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It's your life!

  • What problem?

    All's well no matter how you personally see it. God doesn't make mistakes so cheer up and stop whining. Life is unfolding exactly as it is supposed to.

    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Why are so many parents DISHONEST and DEFENSIVE about their parenting?

    When anyone posses a challenge to parents they usually get defensive, angry, abusive and HYSTERICAL which all goes to show that they must not truly believe in their own parenting skills or they would just laugh off any suggest that they are FAILURES as parents. Why are YOU so touchy and defensive instead of HONEST? You won't be the first parent in history to be inadequate but you might be the first parent to ever BE HONEST about it.

    If I were a parents, I'd go find some help rather than counter-attack my critics with my head stuck in the sands of denial!

    1 AnswerParenting7 years ago
  • Why do kids go behind their parents backs to do "bad" stuff?

    Most kids who post about going behind their parents backs to by stuff or do things are TOLD OFF by responders as though there is no reason at all for the kid's behavior but the ugly truth is that BAD PARENTING will usually cause kids to sneak around, lie, steal, fight, wreck things and be corrupt. Blame the INADEQUATE parents before you attack their little victims! Why did you go behind your parent's backs? BE HONEST!

    Family7 years ago
  • Does bad parenting causes most bad human behavior?

    Bad parenting is the bottom line cause of most bad and wrong human behavior including the beheading of innocent men. Bad parenting very definitely causes the bad behavior of us kids.

    8 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • Was Robin Williams a victim of bad parenting which traumatized him to become an addict?

    I am looking for legitimate stories about Robin's early life which I believe will explain why he had such a conflicted life and ended up killing him self due to self hatred. It's sad how many talented people, who have survived bad and hurtful parenting, end up like Robin did. Thoughts?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • What happened to Robin Williams? Was he a victim of early childhood trauma and abusive parenting?

    I am looking for biographies or testimonies about Robin's early life to explain why he hated him self so much and killed him self like that. It's sad how early childhood trauma effects so many people right to the bitter end.

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Are you raising the next HITLER in our world?

    Check out this article..........

    Hitler was the sad and horrifying consequence of BAD PARENTING!

    5 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • Over and over, it always comes down to BAD parenting?

    Most of these posts about sibling problems and bad behavior of kids can be answered with BAD PARENTING as the underlying cause BUT very few responses DARE tell you that. Historically, parents have been excused, forgiven, ignored and SHIELDED by most cultures in favor of blaming their kids, genetics or anything else EXCEPT the inadequate and negligent parents who are the underlying CAUSE of most family issues. I've only seen one or two others at YA courageous enough to lay the BLAME on bad parenting/parents even though it's the actual EVIL!

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Bad parenting is usually the answer?

    Nearly every issue brought to YA is about BAD parenting which sets kids up to behave badly even if these kids suffer with genetic disorders. Sibling hatred, lying, cheating, stealing, stubbornness, cursing, back talk, harming animals, bed wetting, etc., etc. are all direct consequences of BAD PARENTING which FAILS to teach honor, dignity and LOVE in a family.

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • Do you dislike your siblings?

    Do you believe sibling rivalry and hatred is OK and normal? Are you satisfied that you can handle your siblings and see them as your natural enemy?

    Did it ever occur to you that your siblings SHOULD BE your friends and beloved family members? Have you ever wondered why you dislike or even hate your own sibling? Did you ever take a moment to RECALL how it all got started and what led up to your resentment of your siblings? Would it surprise you to learn that BAD PARENTING caused your sibling issues in the first place by FAILING to promote kindness and respect in your family? You blame your sibling because you DON'T DARE confront the ppl who have caused all the trouble - YOUR OWN PARENTS!

    4 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Parents: is sibling rivalry FUNNY?

    Does it just make you howl with laughter when your little toddlers hit, push and kick each other? Do you firmly believe that sibling hatred is OK and natural? Are you thrilled that they can fight and/or insult each other any time? Does their struggles take you back to your own childhood when it was FUN to fight with your own siblings? Have you ever considered that sibling rivalry is both abnormal and completely uncalled for? Does it ever occur to you that love and respect is the norm and that sibling rivalry is not automatic or natural but is the sad consequence of negligent parenting? Are your older kids still fighting with each other all because YOU FAILED to promote love, respect and loyalty in your family from day one? Are you proud of the mess you have made for your innocent kids by FAILING to help them happily and lovingly accept each other at birth? Are you ever going to take responsibility for the rotten mess YOU MADE in your kid's lives???????

    5 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • Did you see or read the interview with Matty, juror B29, in the Zimmerman trial?

    Where did you find an unedited version of the interview with B29? I can't find one!

