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December 21st Black Hole End of World?

I heard that on December 21 we will all die via a black hole. Wouldn't we be aware if we were going to die from a black hole in four days? Are we really going to die this way?

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There's one about 1,600 light years away (the nearest known to us.) Not even near close enough to do anything to us. Stop believing everything you hear.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The only thing that is going to happen on 21 Dec is the Solstice, which happens twice a year, 21 or 22 Dec and again on 21 or 22 June.

    A solstice is an astronomical event that occurs twice each year as the Sun reaches its highest or lowest excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere.

    The Solstice will occur at 21 Dec 11:12 GMT

    December 21st (United States) the Winter Solstice, the Shortest day of the year.

    December 22nd (Australia) The Summer Solstice, the Longest day of the year.

    More details about the Solstice can be found on this web site:

    All of the Doomsday stories are a hoax, a fraud, and an absolute con job. It is a cruel and disgusting lie being promoted by scam artists after money. The 21 Dec Hoax is centred around the Mayan Calender. The Maya actually never made a single prediction related to an apocalypse. The Mayan Calender is only one on a long list of Doomsday events.

    Planet X, or Nibiru > Does not exist.

    There is no Galactic Alignment.

    There will be NO 3 days of Darkness.

    There is no Proton Belt.

    The Magnetic Poles are NOT shifting.

    There is no Black Hole.

    This web page has a list of all of them:

    Don’t believe what I am telling you?? Just Wait until 25 Dec and email me. I will be here having a good laugh at all the morons and idiots.

  • 8 years ago

    No, you're a little confused. The world isn't supposed to end because of black hole, but yes, you're right, we would be aware of it.

    “The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012! That’s when they predicted the world will end. It’s also when the planet Nibiru will crash into the Earth!”

    Here is the truth:

    (1) The Mayan calendar does NOT end on December 21, 2012.

    (2) The Mayans did NOT predict the end of the world, on that date or any other.

    (3) The planet Nibiru will NOT crash into the Earth on that date, because it doesn’t exist!

    Don't you think it would be the most incredible coincidence if all these things were to happen on the same day? Doesn't that give you a clue that it's so unlikely that they will?

    If anyone thinks I’m wrong, then I’m willing to bet them £10,000, which they can pay to me on December 22 when it’s obvious that these “predictions” are proven to be false.

    The Mayan calendar has various time periods. We have days, weeks, months, years, etc. They had periods called b’ak’tuns and piktuns, among others. The periods are counted up, and, like the mileometer in a car, when one number reaches its maximum, it resets to zero and the next number along is increased. In their calendar, the “Long Count” reaches on 21 December 2012, but that is NOT the end of their calendar - it resets the number of b’ak’tuns to zero and increases the number of piktuns - to! The calendar then goes to the next piktun on October 13, 4772.

    In any case, the Mayans never predicted the end of the world on that date. My “normal” calendar runs out on 31 December, 2012. What will happen then? The end of the world? No! I’ll simply use another calendar for the next period of time - 2013.

    "We are speaking out against deceit, lies and twisting of the truth, and turning us into folklore-for-profit. They are not telling the truth about time cycles," says Felipe Gomez, leader of the Maya alliance.

    The impact of Nibiru was first announced back in 1995 by Nancy Leider, except she didn’t say it would hit us in December 2012 - the date she gave was May 15, 2003! Of course nothing happened, and she later announced a new date. Nothing happened then either, and then she heard about the 2012 story of the Mayan calendar and said it would happen then. It is obvious that this is all total rubbish and she is making this up as she goes along.

    Leider claimed to have this knowledge by means of an implant in her brain, which allows her to receive messages from extra-terrestrials in the Zeta-Reticuli star system, which is a double star about 39 light-years from Earth. So firstly, how was this implant installed, and by whom, and secondly, any messages that she receives are coming from a star that is about 30º south of the southern-most star that can be seen from Nancy’s home in California. So if the star is never above the horizon, how do the messages reach her through solid rock?

    We’re also supposed to believe that the astronomers on a planet around that double-star could detect planet Nibiru going around our star 39 light-years away, and yet although we have confirmed over 500 planets orbiting other stars, including one over 21,000 light-years away - almost a quarter of the distance across the galaxy - we haven’t seen Nibiru, which is supposed to be in our own back-yard!

    To arrive on December 21, 2012 from a distance of the orbit of Pluto, it would have to be at that distance around December, 2003. That's over 6 months *after* the arrival date of May 2003 that Nancy gave us.

    Of course, if it did exist, and was going to hit us hit us a few days from now, it would currently be less than the distance of the Moon! Assuming it is “only” the same size as the Moon, we would have been able to see it with the naked eye for ages. All around the world are millions of amateur astronomers, and there are also huge telescopes - yet no-one has seen this thing because it isn’t there.

    Actually, something interesting will happen the day before, on December 20. At 12 minutes past 8pm it will be 20:12 on 20/12 of 2012 :) [That's using UK formatting for the date - DD/MM]

    If you want to book a space presentation on real science, or to place a bet with me about these claims, write to

    So the bottom line is - Don't worry, nothing particular will happen on December 21, apart from the Winter Solstice and loads of people realising that they been daft to to believe this nonsense! Oh, and a group of us are meeting up to have a 2012 Apocalypse Survivors' Dinner :)

    Source(s): Have some fun reading about previous predictions of the end of the world - all of which have totally failed to come true. NASA has produced a video for everyone to watch on December 22 :)
  • 8 years ago

    No.we are not going to die in this way. Many sciencetist said earlier it is fake and there is no scientific reason that earth will destroy on 21 december

  • 8 years ago

    There aren't any black holes within 1000 light years of Earth.

    Godzilla is more likely.

    Why not just ask "Why is the sky blue?"

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If there was really a black hole the whole system will be slowly suck in it does not happen instantly.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    What black hole?

    There isn't one close enough to "end the world"

  • 8 years ago

    Okay, did you know if we were near a black hole time would slow down? Has time slowed down... Or has our moon evaporited ? No.

  • 8 years ago

    There is no such thing. Keep living with spirit.

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