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  • Who should sleep on the couch?

    We have a newborn he's a month and a couple of weeks old. I am a stay at home mom. And my husband works a hospital job that isn't too demanding...sometimes he even naps at work. Since he's the one who brings home money he wants me to sleep on the couch in the living room with the baby. The baby has a bassinet and a bed in the living room as well as our bedroom. Well at first we were taking turns and he had a great attitude about it but he had a bad tooth ache and had a tooth pulled so I slept on the couch and living room floor for a week it's been two weeks I've done it...well The couch and floor aren't necessarily comfortable and I've only slept 3 hours in two days. I am exhausted and depressed because I want my bed for one night but I feel guilty because he says since he makes the money it's courteous if I leave the room. Although I'm a SAHM I always take care of our sons needs and I don't get a lot of help. Well he'll watch baby so I can clean/shower/wash clothes but really that's it. I don't expect his help really because he does make the money but I am other Moms take the couch every night? Am I being selfish? I don't know what to do. And don't say divorce him or crap like that I want advice and personal experience.

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Can't sleep thinking of people I've wronged...Help?

    Kinda long...please help....and no bashing...I have always had issues with insomnia. When I was younger I was involved with drinking alcohol and taking prescription medicine. When I was a child I was raped and turned to those things to cope with my pain and I hurt a lot of men. Men who deeply loved me. Like the love you see in movies. Now I am older I have a husband I have a family I haven't even sipped a beer in over a year or taken any kind of drug. I have apologized to the. men I have taken advantage of and hurt. I have finally healed from the tragic things I dealt with in my childhood. But for some reason on. some nights like tonight I think of the ways I treated people who just wanted to help and I get sick to my stomach and I hurt so bad I can't sleep and all I want to do is explain how deeply sorry I am. These thingss happened years ago but I hurt some great people and this has been bothering me since I have. gotten my life together. I don't know what to do. I hate feeling like this. Can someone give me advice? I want to feel better. I want to sleep.

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Social worker after birth for drugs?

    Okay so way before I had my baby I smoked pot occasionally. When I finally became pregnant I went to the OB/GYN and they asked about previous things like using marijuana, nicotine, alcohol, street drugs, etc. I answered I have done marijuana once but I do not anymore (many people have tried it don't give me crap) Anywho since I was honest with my doctor (I thought your doctor is the one person you should be honest with) I was drug screened during my pregnancy. I passed with flying colors of course. Then I had my LO who was ALSO drug tested through his poop and pee and passed it with flying colors. Now they are saying a social worker has to talk to me because I have had previous use. I'm very irritated and annoyed. Many people habe done it once and I don't want social workers pestering me making me feel like a bad mother. What will this social worker talk to me about or make us do? My LO hates the pouch they put on his pee pee to gather the urine and it broke my heart seeing this done. And I know if I reject a drug test they will go ahead and assume I do drugs when really I just hate the government butting in and assuming I'm a druggie when really I was just a stupid bored teenager. I feel very offended by this. Anyone else deal with this? BTW I live in SC.

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years ago
  • Why do women complain about their "baby daddy"?

    I understand men should take responsibility but I see women all get together and rant about how awful their BD is and just go on and on blaming him for everything when in reality she CHOSE to lay down and have sex with him. When you have sex with anyone you automatically choosing the risk of them fathering a child you could have. I think these women should own up to their mistakes too and stop sleeping with men they have not discussed having a child wiith insteaf of making poor decisions then complaining when the men don't change or help with the child. It's just sad to see fatherless children when it could have been prevented in the first place. But why do they even spew their obnoxious business out to the public?...

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Hydrocodones during pregnancy?

    I am 37 weeks pregnant and I have just been diagnosed with kidney stones. I was hospitalized for a few days but today they sent me home with hydrocodones. I know he probably wouldn't have prescribed them if they weren't safe but I just feel so so guilty about taking them afraid they are hurting my baby but if I don't I'm in excruciating pain and I'm stressing myself out...has anyone had a baby after taking them and their baby turned out fine without withdrawals or problems?

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Vaginal swelling in 38th week of pregnancy?

