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Lv 7
? asked in HealthWomen's Health · 8 years ago

Whats up with women talking about their "down there"?

Why can't you be a bit more specific?

Don't be afraid to talk about your vagina, your labia, your clitoris, your anus, your urethra... don't be afraid to use the proper name for the part you are talking about.

"Down there" makes it sound like you're talking about the south pole.

"My "down there" is itchy" - What? your penguins have fleas?

"My "down there" is wet" - Is the ice melting? Global warming perhaps?

"My "down there" smells bad" - What have the seals been eating? Was it MacDonald's?

Please, don't be ashamed or embarrassed about talking about your genitals.

Actual question: why do women have trouble talking about the parts that they all have?


No, I'm not a gynecologist. I'm just a guy who has bothered to educate himself on facts. Just a guy who gives a damn about people, and is horrified that women know so little about their own bodies. My personal mission is to educate people about their bodies, sex and safe sex practices. Your parents and schools may have failed to educate you, they seem to have taught you to be ashamed of what you have, made you afraid of talking about it. I don't want you to be ashamed or afraid. I want you to be open and honest, to talk about what you have without shame or fear, and I want you to teach your children to do the same. There is nothing wrong, or dirty about talking about your genitals, talking about your reproductive organs isn't much different to talking about your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, or digestive system. Its just a part of your body.

Look at the questions on here, girls who are terrified by normal things, terrified, because no one has ever talked to them about the

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I second that Request above!!!! especially in here! Using the "down there" line makes you ladies sound very uneducated and lacking the ability to get a true meaning behind an answer.

    State the Facts - clear and open. do not beat around the bush.... punn intended!

    Bobby D - Thanks for the additional information word of truth. I would love to contact you and Cloudy because we all think on the same lines and if this is your mission I would love to send you my book!!!

    eric echoman503 ym

    Source(s): Author - Orgasmic Expulsion @
  • cloudy
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Bobby, women are socialized to be embarrassed to discuss their genitals and sexual health.

    Girls are not taught what all the parts of the genitals are called, and what they are taught is often misinformation and myths meant to scare them or repress their sexuality. Most women do not even know the correct term for their external genitals (vulva), and that is the part they probably see and interact with the most. If you don't know what to call something it's difficult to refer to it in specific terms.

    Plus, do you expect women to just suddenly overcome a lifetime of being told that sex is dirty, genitals are not meant to be talked about, and if they let anyone know about their sex life they will be labeled a slut? Women are socialized to feel much more discomfort and embarrassment about sex than men are. I think it would be great if women were more open about their sexuality and sexual health, but you can't blame them for not being that way. Our society has told them that their sexuality is meant to be embarrassing and shameful since they were children. If we want women to be comfortable and knowledgeable about their bodies, we have to create a culture where that is possible.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Being "empowered" as you assert would not unavoidably advise they pick to be the dominant guy or woman in a dating. i think of which you're becoming to be feminist woman and robust/assertive woman at a loss for words. according to threat the females which you have are available touch with say those "complicated woman" issues because of the fact they might experience which you're a guy with a dominant character........... and don't pick to look like they are "giving in" as a thank you to communicate. whether it rather is that easy for a girl which you're dating to alter her perspectives/music touching directly to the guy she is, than she become merely putting up a facade. There are relationships that artwork with each guy or woman contributing 50 %, and its merely approximately ignorant so you might declare that no such situation exists.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Some people are shy about it I guess they don't get your helping, I always use proper terms, how do you know weather there talking about there vagina or the clitoris? I always say my vagina hurts right in this area and talk about it. If you are a gynecologist around what age should girls go, or is it after their first kid?

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  • 8 years ago

    Because some women have a sense of pride. And by the way, where in the world did you hear those things?

    Also, my "down there" is itchy...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    and how the hell would a woman know which specific bit smells? would she bend over like a dog and get her nose in there? other women know what they mean

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    LOL--thanks, I needed that laugh! lol.....I'm gonna guess that you are a gynecologist?

    I think women don't want to sound "crass" by using such worldy of us weren't bought up to be so specific...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    This one is tough... can anybody help with a question.. and be mature about it and not a little punk... thank you

  • 8 years ago

    i dnt like calling my vagina a vagina personally cuz it doesn't sound nice id rather call it my pussy ha ha but its just like respectful way without saying pussy or vagina ha ha not like lads who love there ***** girls just seem to like to refer to it as 'down there' :) x

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    sad part is half of them don't even know the actual words.

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