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When parents do not agree on spanking?

I for one do not agree with using spanking as a form of punishment. But my husband does. It really irritates me because he believes in the long run it works. I think it's bs to teach a child that hitting someone smaller than you is a good way to teach a lesson and talk about feelings and what the child did wrong. He claims it has worked for his child (from previous relationship) but yet his child is very unruly has a smart mouth slaps people and yes slaps adults has no respect for when adults are having conversation or respects others personal space or their things...Yeah obviously spanking has worked there...He already spanks our dog without saying no or telling her what she did wrong and I get upset with him because now she gets extremely skittish and scared and it really upsets me when I call her and she's afraid to come because she thinks I will hit her! Not only that but his child hits our dog too and I honestly think it's because of the example he's setting that it's okay to hit someone smaller than you. Has anyone else had this issue with their SO? Please give advice on how I can show him this is not an effective way to punish your child.


***We both grew up in homes that spanked. I too kammie experienced the same problems. I was choked and slapped and hit almost everyday then grew up to be violent and a wild teenager I had issues with self harm and drugs and alcohol. Luckily I found a doctor and I grew out of all of those things. I do NOT want this to continue it has happened to everyone in my family and all of them say "I was spanked and I turned out fine" yet they all have problems! My parents also used to hit our pets. Anyways his parents spanked him as well and he claims it "straightened his *** out" yet he has had a horrible history with problems with behavior and drugs eventually he straightened up and went into college but still he did awful in HS we've always agreed on things and he's always agreed on not hitting children and there is no need but now that we will soon have a child when we discuss discipline he gets mad and just doesn't want to listen to my points. I hate to say it

6 Answers

  • y
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    For ever spank he gives, you are entitled to slap him in the face.

  • Hannah
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Well, you really need to discuss things like this before you ever get married to someone, if you are planning on having children in the future. But to me, this sounds like more than just an issue of disagreeing on spanking. Your husband sounds like an outright abuser, not just somebody who thinks a tap on the bottom is okay only in extreme circumstances. If he hits your dog ALL the time and makes her scared and skittish (he is probably outright beating the dog to make her react that way, because dogs are usually so unconditionally loving), that is NOT good, and he will surely do the same to your kids. Honestly, unless you want your children to live in fear of their father, I think you need to leave him. And perhaps call Child Protective Services for the sake of your stepson, depending on how harsh the "spankings" he gets are. Again, it sounds like your husband must beat the dog, so is he beating his son too (like, hitting him really hard repeatedly, or using an object like a belt, as opposed to just a quick, not-too-hard hand swat on the bottom...because a spank on the butt is legal, but beating a child is absolutely illegal.)?

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, I HAD that issue. But I curbed it. My hubby was raised "old school" and got his butt beat when he got out of line. I was never once hit as a child. Both of us got into our fair share of trouble as kids and teens. After we got married and had kids and I saw that he was going to TRY to use his mother's disipline with MY kids I made sure I gave him every book, video and lecture I could on the subject. It was that, or he could parent someone else's kids. he now sees the right of things.

    Be a woman. Stand up for your child ( and dog!! ) and do what's best for them.

  • 8 years ago

    1 You need to get a backbone and stand up for your dog and anybody else that your SO is ABUSING!

    We had once had a stray dog that was TERRIFIED of me but not my wife and I knew right away that this frightened dog had been abused by some ignorant man, It took a long time for me to earn that stray dog's love and trust with gentle love and respect!

    Be a courageous woman - not the typical COWARDLY DOORMAT that most brutes USE and STAND UP TO THAT SADISTIC MONSTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!! While protecting the innocent and defenseless!

    Source(s): COURAGE
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  • 8 years ago

    I am only 17 and do NOT think spanking a child is the way to go. I was spanked as a child and I do not think it was very effective. In my opinion I think it makes the child worse, first off it causes them to feel pain from someone who supposedly loves them, second it just makes them get angrier, and thirdly I think it teaches them violence. I did stuff that I was not suppose to do as a child and my father spanked me whenever I did anything wrong. It just made it worse, I later became a total smart ***.. and would push my fathers buttons deliberately I wanted him to get mad, I became very vengeful.. I took it out on my little sisters and we used to literally get in fist fights. I grew up to learn that violence is the only way to settle things.. When I was 11 I smarted off to my dad and he got pissed and hauled off and slapped me across the face. He hit me so hard my nose bled. And I am really small and petite for my age so for a grown man twice your size to hit you like that the pain is unimaginable. He later became more agressive more abusive. I remember him hitting me with his belts, hangers, hickorys, anything.

    Spanking a child just leads to more violence, it starts off as a small pop on the bottom with their hand and then wacking even harder multiple times, to using a hickory, to then using a belt. And later becoming more abusive jerking them up by their arms, pushing them on the ground slapping them in the face, in the arm. It gets to that breaking point and one day it may go too far. Trust me I know Ive lived it. Soon the child gets so cold and so hurt that they dont bother crying they go numb from the pain and all they want is to get back at the bully their parent. When I was 15 my dad had hit me with a belt then slapped me and instead of just stopping their he grabbed a hold of my neck I will never forget it. The feeling of being chocked like that and then him just throwing me down against the wall and telling my mom one day hes gonna end up killing me. Yeah spanking doesnt teach anything. Except violence, revenge, hatred, abuse, and pain. My mom never hit me but once and she cried afterwards and apologize. To this day my dad has never said he was sorry and I will never forgive him. I became scared of him flinched when he reached for me and then hid in the back of the closet under my bed in the fetal position in hopes that he wont hit me.. The more it went on I stopped hiding I took it I felt the pain but dared not cry I thought maybe he would eventually kill me and hoped in away he would. So no spanking doesnt teach a child it only hurts them..

  • 8 years ago

    yeah thats animal abuse!

    He hits people smaller than him to make himself feel big - hes just a bully!

    And if your dog ever bites someone you know exaclty tho to blame right? hes teaching the dog to correct behaviour with violence!

    im not even gonna go into the kid but its the same principle! Hes a jerk and what chance did his sone ever have!

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