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  • Would a X-Ray show torn ligaments in your knee?

    I had a nasty fall around 2 weeks ago. Most of the impact was on my knee against concrete. Really skinned my knee up bad, hurt like Hell. I limped to my car and called the doctor i normally go to. They were able to get me in that day. He sent me for X-rays, cleaned it up and said nothing was broken. The pain went away in 2-3 days, but yesterday it started hurting again. The pain is not the same as before, it is not intense. It hurts when climbing steps and the such. Could i have possibly damaged a ligament or tendon or something else? Would those show up on a xray?

    2 AnswersInjuries5 years ago
  • Thickening of the heart walls? What does this mean?

    Over the past month I have been having various chest pains, pressure, short of breath, lightheaded, tired, all of those things they warn you about. So i go to the doctor, they send me out for various tests, one being a echocardiogram. I received a email from the doctors office over the weekend, it said the following:

    "Your echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) demonstrates a thickened heart muscle with normal heart function and minimal leaky valve.

    Findings are related to high blood pressure specifically hypo-pressure that is not well controlled and its effect on the heart

    It is important that your blood pressure be controlled"

    Any idea what this means? I tried to search this and came up with something called Hyperfrophic Cardiiomyopathy, could that be what they are talking about?

    I have a appointment with the cardiologist again Tuesday, i just was curious about what all of this means. Many of these symptoms i have been having have never went away, they have continued for around a month now. Just a bit concerned here.

    5 AnswersHeart Diseases5 years ago
  • Long-term arm-shoulder pain. Should i go to the emergency room or urgent care clinic today?

    First, this is not some heart related problem. The first thing when you mention arm pain to a doctor or anyone they instantly start grilling you about possible chest pain and the such.

    I have been having pain in my right shoulder-arm area off and on since around early February. The pain generally is a dull, aching pain in my shoulder area and spreads down through my bicep and forearm area where it becomes a sharp pain. The pain ranges anywhere from slight to intense. As i move my arm around in certain directions i can feel a popping-grinding type feeling. I have been to my doctor twice for this, most recently they took 2 Xrays of my shoulder only and found nothing, then sent me for physical therapy which i have been taking. While my doctor is a good guy i am getting the feeling his office is extremely overworked and expanding and it just seems is overlooking me. Its next to impossible to get in without a appointment weeks in advance.

    The pain got really bad last night after lifting something fairly heavy, then my arm simply felt heavy, dead and lifeless for the rest of the evening. This morning it seems fairly ok with slight pain. Where do i go from now? Should i go to an emergency room? I mean this really isnt a emergency so i feel odd about that. Or maybe one of those urgent care clinics? Should i try my doctor again? They probably wont be open again till tuesday since tomorrow is memorial day, and even then their is no guarantee they can get me in.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care6 years ago
  • Will a torn rotator cuff show up on a X-Ray?

    I am a 48 year old male and have been having pain in my right shoulder and upper arm for around 2 months now. Dull aching pain pretty much from my shoulder area down to my elbow. Loss of strength in my arm, my bicep seems to have went to flab in my right arm. At times i can barely lift anything. The pain is generally bearable but is getting worse and quite severe at times. Generally in the evening and night it gets much worse. I went to my Doctor, he explained several possibilities. He mentioned possibly a torn rotator cuff or pinched nerve and sent me to get a X-ray. I receive a call this morning from his office saying the X-ray looked normal and he wants me to go for physical therapy. Exactly what could a X-ray show? If its a rotator cuff problem could a Xray show that?

    3 AnswersInjuries6 years ago
  • Why are people still screaming racism when the main cops involved in the Freddie Gray incident were black?

    6 cops, 3 of whom were black. The main cop facing the most serious charges is a black guy-yet people are still blaming white people.

    11 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • Has it even officially been announced that the Baltimore officers were white?

    I admit more than likely they are, but still yet Baltimore is a large city with a large amount of black people and thus a large amount of black officers as well. There is a good chance that some of the officers involved were black. I really dont think i have heard any official word one way or another, has it been confirmed the race of the officers?

    A example comes to mind. The Eric Gardner case in New York City with those "racist white cops" killing him. The media virtually ignored the fact that there were black officers involved as well, including a black female officer who outranked the white officers.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events6 years ago
  • Why are there no calls for justice when a 5 year old black child is intentionally shot dead by other blacks in a revenge killing?

    This happens quite often if you pay attention to the news coming from large cities. Black on black crime where one group decides to get revenge on the other by targeting someones kid. Many times 2-3-4 year old black children being the victim. More black children are murdered each year by black gang members than white cops could ever possibly shoot. Where is the outrage over this?

    Here is just one such case, i could post hundreds of similar ones if i had the time.

    8 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Another police shooting of a black female, this time in Atlanta! Will there be riots?

    Put in handcuffs, and gunned down while sitting in the back of a police cruiser. Cops are claiming that somehow this handcuffed lady got hold of a gun. Come on-how is that even possible?

    Will people riot and chant black lives matter? Will Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson get involved? Or will they sit this one out since the officers involved were black as well?

    12 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Do car dealers benefit from using certain lenders?

