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Why do people ask for opinions on their stories...?
...if they just get upset if people say that they need improvement?
5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoWhat are some biographies to read?
I am trying to think of some people whose biographies I want to read. I have many of the obvious people such as Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, etc. already on the list.
I'm mainly interested in history and science (Galileo and Albert Einstein are also on the list) but I'm open to other suggestions as well. It'd be cool to read about some not-so- famous people as well.
Thank you in advance for any help! :)
4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoPublic domain books that teaches Spanish or Latin?
Do you know of any books in the public domain that help with learning foreign languages? Specifically, either Spanish or Latin.
Thank you in advance! :)
1 AnswerLanguages8 years agoNickname for a mean/loner guy?
I normally don't ask for help with names but I'm completely stuck on one of my characters. He's a loner, very unfeeling, unemotional (at least on the outside), apathetic, indifferent, etc. His real name has to be kept a complete secret, so he is known by a nickname.
The problem? I don't know what the nickname should be! Please help me! Something along the lines of Shade, Ash, Edge, etc. None of those feel just right, though. ANY ideas are appreciated greatly!
8 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoNickname for an apathetic, loner, mean guy?
I usually don't ask for help with names, but I'm completely stuck on this. I'm writing a story where the main antagonist is a loner and appears to be indifferent/passive/, etc. nearly all the time. His real name needs to be kept secret, so he is known by an obviously fake name. I know that it needs to sound kind of dark, but I'm out of ideas. Please help me!
3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoDo you like cliffhangers?
Writers: Do you tend to end scenes, chapters, or novels on cliffhangers? Do you go out of your way to end with a cliffhanger, or do you have to tie up every loose end?
Readers: Do you like it when scenes, chapters, and/or novels end with cliffhangers? Does it make you want to read a sequel, or would it ruin the book for you?
Personally, I like tying up some of the loose ends, bringing the story to a certain checkpoint, but leaving a part of it untold. And for reading, I love cliffhangers, as much as they annoy me, if that makes sense. They drive me crazy, which makes me feel engaged in the book, whether the cliffhanger appears at the end of a chapter, or is used at the end of a book.
3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoDo you participate in NaNoWriMo?
If you don't, you should try it.
If you do, I have a question!
Do you give yourself small rewards for smaller milestones? (for example, a Hershey Kiss for every 100 words) I'm trying to think of things to fill a NaNo Advent Calendar (idea from someone on the forums), and I'm having a bit of trouble.
Thanks in advance! :)
3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoThis or That? (Boys A-Z)?
Please pick one for each set. If you dislike both, pick the one you hate the least and feel free to point it out.
Albert or Aidan?
Benjamin or Bentley?
Chandler or Cole?
Dominic or Demetrius?
Evan or Elijah?
Finn or Foster?
Gavin or Graham?
Heath or Hayden?
Isaiah or Ian?
Jacob or Josiah?
Kevin or Kade?
Leonardo or Levi?
Matthew or Marcus?
Nathaniel or Nicholas?
Oscar or Oliver?
Peter or Perry?
Quincy or Quentin?
Ray or Rory?
Samuel or Steven?
Theodore or Travis?
Ulysses or Uri?
Vincent or Victor?
William or Wyatt?
Xavier or Xander?
Yancy or York?
Zachary or Zachariah?
BQ: FROM YOUR CHOICES: Which are your favorite? Which are your least favorite?
BQ2: What about from the girl's list?
30 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhat comes to your mind when you see the word: "Orient"?
What is the first definition you think of?
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years agoThis or That? (Girls A-Z)?
Alice or Alia?
Barbara or Brooke?
Cheryl or Cassia?
Debra or Dimitria?
Eleanor or Elise?
Felicity or Faith?
Gail or Ginger?
Hattie or Haley?
Ivy or Iris?
Joanna or Jessica?
Klara or Kinsey?
Laurel or Lana?
Monica or Megan?
Natalie or Noelle?
