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Why do pro-gun people want to live in a society where kindergarden schools need armed security?

how is that better than limiting gun ownership


The knife attack in China WOUNDED 22 children - they are not DEAD. So yes - there could be crazy people with knives - but it would never, ever be this bad.

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They can't imagine a society where people don't go on spree killings every week, even though these societies exist in every other developed country.

  • Gary T
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Most Drugs are illegal and yet there are illegal drugs everywhere.

    If gun control is the solution, then government officials should feel comfortable with not having police officers and/or secret service agents protecting them.

    We shouldn't have police officers with guns at each government building because that would be a waste since we have stricter gun laws (sarcasm).

    Schools are defenseless. Everyone knows you can't bring guns on schools, however that doesn't magically create a force field that prevents a crazy insane psychopath from coming in with guns to shoot up the place.

    Every single government building throughout the United States has at least 4 police officers guarding the building, with screenings before entering. If government officials don't believe gun control laws will protect them, then why should citizens believe it.

    Stricter gun control laws will simply make more areas defenseless and make a wider hunting ground for these crazy psychopaths.

    If you were a psychopath and had to choose which area you wanted to attack, which of the following would you choose.

    a) Navy or Army Base (heavily guarded)

    b) Government building protected by at least 4 police officers

    c) Residential Neighborhood (possibility of armed civilians)

    d) School (No guns allowed on campus)

    The answer is obvious, which is why i believe armed security is necessary and if the government officials don't think so, then they can freely give up their armed security to the schools.

  • The main argument missing from the current batch of responses ignores what maximum gun saturation protagonists are conditioning people to accept.

    The criminalization of all grade-school children by over-reacting to an incident by turning all "high-value", (read valuable offspring of rich white parents) schools into lock-down search and destroy security buffer zones, just like our overseas bases where our military is not viewed as friends of the local population, but as enablers of the totalitarian regime of every single middle-east oil resource/refining nation-states, except for the stolen land occupied by UN designated "nation-state" Israel.

    Turning elementary schools into prison-like facilities would not stop mass killings, it would make destroying all the security buffer zones the first order of attack resulting in more killings just to breach the security buffer zones.

    If preliminary reports are accurate, replacing the entrance doors with bullet-proof glass would have stopped the shooter before he could enter, that or he would be forced into finding a softer entry point and by then if school security were on their toes, they could lock down the entire campus before any other classrooms could be breached, just a thought.

    They could make the schools safer without turning the school into an elementary low-grade prison facility with over-reactive security buffer zones, just pay a security consultant to recommend changes in entry point security and perimeter access motion sensors and you eliminate the need for a fortress mentality where the school is surrounded by razor wire fences to stop mentally ill mass murderers.

    Source(s): Juxtaposition
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Because pro gun people are smart enough to realize that nothing will stop the psychotic people from killing. A man in china went into a school and slashed 20 children with a knife. See how many lives that the gun laws in Mexico have saved?

  • 8 years ago

    Its quicker. It would take years for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment, if it would ever happen.

    Of course, as another poster put it, it won't be cheap. You would need to upgrade all surveillance cameras, electronic locks to the outside and to the classrooms. Perhaps a "safe room" in each classroom. Not just an armed guard, but a security office monitored at all time.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    if you can show me how a mom who has 2 semi automatic pistols registered in her name which is where this 20 yr old clumsy autistic kid, who by the way never shot a gun in his life, got the guns as well as a high caliber rifle, there are red flags all over this event

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Every time something like this happens I always wonder...are liberals that dumb? The answer is always YES. First the gunman is reported to have had a mental disorder. So lets let all the fact come out before we go to the automatic liberal knee-jerk reaction to ban all guns.

    Secondly, the US can't even keep illegal drugs or illegal aliens out of the country.(Illegal drugs and illegal aliens both being larger than guns) So the liberal reaction to that is to make both legal. Why go the the other direction on this? Lets keep with the liberal mind set and remove all restrictions on guns. Sorry, I've moved to far off point...if we can't keep illegal drugs or illegal aliens out of the country why makes you think we can keep out illegal guns (provided you banned them)?

    Lastly, it is FACT that the gunman stole....let me say that again...STOLE the guns from his mother then shot her in the face. (I bet she wished she had another gun on her person.) Who legally bought and registered them.Thus proving you can't keep guns out of the hands of evil people. If you ban guns you just keep law abiding people from having them.

    Tell you what....lets just let all the facts come out first before you use the deaths of children to score political points for your way of thinking or political cause.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Generations of inbreeding

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Why do anti-gun people think they have the formula for an ideal world? hehehe

    Putting words in people's mouths is disingenuous at best. hehehe

    Source(s): hehehe
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    OMG, you people are so thick headed.It wasn't the gun that killed those people it was the man behind it.The old saying should be pounded into your noggins, guns don't kill people , people kill people.

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