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Warren D asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

What can we do to better protect our children in schools?

Some have suggested banning firearms. I can tell you without hesitation this will likely increase, rather than decrease the danger to kids. Banning guns will only drive them underground. People will still have them, still buy and sell them and they are not the threat anyway.

I don't know how you identify and contain a sociopath, but this would seem to be the more constructive approach since the gun didn't do it, the man did. Meanwhile, what can we do to protect our schools and our children? I would suggest that locking down campuses and protecting them would be a good way to start. Armed police officers on campus might also be a positive step.

Some have suggested teachers could also be allowed to be armed. Share your ideas. If possible, let's try not to politicize this any more than it already has been.

I have a few ideas of my own, and--in keeping with my personal preferences when I post a question--the best answer may not agree with them.


Most Americans value freedom and privacy. We don't want tracking devices on law-abiding citizens, and we don't want people snooping into our mail, communications or private lives. And the vast majority of mentally ill people do not pose a threat to anyone, other than possibly themselves. We don't want our schools turned into fortresses, and yet that seems to be a direction that is indicated.

We like to point to Israel as a nation that takes steps to protect its people, but many of these steps are things that Americans might not like or enjoy. When I was in maybe second grade there was a violinist who owned a Stradivarius who came to our high school to perform. We grade school kids were bused to the high school to see the performance. I was a little disconcerted to see a soldier with a rifle guarding the hallway of the high school. He was there to protect the violin, which was worth a lot of money. Well, I soon forgot about the soldier and enjoyed the concert. But

Update 2:

seeing that rifle did unnerve me a little for a bit. I got over it. I think most kids would have.

I don't think any great harm would come from kids knowing there are armed officers at schools to keep them safe. Most of the children would get used to that police presence. And locking down a campus makes perfect sense to me if it keeps the kids safe.

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Years ago, a law was passed by Liberals who felt sorry for mentally unstable people. So they now walk among us even though parents and often professionals know they are unstable and potentially dangerous. Many are known from grade school. They should have been under professional medical supervision. Maybe in a medium security institution where they cannot collect weapons.

    Source(s): My Father was quick to violence. Finally, he was put in a medium security mental hospital. No fences. It was big, clean, warm and not a crazy house. Lots of grass and ball fields. There were farms for home grown food, like corn ,beans,etc. He was one of the head cooks and took great pride in his work and "profession". He had a nice clean bed and dresser. Was always shaven.. I could visit any time. Those facilities were closed. He died in a flop house in San Francisco and buried in a State grave. I found out ten years later..
  • 8 years ago

    Educate the damn parents!

    Why did the mother leave a 20 year old man to the care of others, with a full arsenal of guns at his disposal?

  • 8 years ago

    Nothing. Just hope & Pray they're Never in the WRONG Place- at the WRONG Time...

    Source(s): The Real World.
  • 8 years ago

    nothing maybe more then hot air from our leaders.nothing short of completely outlawing weapons

    will make a dent..Fear is why we need guns and to kill.Maybe teach us one parent families can not a child up the right way in many cases.stop glorifying violence.just maybe teach us that prayers in schools will not kill us.This may take 25 years,But if this was done in 1984 after the McDonald,s massacre,just maybe we won't be crying today.Even if schools become an armed camp,is that how we want children to be brought up? To fear living? then you have playgrounds,stores,buses ,the list is endless.Fear the worse killer of freedom.

    Source(s): real life in a city.
  • 8 years ago

    I think we really need to go the route of seriously revamping the way we deal with the mentally ill in this country... Our system is beyond pathetic...There is an article going around the internet called "I am Adam Lanza's mother" check it out as it gives good insight as to how these things brew and why these kids don't get the help they need...

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    it may come to having armed security guards at every school while there are students and or teachers inside....having combination or key locks on every entrance and classroom door..only teachers and staff with the combination or keys and have all outside doors locked when classes begin...more cameras,monitors for outside and inside viewing..

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I'm not sure what we can do. Being an adult, I don't know what I would do if I'm faced with someone pointing a gun at me. This could happen anywhere at anytime. The best we can do is pray, and hope that our children stay safe.

  • Ibredd
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The liberals need to give up their drugs and re-find their maker. Bring prayer back into our schools and start a new generation

  • 8 years ago

    Station a few cops at EVERY school; if they can spend billions on space exploration, developing and selling arms, it is the duty of governments to protect its people.

  • 8 years ago

    The things that need to be done - will not be done.

    Bible & prayer back in schools. National repentance for abortion & other national acceptance of sins that God condemns.

    This won't happen so we are stuck with what we have.

    In China a knife killer got 20 kids and one adult - do we now ban knives??

    Another guy killed a man with a hammer - ban all hammers??

    The root of evil is there and the means is whatever is handy. In Mexico guns are illegal and only the criminals have guns, the rest can only hope for the best and obey the drug cartels. When the narcos decide to shoot nobody shoots back, they have the say..

    Also the violent games and movies we have are not helping ..........


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