    What is your take on her reluctance to say if she was "bullied" or not? [Matty: I don't know if I was bullied. I trust god that I wasn't bullied.] Are you happy that the Interviewer did not dig into that bizarre and meaningless response any deeper? Why didn't the interviewer ask: "What does that mean? Did others bully you or not to change your vote?" Was Matty very definitely BULLIED (just like the man in the 12 ANGRY MEN film who went against the others) by the other jurors and is dodging the question so she won't look like a pathetic COWARD who let a guilty man off just to please the aggressive and powerful bullies in that jury room? Isn't Matty a hopeless victim of peer pressure who was forced to give up her convictions just to APPEASE the other jurors? Is Matty a total COWARD has let a bad guy (Zimmerman) get away and now feels GUILTY about it? Do you accept her dishonest explanations and sickening apologies??

    7 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Zimmerman was just LUCKY - like OJ?

    .. lucky that the State could not PROVE that he acted with malice and criminal intent. In watching the closing arguments, the whole focus was on REASONABLE DOUBT and I'd have to say the case gave me reasonable doubt because the most critical factor = WHO STARTED THE FIGHT between Zimmerman and Martin was never mentioned. The State simply could not convince me that Zimmerman acted with malice (even though I believe he did!) so the jury had to vote for acquittal - NOT INNOCENCE - acquittal - just like with OJ! Did you believe OJ was innocent? The jury never said that he is INNOCENT - it said "we have reasonable doubts so we must acquit" which is quite different than saying he is innocent (in both trials!). Zimmerman is CONSIDERED innocent until proven guilty and the State couldn't prove him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. He LUCKED OUT, IMO.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Does anyone know how the Zimmerman jury reached their verdict?

    I probably should read more but I dearly wish I could have been on the Zimmerman jury - or the 1st OJ jury just to see how they arrived at their verdicts. I can only guess that some if not all those wanting a guilty verdict were overwhelmed and beaten down by louder and stronger willed jury members who had an agenda before even entering the courthouse. It won't be the first time a jury has been MANAGED by determined jurors. what have you heard?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Were Zimmerman and Trayvon both victims of a bad law?

    I don't know the whole context of the Stand Your Ground law but I see it as the problem in the Zimmerman case. If there was no such law, would Zimmerman have confronted Trayvon UNARMED? I think the false sense of security Zimmerman may have had by carrying a concealed weapon caused him to act stupidly. But then, I wasn't on that jury! I blame the law permitting someone to have a concealed weapon & kill in self defense. But on the other hand, I admire shop keepers who KILL robbers during a hold up.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Dads, do you deserve acknowledgment?

    Were you really so wonderful? Is anyone supposed to honor you after what you did to them? Can your really say that you were an adequate, lovable dad?

    I'd happily honor my dad BUT he simply was not honorable and it hurts a lot to feel that. So, dads, do we really owe you anything at all? Are you happy with your fathering?

    For me, Father's Day (and Mothers Day) are very depressing, sad and even angry events.

    4 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Is Boston just another shadow government stunt?

    to get ppl worked up enough to go for whatever tricky plan the shadow government has for all of us?

    I can imagine that the public will LEAP to go to war with whatever new enemy our shadow government selects for us thus putting even more and more $$$ and power into the hands of those who already have too much. It's a long and ancient shell game but still very few recognize it!

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • The bombings in Boston?

    When I first saw the news reports, I wondered what is our government up to now? Anytime I see a spectacular event like Boston, it reminds me of so many other "staged" events like the Kennedy killings, 9-11, Pearl Harbor and on and on which were secretly staged by our own government for their own selfish purpose - usually concerning money or power. I guess not all major events in the world are staged by ours or some other government but it's a good bet they are not that a mere individual out in the streets will ever know or even understand why and how our own government can pull off these devastating deeds right under our noses. It's a very long and old story of how ours and other governments, under the direction of very rich and powerful individuals has been doing horrifying things for 1000s of years while the uninformed public suffers the consequences. I wonder what the bombing in Boston are leading up to for the American ppl and their kids who will be fighting the next carefully selected enemy of this country?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events8 years ago
  • the COWARD & the BULLY?

    Many post in here contain a story of a bullying father who just abuses the kids and everybody else without impunity BUT it's never mentioned how and why the mother quietly sits back and does nothing to help or protect her own offspring from the abusive dad. My parents were like that: a BULLY and COWARD! It's taken me a lot of years to see them for what they were when I was little and it MAKES ME SICK! I believed that our dad was a mean, dangerous, bully but never put it together that our COWARDLY mom was actually his co-abuser by the ugly fact that she NEVER DEFENDED us from him. Somehow the excuse that women had little or no power back then (30s & 40s) just doesn't fly with me as I watched our mom get her way about many things - just not when it came to how her kids were treated! IMO, the abusive man gets away with it BECAUSE the cowardly mom doesn't DARE stand up to him for fear of getting hurt herself or loosing the $$$ her bully is bringing in! The whole bully/coward system sucks but it's here to stay I sadly guess. How was your home and parents?

    4 AnswersParenting8 years ago