever taken places me at between 120 and one hundred forty 5. i imagine the only hundred forty 5 replaced right into a fluke, even if. maximum checks placed me at 128 or 129. i do not understand if that makes me "above accepted intellectually" or no longer. this is only a huge determination, extremely, and it doesn't talk for the education i have had, the books i have study, the places i have traveled, or the reports i have had. Is there any thanks to truly sum up each and every thing that someone selections up in the time of their lives, and connect a score of a few style to it? because i don't think of so. i'm a theist (Christian). Edit: And no, i don't think that intelligence has any effect on what someone believes so a ways as faith is going. some geniuses are theists, some morons are atheists. The opposite is likewise actual. i imagine there's significantly better to it than intelligence. From what i have considered, this is not the surely factor of intelligence that makes a decision no matter if someone will be non secular or non secular, even if the kind of intelligence they have. those who interact in summary questioning better certainly look to gravitate in direction of a few type of religion or spirituality, at the same time as those who're susceptible better to the actual have a tendency to be atheist or agnostic. There are exceptions, for sure, yet for the most area, this appears the case from what i have considered.

  • 8 years ago

    It really doesn't matter to use so much time pondering on the label of what it is you are. You are what you say you are. That is all.

    Somebody who doesn't have any idea what these words mean.

    i.e - a theist could say they are an atheist (assuming the definition of atheist is the opposite) The point is, it wouldn't matter because the fact is that they are a theist either way. So labels don't matter it's simply what the fact comes too.

  • neil s
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Ok, let me try a different approach, too.

    Agnostics overwhelmingly present knowledge in a false light. Their claims seem to suggest we need 100% certainty to say we know something. We do not, or scientific knowledge would be impossible. Given scientific levels of certainty, and the overwhelming lack of substantive evidence for any deity, we have more than enough of a basis to say "I know no God exists." Anyone adding "agnostic" to "atheist" is thus not thinking things through.

  • Bast
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I am an agnostic atheist. I'm frustrated by the number of people who don't know what the words agnostic and atheist mean, and/or who think they're mutually exclusive.

  • Cogito
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Why do you think it's so important to label people with one or any of those names?

    Does it matter?

    Why waste so much time arguing about the definition of those words?

  • Obviously.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Where is the question.

  • 8 years ago

    that's a good point, and thanks for the 2 other points

  • Nanzi
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    that's true.

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