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Lv 7
? asked in HealthWomen's Health · 8 years ago

Dear women, why do you keep falling for the myth that sex is supposed to hurt?

Don't you think its time that women were educated with facts, rather than myths?

Sex should NEVER hurt, not even the first time, pain is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong. If sex hurts, it means you're doing it wrong!

The main cause of pain during sex for women is inadequate arousal. So don't you think that young women should learn more about what arousal is?

And then there is that stupid myth about tight vs loose. All women have tight vaginas when they are not aroused. As they become aroused, their vaginal muscles will relax, but after sex, when they are no longer aroused, they will return to their unaroused state.

What are your thoughts on this?


As I said, pain is the way your body tells you that something is wrong. If there is a condition that makes sex painful, the pain is an indication that something is wrong!

And as for me not being a woman, I don't have to be to get factual information, I just have to do some research!

Update 2:

Diana Rose, sex should NEVER hurt, if you do it right it will be painless, and may even be pleasurable. But to make it so, you must engage in a lot of foreplay, you must be comfortable with your partner, and you need to become fully aroused, there is far more to arousal than just getting wet. When you are aroused, your vaginal muscles will relax, your cervix will retract, and you should have no problem with fitting an average penis with no discomfort. The more you are afraid, the more you will tense up, and when you are tense, your vagina will not relax. Also women who masturbate are more likely to enjoy sex more than those who don't

Update 3:

Bright Eyes, honey, I'm gay, and I have had anal sex.. my ex was 8 inches. And as with vaginal sex, with proper preparation, its painless.

Jay-Jay, I love your answers.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There'll be multiple women answering who will insist that sex should hurt - I bet not a single one will go educate themselves, despite having a vagina between their legs and a wealth of information online or in books that will prove to them that this is simply not true; sex can hurt, but it doesn't mean that it should or that pain isn't avoidable.

    Women don't learn about their genitals so they believe this myth that sex hurts based on what others have told them, thus they have sex expecting pain and have no idea how to prevent pain - unsurprisingly then they do experience pain during sex and think it's normal. So they believe this myth is true based on their experience rather than on facts...and the myth goes on. They are more willing to suffer pain than to learn how to prevent pain and increase pleasure, which is insane.

    It's terrifying that people lack basic sexual education from parents and the eduction system, and rather than educating themselves people come up with their own explanations as to why sex could hurt based on myths such as tightness or the hymen tearing. Because they know no better they then get this stuck in their mind as if it were fact and are unwilling to learn any different. Men are just as guilty of believing this myth as women, both genders/sexes are equally responsible.

    For me the issue is not just a total ignorance of basic anatomy and sex, of people who are sexually active so should know better, but that women are so willing to purposefully allow themselves to be hurt in such as way that also risks their health and their long-term attitudes to sex. So many women are happy to lay there passively experiencing pain without telling their partners or stopping sex because they feel obliged to give their male partners pleasure - it just doesn't occur to them to demand that they have a pain-free safe and pleasurable sexual experience themselves.

    Ladies, men are as capable of learning about the female anatomy as you - I'd personally be very concerned if my man didn't know at least these basics about female anatomy. The OP is male, however he still knows more about your genitals than you - this shouldn't be the case!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    When you figure out the answer to this one, please let me know. My ex just left me the same way and we had the same issues, however, when I reflect back on the relationship I realize that I was the only person in love. That he showed signs all the time of having his own best interests at heart. He was never there for me when I needed him, emotionally, because that was the only part of the relationship that he could help me with and instead of helping me through things that he could have, he opted to leave the relationship and cause me more grief every time. Some people are just assholes but do know that he will regret it one day, when he goes to step off a curb and his knee gives out because trust me, what goes around, comes back around and it doesn't necessarily come back the way that it was put out there. Don't worry, the best thing that you can do for him is to not contact him, don't accept his calls and move on with your life and be happy because as long as you allow him to keep you down. He will.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Actually some women have medical conditions that make sex very painful. To say sex should never hurt is a lie.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Just another collection of girls who have fallen into this ignorant trap, just like you talked about in my question. You don't need a vagina to understand things logically so these girls should shut up with that. You were wrong about the clitoris thing though, the vagina is efficient with bringing women pleasure, atleast it is with women who havn't fallen into this same kinda ignorant trap.

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  • 8 years ago

    What about gay guys sex does hurt for me even after my first time

  • 8 years ago

    Well truth is you're a man so you can't TRULY understand. Vaginas are very sensitive. Losing your virginity is absolutely supposed to hurt, no matter how lubricated or aroused, you're RIPPING skin, tearing the hymen hurts, I mean it bleeds for gods sake! Whenever I have sex, even now after I've had a child, it always hurts when my boyfriend first puts it in, no matter how aroused and wet I am. I guess I'm just a tight gal and he's a big guy, but it only hurts when he first puts it in because it's the initial stretch. After that it feels awesome.

  • 8 years ago

    Bobby do you know anything about a vagina? Have you ever had a vagina? No? Then shut up and listen to those who do. Painful sex just depends on who has sex. I don't masturbate, but there are others who do. No one has sex exactly the same. I've never had a full vaginal intercourse, but I do blow my boyfriend, and he licks my vagina.

  • 8 years ago

    Having sex for the first time is painful!!!!All the people that I know told me that they cried when it first happened

    !and now I'm too scared to have sex for the first time! :(

  • Myra
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Do you have a vagina? No? Wait... I didn't know that Paul Ryan knew how to use Yahoo! Answers.

  • 8 years ago

    You don't even habve a vagina WTF? Yeah tell me it doesn't hurt when something 6+ more inches goes into a hole that's never had anything in it. Maybe you should let someone put it in your butt so you can have an underrateding.

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