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How would have gun control solved yesterday's shooting?

If you think bad guys won't have guns, look up what Australia has done in the last year by confiscating 600,000 firearms.

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It would have made no difference, in CT and in OR, the shooter stole the guns they had. Some argue that the owners should have secured their weapons better. but remember, we are dealing with human beings here, and it is always coulda. shoulda, woulda.

    Source(s): Former deputy sheriff/corporal
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Gun control hasn't worked in the big cities that have tried it and it won't work in the country as a whole, regardless of what laws they might pass.There are so many unlicensed guns in private hands that it will likely take about 30 years to get the majority of them. If gun control couldn't succeed in individual cities, how could it work across a vast, populated country like the US?

    I also wonder what would happen with Kennesaw, Georgia? That city has an ordinance requiring every household to own a gun. Whats equally interesting is that its one of the lowest-crime cities in that part of the state.I have a feeling they would demand exemption from any future gun control laws the federal government would put in place?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I agree, the mentally deranged, like the sandy hook punk, should not have access to firearms. Hey the commie left is full of the mentally deranged, lets see who they are.......they are the goths, the homos, the feminists, the communists (jews), and the social parasites, (think Obama phones, welfare, foo stamos etc) get the pic???these scum should be forbidden from even looking at a firearm...wasn't the sandy hook shooter a leftie?? he was practicing an alternative lifestyle too, he was also a leftie, an obama voter.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If guns are outlawed only outlaws and corrupt governments will have guns. Its true where ever its been tried. Every time a shooting tragedy happens the liberals try to take guns away from the people who didn't do it.

  • Kasaru
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    These people who do these random shootings aren't necessarily criminals... criminals would get guns no matter what. I'm one of those people that believe that there should be no restrictions whatsoever to the 2nd Amendment, but I think that in the cases of people who are mentally deranged or disturbed who go on these random shootings, they already have access to weapons that are primarily for defense purposes. If weapons were outlawed, period, these shootings more than likely wouldn't happen.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I would NOT have gun control. Because bad guys are going to get them from the "black market" anyway.

    It is a Constitutional Right to bear arms.

    I do NOT know how we are going to keep them out of mentally ill hands or bad people that just want to kill others????

    We are not. That is the sad part of it.

  • 8 years ago

    It sounds like Obama is planning on starting some sort of gun control in US but that's impossible far too many guns already in US it would probably start a civil war

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Unfortunately it should come as no surprise that this type of activity is on the increase. America has become an irresponsible society. It is OK to kill your unborn child. Go ahead and do drugs if it makes you feel good, worry about the consequences later. If a guy meets a guy in a bar and wants to have sex with him and marry him, go for it. If you don’t want to work, fine, someone else can pay for your welfare. The president of the US can kill at will using drones. Dogs seem to be more important than human life. Liberals, along with their messiah have destroyed the moral fiber of this country. Since the majority of the people in America have voted for this type of behavior, it should be accepted as the norm. Libs can cry about the second amendment all they want but they must realize that their permissiveness tends to enable the weak. Yes, the sole responsibility for this heinous act lies with Adam Lanza and the sole responsibility for the destruction of American values lies with democrats.

  • Steven
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I did, their rate for total gun deaths, including police is 1.04 the USA is 9.0.

    So, in the USA you are nearly 9 times more likely to be killed by a firearm.

  • 8 years ago

    If a person wants a gun they will get it

    no matter what

    with billions of guns out there it would be hard to collect them all

    it stil would of happened no matter what

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