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Weird, freaky, disturbing or violent books?

Has anyone read any weird, freaky, disturbing or violent books?

Thank you in advance

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The most disturbing book ever is Alfie's Home by Richard Cohen - the really sick part of this is that this is a children's book! Uncle Pete molested his nephew for years. Finally, the kid tells, the parents confront the uncle, this evil monster cries and THEY FORGIVE HIM - no jail, no beating, THEY FORGIVE HIM!!! This book is the sickest piece of garbage ever. You can read a lot of it online:

  • Ariel
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Unwind by Neal Shusterman. It's weird and a bit disturbing, yet thought-provoking. It's YA though so not to an extreme...but disturbing elements are definitely there.

    The Bride Collector by Ted Dekker. This book is weird and literally gave me nightmares. And I don't remember my dreams often, but I definitely remember these. *shivers *

    Also, Ted Dekker's book Thr3e is supposed to be a freaky book (it's a psychological thriller). I haven't read it yet but I've been told that it is really good.

    Private Games by James Patterson. I read this out of order...there are two books before it in a series, but this is the only one I've read. It disturbing, creepy, and violent.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The Wasp factory with the aid of Iain Banks - somewhat violent but more for the worrying characteristics. It is a couple of younger serial killer. The top of Alice by way of AM houses - homes writes books with the intention of worrying and is lovely just right at her craft. The book is ready a pedophile and his relationship along with his younger victims. The woman next Door by way of Jack Ketchum - violent and stressful story about the torture and murder of a young woman, founded on a real story. The darkish Tower via Stephen King is myth and certainly has some demanding points and lasting pictures. However it didn't particularly have that visceral satisfactory I consider you're looking for.

  • chorle
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Crescent by Phil Rossi

    sort story Canvas by Paul Elard Cooley

    Nocturnal by Scott Sigler

    many in audio on Pseudopod and Tales to Terrify

    Little Girl Down the Way and a couple other of the stories in StarShipSofa Anthology vol 1 and pdf is free

    there is always the biblical book of Revelations for disturbing and the works of Lovecraft and Poe

  • 8 years ago

    The Devouring series - This book is about a black smoke that are called the Vours, and they possess people and they make the people do bad things. Like they make the host kill themselves, murder others, hurt others, ect. These books are really freaky and violent.

    American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis - This is one of the only books that I have not finished reading. I was so horrified by a scene early in the book (involving a dog, a bum, and a very sharp knife) that I could not go on. It was my first introduction to truly disturbing writing. I have since learnt to cope better and will, eventually, give this book another go. In the novel, people are sawed in half, gutted, sliced, diced and quartered in every imaginable form. What is striking about this novel’s violence is how emotionally unattached the protagonist is to it all, he has lost all feeling for anything but the thrill of the taboo. This book will change you.

    The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski - The ‘Painted Bird’ is a holocaust novel that mentions the concentration camps only in passing, and rarely details the Nazis and their terrible work. This is the story of a young boy who gets separated from his parents when they send him to the (perceived) safety of the countryside when World War II breaks out in Eastern Europe. What happens to the boy – the things that are done to him, the things he sees and endures – is staggering. It’s a shocking description of hell on Earth. This book is a carnival of torture.

    We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver - Kevin is a 15 year old mass murderer; a child who’s been emotionally unstable all his life. This book is written from the perspective of his mother, Eva. She, too, is emotionally disturbed. Shriver does do a creepily good job of highlighting all of the real school shootings that have taken place in America in the last few years, making We Need to Talk About Kevin not just disturbing in the far-off sense, but in the sense that although this particular story isn’t real, Eva could be any number of mothers in this country whose children have done the unthinkable.

    The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks - The book is told entirely by Frank, a 17 year old who manages to sound perfectly sane and rational as he explains how he killed 3 people while he was still just a child or as he performs the rituals of the Wasp Factory (bizarre rituals that need to be read to be believed). The casualnes with which violent and unpleasant events are described is possibly more horrible than the events themselves and the irony that Frank considers himself the sanest person he knows is understated throughout. “I had been making the rounds of the Sacrifice Poles the day we heard my brother had escaped. I already knew something was going to happen; the Factory told me.”

    Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo - One of the most effective anti-war novels of all time, Johnny Got His Gun is also one of the most disturbing. The book was published in 1938 and deals with a WWI soldier who has had his legs, arms, and face blown off by an artillery shell. However, his mind is completely undamaged, leaving him a prisoner in his own body, unable to communicate with the outside world.

    The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum -The book details the abuse of a teenage girl by her aunt, who enlists neighborhood children to help torture the girl over the course of a summer. The kids gradually go along with the insane aunt, who moves from abuse to outright torture and eventually murder. This is a very twisted tale that leaves you feeling ill, until you find out the story is based on the real life murder of Sylvia Likens, who was left with her aunt by her parents, and then really was tortured to death by her aunt and neighborhood children. Then you feel really sick.

    But then, to add insult to injury, you learn that her aunt (Gertrude Baniszewski) was convicted of murder, but was released on parole after serving 18 years, saying at her parole hearing “I’m not sure what role I had in it … because I was on drugs. I never really knew her … I take full responsibility for whatever happened to Sylvia.”

    What happened to Sylvia was that she was raped with a Coke bottle while having “I’m a prostitute and proud of it” burned into her stomach with a boiling hot sewing needle before being bludgeoned to death, following months of other torture. This wasn’t enough to deny Baniszewski parole though. She lived the last five years of her life a free woman, dying of lung cancer at the age of 60.

    Once you read the book and then learn all of the above you pretty much lose all faith in humanity. The horrid nature of Ketchum’s book combined with the real life events it was based on easily makes The Girl Next Door, a truly sick and twisted novel.

    Hope these helped!!!

    Source(s): Reading
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I read Bad Girls Don't Die quite some time ago, I can't really remember, but it was pretty scary for me at the time (probably because I read most of it in the middle of the night haha).

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Looking for blood then zombies are your deal

    The enemy ( 1st book )

    The dead ( 2nd book )

    The fear ( 3rd book )

    THE SACRIFICE ( 4th book coming this year )

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Anything by Stephen King should suit your preferences.

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