    I woke up. and I had to potty. When I went to wipe my downstairs was very does not hurt at all. It is just very big...I haven't hd sex or anything so I know it's not that and I'm having no symptoms of anyy's just rather large and makes sitting feel abnormal...Anyone else have this? Is this just a way my body is preparing for labor? Thank you. Sorry for the TMI.

    4 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Why do parents hit their children then demand they shut up?

    I witnessed this 3 times today while at doctors offices. Also my sister does this with my nephew. She spanks himand he gets upset. Seconds later she tells him to stop crying and to shut up speaking in an extremely aggressive tone. My nephew is 2 years old and now his favorite (and first pair of words) is shut up. Everyone claims it's because the child is overreacting and trying to manipulate the parent...but I am an adult and if someone I loved/trusted was to smack me in public I would be hurt and completely embarrassed and I probably wouldn't stop sobbing or being upset five seconds after being hit...if a parent thinks a child doesn't deserve the same respect or rights as an adult how can they expect a child to take a hitting like an adult?

    7 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Question about possible early labor? Will reward points!?

    For weeks now I have had contractions...they have been occurring since 30-32 weeks I am now 36 weeks 3 days and my contractions are getting extremely painful and I feel a strong strange pressure down there. I literally feel like something is going to fall out of me. Is this normal? My doctor says it is possible to go into labor earlier than my date due to having polyhydramnios (too much fluid) but I'd hate to jump the gun and go to the hospital for nothing.

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • When parents do not agree on spanking?

    I for one do not agree with using spanking as a form of punishment. But my husband does. It really irritates me because he believes in the long run it works. I think it's bs to teach a child that hitting someone smaller than you is a good way to teach a lesson and talk about feelings and what the child did wrong. He claims it has worked for his child (from previous relationship) but yet his child is very unruly has a smart mouth slaps people and yes slaps adults has no respect for when adults are having conversation or respects others personal space or their things...Yeah obviously spanking has worked there...He already spanks our dog without saying no or telling her what she did wrong and I get upset with him because now she gets extremely skittish and scared and it really upsets me when I call her and she's afraid to come because she thinks I will hit her! Not only that but his child hits our dog too and I honestly think it's because of the example he's setting that it's okay to hit someone smaller than you. Has anyone else had this issue with their SO? Please give advice on how I can show him this is not an effective way to punish your child.

    6 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • How to get baby moving duribg ultrasound?

    I have weekly ultrasounds due to polyhydramnios are always concerned with his movement when I go in for the ultrasounds. He sleeps through them never wants to wake up. Which. concerns them and then they send me to the hospital to stay overnight which is pointless in my opinion because he moves all of the time at home! Pretty much...I really need him to be active so this doesn't happen again. The appointment is early at 8:30 am and I wake up at 6:20. I would very much appreciate advice. Thank you so much!!!

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Would you use a safety harness on your child?

    I had a similar discussion with a woman who said she would not because it's humiliating and embarrassing to your child and instead said you should go chase your child then spank them and let them cry and throw their tantrum then tell them why they were spanked and do this over and over. To me you chasing your toddler around and hitting them in public is MUCH more humiliating than just putting a harness on your child and letting them walk around with you. It is not a's a safety device that allows your squirmy toddler to walk around while letting you have a peaceful mind knowing they won't run away. What is your opinion on child safety harnesses? Do you think it is wrong to use them? And why?

    12 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Did spanking work for you? Does it work for your family?

    I would just like to compare.

    Do you spank solely because your parents did and because you turned out "fine"

    I grew up being spanked...well actually getting my bottom tore up almost every day! I was also choked often. My mother swore it worked on the other hand later in life I drank a lot. Did drugs often. In high-school I was often suspended for responding with violence and lashing out at teachers and adults. I had problems with hitting myself bloody when upset and using other ways to self harm. I wasn't trusting of my parents (my dad wasn't around much) I even kept being rape a secret for 5 years fearing it would somehow upset my mother. Corporal punishment was used on me till the day I was 16/17 and was fearing for my safety. I responded by defending myself towards my own mother which really upset her but I was terrified. I think her being such a young mother and being so temperamental had a lot to do with it. Now our relationship is better since I've moved out. So since I am out went to college and married starting a family my sister argues I am crazy for not spanking my child because we are fine. My sister was the exact same except arrested she was many times. I think some of this can be due to seeing violence as a way to teach a lesson or earn respect. Give opinions and please no crazy drama or rude hateful comments. I'm asking parents show self respect and respect towards others as an adult. I know this can be a heated subject!

