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What did the American people re-elect Barack Obama President of the United States over Mitt Romney?


I apologize. I should have said "why...?".

24 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cause Romney lied so much about what he agrees and disagree with. He kept changing his views on policies to sway with the voters. Plus during the olympics, Romney pissed off tons of government officials in Europe, with his big mouth.

    Also Romney doesn't care about 47 percent of the USA population.

    So by Default, Obama wins the elections since its better to chose him over Romney.

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There are lots of theories and, in truth, it'll be very hard to really know. Polls only go so far.

    The only thing we can say is that Romney simply failed to capture the attention and trust of enough people.

    When run against a President that has been called "the worst president ever," you'd think that it would not have gone this way. What this shows is that the people who condemn Obama in this way are really a minority and do not represent the feelings on most of the country, no matter what they claim.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    His reelection was no surprise to anyone who understands the following three facts;

    Sixty-five percent of Americans own US stocks.

    Over the last century, the Stock market has done FAR, FAR better on average when the President was a Democrat than when he was a Republican....(Obama is no exception to this rule [see below], although Reagan was, explaining perhaps why there were "Reagan Democrats")...

    Americans LIKE money...

    Source(s): Dow under G W Bush; 10,860 down to 8,279 by the time he left Office (Net loss -23.7%) Dow under Obama ; 8,279 to 13,292 (up 5,013 points, or 60.6%) as of moments ago… This should NOT be "difficult" for anyone with an ounce of Common sense to understand!
  • 8 years ago

    I totally agree with you. I do suspect a lot of it has to do with the fact Obama wants to give them everything, rather than work for it! of course they will get a rude awakening when Obama & the Democrats are going to have to cut back on entitlement programs eventually! this country cannot survive with the massive spending spree Obama is on!

    they will also get a very quick education when the taxes in obamacare start, not to mention the disaster obamacare is!

  • 8 years ago

    We prefer a president without Romnesia. We prefer a president that likes all 100% of us, not one that only likes the 1%, or at most the 53%.

  • jack
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    i will never understand why did obama supporters re-elected that man in the white house when we could have mitt romney

  • Frank
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Depends which station you like. One of them said it was because Americans rejected the idea of hatred and division. The other channel says it's because Americans have embraced hatred and division.

    It's all in the spin.

  • nick
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Americans are "uneducated" and will believe anything that Obama says, rather than looking at history and facts.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Romney, would have had to take his marching orders, from Rush, Grover, the Koch brothers, & Sheldon... Let's not forget Fox News...Pretty much the fix, speaker of the house, John Boehner, is in now..... Obama, obviously wouldn't....

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Home of the Brave, And Give me the Land of the FREE, Obama mantra.

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