    I am in the process of buying a car. I had a pre approved car loan all set up and ready to go before i even went to the dealership. Pick out my car over the weekend, signed all the papers and drove it home. A few days later they call me wanting me to attempt to finance with one of their preferred lenders instead of the bank i had picked out. They claim they can get me better financing, i go back in and they had me approved through another bank but all the terms were exactly the same. Same interest rate, same downpayment, same monthly payment, same number of months. I just told them to keep it as it was through the bank i was with and they kept getting all high pressure over this issue. Finally i gave in and went with their financing-probably shouldnt have but i did. In the end as i said its all the same, all the numbers match up. Im just curious though, Do car dealerships get a kickback from using certain lenders? Is that why they were so much wanting for me to go with this lender they picked out?

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling6 years ago
  • Taking out a 401k loan while on temporary layoff?

    Is it possible to do this? Key word is temporary. I have not been laid off permanently. The company i worked for is relocating into a new plant, and shut down for 1-2 months while all the machinery is moved into the new building and everything is ready to go-up and running. This will take around 2 months. Meanwhile the majority of us were put on a temporary layoff and allowed to draw unemployment. Out of the blue the transmission went out on one of my cars, and i would like to get it fixed. Around $2500 for the cost. I dont want to take such a huge chunk out of my savings account especially while drawing unemployment, so i thought about taking a 401k loan.

    I know during a permanent layoff the answer probably is no, but what about a temporary layoff?

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance6 years ago
  • What is my nieces daughter to me?

    Is she like my Superniece or something? Would i be considered her Granduncle, Greatuncle or what?

    2 AnswersParenting6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Odd, large bruise on my stomach?

    Its been there for around 1-2 months. A large bruise on my right side, slightly lower than my stomach area near my waistline. It doesnt hurt, at times it itches and maybe stings a little .

    I had umbilical hernia surgery around 3 months ago, they made several incisions during the surgery and this is right over one of the incisions they made during the surgery.

    Any clue? I have a doctors appointment Wednesday.

    Here is a photo, not the best. Kind of makes it look darker than it actually is.

    2 AnswersOther - Health6 years ago
  • Why do all evil historical figures go by three names?

    Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilks Booth, Barack Hussein Obama, all of these horrible people go by three names. Why is that?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Repo Man damaged my car?

    And it wasnt even up for repossession.

    These repo men came onto a secured gated-fenced in lot at a government facility where i work to take someone elses car. You need a swipe card to enter the lot. Apparently they snuck in the lot in back of someone else who had just entered before the gate shut. Did not check with our security or our office if they were allowed to. Hooked up to some guys car that was parked next to me, drug it out while sideswiping my car and the car on the other side doing extensive damage.

    Im insured, but why should my insurance pay for this? I have to pay a deductible to get my car fixed now. Could these jerks be held liable for coming onto private property with signs up everywhere saying no entry? The repo/tow company refuses to discuss the matter at all with me.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Is it true a ebola cure exists but only works for white people?

    I have read this on several different websites. Plus, the fact that the two Americans who were flown back and received the treatment survive were white. Something about the difference in the melanin in the skin of races.

    "According to the CDC, the trial was doled out 200 people, but only proved effective to those with white skin. Some scientists believe high levels of melanin may somehow be affecting the sample."

    Could this be true? And if so, would it be ethical or right to develop a vaccine or cure for a deadly disease which only works on one race or group of people? Would you take such a drug, knowing that millions of others might die because it just wont work for their race? Not because it was intentionally developed to work that way-but thats just how it happened to end up being?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Multiple thoughts go through my head at the same time?

    Is this normal? Its as if at times my mind just goes into overdrive with multiple thoughts rolling through it at the same time. I usually can balance 2-3 thoughts at once. Generally random thoughts regarding various important things in world history, things going on in the world today, issues with family members, how to fix something that is broken, how various mechanical things work and at the same time a song being stuck in your head.

    To explain it further picture yourself in a room with 3 TVs playing different unrelated shows at the same time and then also having a radio sitting beside of you playing some annoying song over and over and somehow you are able to take it all in and understand what you are hearing and seeing. Is this normal or nuts?

    Is it normal to be able to think multiple thoughts at once?

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • i supposedly got violent after surgery?

    I had hernia repair surgery yesterday. The nurses told me after i started coming around when the anesthesia started wearing off. They said i grabbed one nurses wrist and twisted it very hard. i dont remember this, i do remember waking up and having no clue where i was or what was going on and yelling-cussing. What would cause me to get like this? is that normal?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Is yahoo answers not as popular as it once was?

    It seems like anymore when i ask a question it rarely gets answered regardless of the subject. There was a time when if you asked a question you would get 20 answers within 30 minutes. Anyone else notice this?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • I believe Iraq would still be a mess today even had the USA not invaded-what about you?

    Look at it this way. Saddam Hussein was a old man when the USA invaded. He was not going to be around forever. Chances are he would be dead today regardless. Either someone would have taken him out or he would have died of a heart attack or some other illness. Didnt look like the kind of guy who was taking very good care of himself. Anyways, Iraq did not have actual elections and probably did not have a system in place to replace him if something happened, other than his two sons who were both batshit crazy and probably worse than him. They would have killed one another to gain power. Had Saddam died in office, the country probably would have fell into civil war with different groups trying to gain control of the government-thus being pretty similar to where they are today.

    Anyone else have any theories regarding this?

    10 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Does the Democrat party have a Plan B to replace Hillary?

    They better be thinking of one-of somebody else. She gets less popular everyday-and its as if everytime she does a interview she sounds more offensive to someone.

    7 AnswersElections7 years ago