    11 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • My dog is SO BAD!!!! Help please!?

    My dog is less than two years old and lately she is so extremely disobedient. I tell her NOT to do something she stops and the minute I walk off she does it again. She's never acted this way before. She used to be a good puppy now she's unruly! I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and high risk which makes it so much harder. She's tearing up the baby things I've bought chewing and ripping through baby's items. Ripping up the carpet in this house we rent till the wood below the carpet is showing. Tearing up the trash then stopping when I tell her to then going right back to doing it. She's getting out of the fence no matter what I've done then runs away and barks at neighbors and gets sooo dirty then won't come back when I tell her to. She's jumping on the coffee table and taking food and we don't even give her scraps or let us stay in the same room when we eat. She claws up the counters when there are things out on the counters. She's jumping on the furniture and clawing it up when she knows better because she waits till I leave to do it. It's been like this my whole pregnancy and being high risk I have to stay relaxed and calm and I'm at my ends with this dog. I love her but I've even started to have dreams about getting rid of her! Is this like some defiant teenager terrible twos stage is it because I'm pregnant...It is so frustrating...

    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Way to ease contractions?

    I'm 33 weeks but for the past two weeks I have very uncomfortable painful contractions. I've been diagnosed with polyhydramnios which is what is causing the contractions I am having. I get these every day and I'm at a point where I am feeling very defeated because I just have no idea how I can block them out or make them easier. Please give advice I am desperate.

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • How to distract myself from contraction pain?

    I'm 33 weeks but for the past two weeks I have very uncomfortable painful contractions. I've been diagnosed with polyhydramnios which is what is causing the contractions I am having. I get these every day and I'm at a point where I am feeling very defeated because I just have no idea how I can block them out or make them easier. Please someone help. I am desperate for answers.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Anyone else diagnosed with polydramnios (too much amniotic fluid)?

    I went to a obgyn checkup and measures 36 @ 32 weeks. I want then ordered an ultrasound then sent from the ultrasound office to be monitored for an hour which turned into having to stay overnight! I was having a lot of contractions and have had them for quite sometime...I'm just very worried I've been active and healthy during my pregnancy and now this happens when I tried to do everything right. I was given steroids because they fear my baby will be born early. Did anyone with this diagnosis make it to their due date or go without any complications? I am very scared for my baby and I.

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Is being pregnant like being overweight/obese?

    I don't mean to be offensive with my question at all but I am seriously curious if pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is like being overweight or obese. It's so physically demanding it's hard to do things like shave, put clothes on, move around, exercise, even walk. I'm at the point where I want to only clean and lay in the floor I am so drained and tired and so cranky because I can not perform tasks I used to and I'm just wondering if this IS what it's like to be overweight. If so I can totally understand why it can be so hard for anyone to lose weight or get active...Please do not be offended by this I don't care what size someone is. It just matters that they are happy and think they are beautiful.

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Measuring 36 at 32 weeks in pregnancy?

    Hi I'm 32 weeks in my first pregnancy and had a check up today surprisingly I measured 36 today and my doctor seemed concerned so she had me scheduled an ultrasound in just a few days. I know that excess amniotic fluid can be caused by gestational diabetes but I just had that test and passed is with flying colors! She said everything was great. So I'm just really worried something is wrong...If it helps I'm only 4'11'' and I started my pregnancy and a normal bmi I'm just very concerned something may not be it possible my baby is just big? Any idea what could be going on?

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Affection during pregnancy?

    I'm at 32 weeks in my pregnancy and I am feeling like I crave more affection and love from my partner. Not in the sex kind of way. Just like petting and things like that. Most everyone I've known is the complete opposite. Am I just weird? Is there a reason I feel this way?

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Travel 3-4 weeks prior to due date?

    My Father is throwing me a shower on March 10th I'll be leaving on a Friday and I'll be 36 weeks when leaving. I'll return on Sunday and on that Sunday I will be turning 37 weeks...I'm having mixed feelings about this...I tried to have him plan it earlier if he wanted to have me a shower but he's a very big procrastinator. This is my first pregnancy. The drive is 3-4 hours long.

    5 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago