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Lv 7
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

Has anyone else noticed this about the mass shootings?

That all the shooters have been young men raised in an era of violent video games and rap music which condones and even promotes disrespect of authority and violence.

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    That is part of what they have in common. It might be instructive to start from the fact that young men who are true Christians don't commit mass murder. My first observation would be that the mass murderers are under Satan's control. They are coming from a background of permissiveness, no discipline, little true love, pornography, and drugs.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    This is a very interesting observation. However I am 23 years old in college and was raised with violence all around me and I have never and never would I ever harm a soul. So this statement is not really accurate. The guy had mental problems and did not get the help. If your saying video games or other violence could have been the cause of what he did well I would not say that because I was raised around worse growing up yet I turned out to be a nice guy to everyone I meet.

  • 8 years ago

    I think you miss the point as to why many young men (women) take refuge in a make believe world. It's because in that make beleieve world they have the feeling of control, the feeling that they can direct their lives.

    It's when they surface for their make believe world and have to function in a world they do not control they have problems

    Where do the come from?

    The sad fact is that we are creating them as we speak

    Parents now hear from "professionals" that discipline can harm a child's development

    They are berated by total strangers when their child has a public meltdown over not getting a piece of candy and gets their butt paddled for it.

    The child grows believing they can have their own way

    Then the child grows a bit more and goes to school. There they find they do not have to work or study. They are spoon fed the answers to the standardized tests where no child fails (that would hurt their development, don't you know) and they drift through what has become a public babysitting system instead of a learning system.

    They are not challenged, they are not shown that failure is a real possibility and how to prevent it. They never have to come home with a report card of D's and F's and spend the next six months restricted to school and home.

    They have no other frame of reference when the day comes they graduate and are thrown out to greet the real world.

    The real world where you are not congratulated for just showing up. The real world where your worth to your employer is decided by his evaluation of your contribution to his bottom line. Where things are not fair, and there are a lot of days that are not fun and frolic. Where failure is real, and public, and scary.

    It's a shock, a huge shock, and some people cannot deal with it.

    Now add in a mental heath system that is so afraid of being sued that they would rather make no diagnosis at all. That will just pump out prescriptions for all manner of feel good drugs, which may soften the blow, but never fix the problem and what have you got?

    A recipe for disaster.

    Even without access to weapons, these crippled minds are going to lash out at system that failed them.

    With weapons, it just becomes all that much worse.

    Put the blame where it belongs, on a system designed to cripple the children we love.

  • 8 years ago

    Exactly right. Coupled with the handout society and the country turning its back on God. People have lost the foundation of our once great Christian ethos.

    Complicated with the governments inflation (destruction) of the US dollar, where both parents have to work outside the home to make ends meet, there has planted the seeds of our destruction.

    Evil is winning out in America, now led by Obumma and his fallen angels, the devils messangers.

  • 8 years ago

    this is not true, the shooters are all mentally disturbed, if you are linking video games to shooting you should be disgusted, nobody goes and plays a violent game and says, **** this i want to go shoot up a school, it just doesnt work like that

  • 8 years ago

    youve got a point. Although i dont think thats the entire reason but violence in our culture certainly must have some influence on this whole craze.

  • 8 years ago

    But they are far outnumbered by the young PEOPLE born of the same era who are doing good.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They were impressionable children when the Democrat party decided to lionize Bill Clinton for his adultery, perjury and perversion.

    These kids saw that not only did Clinton escape punishment for his mis-behavior, but that the very concept of good behavior was trashed.

    No wonder they are so screwed up.

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