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Lv 793,941 points

Bobby D

Favorite Answers13%
  • Why are people obsessed with being thin?

    What's wrong with just being healthy?

    The teen obsession with "thigh gap" is disgusting. Most girls with thigh gap look like they have an eating disorder. Its gross.

    Healthy looking women have meat on their bones.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Why do girls talk about wearing tampons?

    They're not like earings, you don't have them dangling about.

    They're not a dress, you don't put it on.

    They're not even like panties.

    So how do girls "wear" tampons?

    Shouldn't it be "use" a tampon? More like how you use a tissue for a runny nose. Its a consumable, it is used, and then thrown away... I assume.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • What would you think if someone named their child?

    Azrael, or Balthazar, or Lazarus, or Lilith, or Echo?

    16 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • When thinking about having kids?

    Do you consider the future?

    Do you think about sustainability?

    What do you think of the population explosion? The world population has risen from 2 to 7 billion in the last 85 years. How does this make you feel about your child's future?

    While you may see it as your "right" to have as many kids as you want, do you think about the rights of future generations? If the global population continues to grow, it is highly likely that governments will be forced to take drastic measures to reduce it (following in China's 'one child' policy). Is it right to only think about your own selfish wants? Or should you be thinking about the future of the planet for your children, and their children?

    Why are so many people obsessed with a huge nuclear family? Why are people so poorly educated on sustainable family planning? Why can't people see that "family" extends far beyond just parents and their biological children?

    4 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Women, can I ask you a question?

    I am on here often, answering questions from women, and usually with the same answer, and it makes me wonder: what ARE women taught about their own bodies? Does anyone bother to inform young women about sexual arousal? Because I'm beginning to think that they're only taught some horrible myths about their own bodies. Don't you think its time that young women were taught facts about their bodies?

    If you have a daughter, what do you plan to tell her about her body?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Why are so many guys so stupid as to not use condoms?

    Every day there are questions from guys, wanting to know if there is a risk of the girl being pregnant.

    Isn't anyone taught about safe sex anymore?

    No wonder parts of the world have high rates of teen pregnancy, and those same places have high rates of STDs.

    Have you ever had sex without a condom?

    What was your excuse?

    Have you been tested for STDs?

    How often do you get tested?

    7 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • If you believe in creationism?

    Can you explain the existence of the clitoris?

    If your god is against sex for fun, why do women have a part of their body that is for pleasure, but is rarely stimulated during penetrative sex? (most women only get pleasure when their clitoris is directly stimulated, either manually or orally).

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why would you marry someone who you have never had sex with?

    Most divorces are caused by bad sex, so why would you risk it?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • The pressures of society and he sexual subjugation of young women?

    I see so many questions from young women, asking how long it should be before sex starts to feel good, and asking how they should please their man.

    As a man, I'm horrified by this.

    Shouldn't young women be taught that their needs must be met too, when it comes to sex?

    Shouldn't they be taught to reject men who pressure them to have sex, but show no interest in making them feel pleasure?

    Why on earth are young women taught to expect sex to be painful?

    Why aren't they taught to demand that sex be nothing but pleasure?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Have you ever given much thought to either of the following?

    Parasitic twins and vanishing twins?

    Parasitic twins occur when a twin embryo begins developing in utero, but the pair does not fully separate, and one embryo maintains dominant development at the expense of the other.

    A vanishing twin, also known as fetal resorption, is a fetus in a multi-gestation pregnancy which dies in utero and is then partially or completely reabsorbed by the twin.

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Speritually speaking, what are your thoughts on?

    Parasitic twins and vanishing twins?

    If you have a religion, what is its standing on such things?

    Parasitic twins occur when a twin embryo begins developing in utero, but the pair does not fully separate, and one embryo maintains dominant development at the expense of the other.

    A vanishing twin, also known as fetal resorption, is a fetus in a multi-gestation pregnancy which dies in utero and is then partially or completely reabsorbed by the twin.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Technically, isnt it impossible to be vegan?

    After all, our mouth, stomach and gut is full of bacteria, which we digest.

    And 90% if our body is made of microbes,

    And mushrooms are more closely related to animals than they are to plants

    And then there is the issue with B12. Without it you will become very ill, and may even die. And the supplements are not good for you, because they can cause you to become immune to it.

    14 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • How do you feel about people who engage in this sort of activity?

    On the pagan day of the sun god Ra, people kneel at the foot of an ancient instrument of torture and consume ritualistic symbols of blood and flesh.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic?

    Thus, gods are not gods, just advanced beings.


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • I think I have just figured something out about teenage girls?

    Teenage girls have a reputation for taking FOREVER in the bathroom. And in this section, there are many questions about masturbation, and often the suggestion for it is to do it in the shower... is this why girls take so long in the bathroom? Its not your make up or your hair, its because you're masturbating?

    Am I right?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Having sex before you are educated on it is like?

    Trying to drive a car before you've learned to drive?

    Would you agree?

    Do you have any thoughts and opinions to add to this?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Dear women, why do you keep falling for the myth that sex is supposed to hurt?

    Don't you think its time that women were educated with facts, rather than myths?

    Sex should NEVER hurt, not even the first time, pain is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong. If sex hurts, it means you're doing it wrong!

    The main cause of pain during sex for women is inadequate arousal. So don't you think that young women should learn more about what arousal is?

    And then there is that stupid myth about tight vs loose. All women have tight vaginas when they are not aroused. As they become aroused, their vaginal muscles will relax, but after sex, when they are no longer aroused, they will return to their unaroused state.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    10 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Whats up with women talking about their "down there"?

    Why can't you be a bit more specific?

    Don't be afraid to talk about your vagina, your labia, your clitoris, your anus, your urethra... don't be afraid to use the proper name for the part you are talking about.

    "Down there" makes it sound like you're talking about the south pole.

    "My "down there" is itchy" - What? your penguins have fleas?

    "My "down there" is wet" - Is the ice melting? Global warming perhaps?

    "My "down there" smells bad" - What have the seals been eating? Was it MacDonald's?

    Please, don't be ashamed or embarrassed about talking about your genitals.

    Actual question: why do women have trouble talking about the parts that they all have?

    11 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Have you ever considered the film Skyline?

    And its parallels with the rapture?

    Being taken up from the earth, and being given new heavenly bodies?

    Then think about this logic: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

    Any advanced life form could be considered as a "god"

    How many religious people have considered this possibility?

    That your god is not a god, just some other life form who has cool technology.

    Mary had gods child? Or was it a hybrid, artificially inseminated into her?

    Adam and Eve were the first two humans? Or were they engineered from primitive life forms?

    Moses had a magic stick? The Doctor has a sonic screwdriver.

    The arc held a stupidly huge number of animals? Or was it like the TARDIS, and was bigger on the inside?

    Yes, a lot of wild ideas, but isn't that what religion is all about?

    Most religious texts read like some primitive dude saw a sci fi movie, and then told his friends all about it.

    And lo!, his voice was like gravel, though he had no mouth with which to speak, "Luke, I am your father." And the son threw his head back and howled in anguish. For so it was, the Sith Lord was the father of Luke.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why are indian guys in this section?

    Obsessed with masturbation, penis size and semen analysis? That's all they seem to ask about in this section, and I really don't get it. What sort of sex ed does the average indian guy get?

    There are 14 year olds freaking out, thinking that if they masturbate, they won't be able to father any kids... what kind of mental damage do you have to have to be worried about not being able to have kids when your FOURTEEN? 14 year olds should be thinking about movies, porn, and having fun, NOT having kids.

    5 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago