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Lv 7

Have you ever considered the film Skyline?

And its parallels with the rapture?

Being taken up from the earth, and being given new heavenly bodies?

Then think about this logic: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

Any advanced life form could be considered as a "god"

How many religious people have considered this possibility?

That your god is not a god, just some other life form who has cool technology.

Mary had gods child? Or was it a hybrid, artificially inseminated into her?

Adam and Eve were the first two humans? Or were they engineered from primitive life forms?

Moses had a magic stick? The Doctor has a sonic screwdriver.

The arc held a stupidly huge number of animals? Or was it like the TARDIS, and was bigger on the inside?

Yes, a lot of wild ideas, but isn't that what religion is all about?

Most religious texts read like some primitive dude saw a sci fi movie, and then told his friends all about it.

And lo!, his voice was like gravel, though he had no mouth with which to speak, "Luke, I am your father." And the son threw his head back and howled in anguish. For so it was, the Sith Lord was the father of Luke.


Maxxi is having sex with Bobby

Update 2:

It IS a terrible movie, up there with Independance Day, Armageddon, Battle: Los Angeles, Battleship, The Day After Tomorrow, etc.

5 Answers

  • A B2
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good question. They will try to dump people saying

    that the few rapture were very evil persons and

    were cached by Ets to be better to the society.

  • Satan tries to mimic what God does or will do. Hollywood is used by Satan and those that are directed and empowered send messages through the films. Skyline was a terrible movie and obviously sends messages as you pointed out. Want proof? Go watch the short video's on Hollywood at theater_goodfight_org

    You've overlooked the fact that Christians already have overwhelming evidence and proof provided by God that He is real and Jesus is God Himself, The Creator. Such as fulfilled prophecy (only God knows the future) archeological evidence, the empty tomb of Jesus and events that would happen and are happening, to your very eyes, in the news today.

    The Bible tells us the Anti-Christ is coming and gave specific characteristics of him. The Bible tells us about the Tribulation period where all the world will be marked (the 666 Mark in the right hand or forehead) in order to buy or sell, plus the world will be divided into 10 economic regions. All the world will see the anti-Christ and things happening in Jerusalem (TV, internet) God knows the future and told us things long before TV and internet and computers were ever thought up.

    Concerning the nearness of the anti-Christ the tribulation period and Rapture. The Bilderberg group of world leaders, super rich, presidents, bankers, senators, congressmen etc. said back in 2008 that they had a plan to Mark the entire world population by 2017. Plus other powerful world groups have plans to split the world into 10 economic regions soon as well. The Bible clearly talks about these two events as occurring at or near the tribulation period and about the same time as the rise of The Anti-Christ. If these groups succeed in their plans on their timeline then Tribulation is very near.

    for more info on the Bible listen to podcasts at: TTB org and LWF org

    Some noteworthy pastors and scholars that have taught the rapture from scripture:

    ADRIAN ROGERS: 3 time Southern Baptist Convention President, preached to millions, often referred to as "The Prince of Preachers." His tv shows and radio programs play every day and pod casts are available at LWF org

    J.VERNON MCGEE: BA, B Div, Th.D., LL.D, TH M Preached to Millions, radio program and pod casts at TTB org continues decades after his death in over 100 languages and 400+ radio stations in the USA.

    MERRIL F. UNGER: A.B. and Ph.D degrees at Johns Hopkins University, Th.M and Th.D degrees. Highly respected and received works. Prolific author.

    HARRY IRONSIDE: preached to millions, 10's of thousands of sermons, Honorary Doctorates, He was affectionately known as "the archbishop of Fundamentalism."

    Jesus said we would know when it was close, even at the door. Jesus is God Himself, God the Son, The Creator, YHWH, Jehovah. Fully Deity, Fully man who came to save us from going to hell. But many will choose to do so regardless. Broad is the way to hell and many will find it. I choose heaven and hope you will too by following the directions at Romans 10:9-13 Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I don't know if this will help you but I used to practice Black Magick and it ended horrifically to say the least, but just when I thought it was over for me I was saved by the Lord Jesus Christ, when I begged Him to come into my heart. It's all real my friend, many people just haven't experienced the worst side of it yet :)

    Black Magick involves eastern mysticism meditations as well as the chakras. I believe both these things are going against the One and only true God.

    I also used to be a person full of all kinds of wickedness and bitterness, but God, through Jesus Christ has truly changed my heart in the most beautiful, poetic way :) I have forgiven everyone that I may have had hate towards, before I received the Holy Spirit, and to this day I do not hate a single person on this earth, no matter what they have done.

    I didn't care for the poor. Now I can't stop giving them food and clothing :) And I didn't care much for my mom or my dad. Now I can't stop this burning desire in my heart from wanting to serve others, especially all my brothers and sisters in the faith, and people I have never met. I love everyone so much I can't stop thanking God :)

    If you ask God, I guarantee that He will work His might in your life :) He will make your heart overflow with love, joy and compassion as He has with me :) God's forgiveness is free and Jesus Christ died for everyone, so that they may be saved :) God, our heavenly Father wants everyone to accept His Son Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, to confess their sins and repent :)

    “Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Luke 15: 3-7

    “Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” Acts 2: 38

    Source(s): ex witch now a Christian young in the faith :) and the Holy Bible
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yeah, I heard it was a terrible movie.

    Source(s): 15% at rotten tomatoes, ouch!
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 8 years ago

    its not like the rapture at all

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