Olivia or Orianna?
Pamela or Poppy?
Quinn or Qiana?
Rachel or Rosalie?
Sarah or Sasha?
Theodora or Talia?
Ursula or Una?
Veronica or Violet?
Wendy or Willow?
Xandra or Xenia?
Yasmine or Yolanda?
Zara or Zoey?
22 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhat are the effects of slavery/bondage on children?
I'm sorry if this is in the wrong category, but I wasn't sure where to put it.
I'm preparing to write a story where slavery is common practice. What are the effects on children who grow up in extreme bondage? Mainly, psychologically.
Thank you for any help! :)
2 AnswersPsychology9 years agoWhat can you not live without?
(I'm not talking about things like air, food, water, family, friends, etc.)
I am planning a story for NaNoWriMo that will be set in a dystopia. (A dystopia is basically the opposite of a utopia.) I'm trying to get some different ideas than what I usually write about.
What I'm asking is what kind of choices can't you live without? Would you be miserable if you couldn't choose what you ate? What about if you had to live in a group-setting? Or if you had to wear certain clothing? Can you not survive without hot showers?
Any input is appreciated sooo much! And it doesn't have to be "big" things. It can be seemingly little things like never having hot...or cold...water or never being allowed a fork. ^^
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years agoWhat books should I read?
I'm into dystopian novels right now. Any suggestions?
Books I've read:
Hunger Games series (LOVED IT!)
Divergent (can't wait for the sequel!)
Matched (it was alright. I'll read the sequel soon)
Unwind (ok. The language bothered and distracted me though.)
The Giver (one of my faves)
What are some other books you think I'd like, based on this list? Do not suggest Twilight or Harry Potter. I have no intentions of reading either of those series.
8 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoWhat Divergent faction would you choose?
Abnegation: the selfless
Amity: the peaceful
Candor: the honest
Dauntless: the brave
Erudite: the intelligent
BQ: Why did you choose the faction you picked?
6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoResearch paper questions?
I'm doing a research paper, and it has to be 8-10 pages long. I have to use at least 6 different sources, max. 2 Internet and 2 encyclopedia sources.
My textbook gave some suggestions, and one was doing an intense study of a novel. I think I've decided to do this for The Giver by Lois Lowry.
My questions are: Do you think I can get that many sources and pages out of this topic? I mean, The Giver is a pretty small book.
And, what, exactly, is an intense study of a novel? This is the longest paper I've written and I want to make sure I do it right.
2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoResearch Paper questions?
I'm homeschooled, and I need some help deciding on a topic for my research paper.
One of the suggestions in my textbook is doing an intense study of a novel. I'm considering using The Giver by Lois Lowry as my topic. I've read it several times and love it, plus I'll be reading it later on in the course.
It has to be 8-10 pages long, and I have to use 6 different sources. Only 2 can be Internet sources, and only 2 can be from encyclopedias.
Anyway, my questions are: What, exactly, is an intense study of a novel? Do I just read through it and answer the moral, ethical, etc. questions I come up with? Or is it something completely different? I don't want to do it wrong.
And, do you think I'll be able to get that many pages and sources? The Giver is a pretty small book.. This is the longest paper I've written, and I don't want to get halfway through and then not have anything else to write.
Thanks for any help :) Sorry for the long post!
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoHunger Games questions...?
First of all, which District would you be from (or want to be from)? Answer like you're from that District. It helps. :)
Please don't feel like you have to answer all of them. I know it's a long list. Just put the number of it so I know which one you're answering if you choose to skip some. :)
1. How would you react at the reaping if you were chosen as a tribute?
2. Would you be willing to volunteer for someone? Or would you allow someone to volunteer for you?
3. What would you do if had a mentor like Haymitch or an escort like Effie? What about a stylist like Cinna or a prep team like Venia, Octavia, and Flavius?
4. What do you think would be your best skill or strategy in the arena?
5. If you were from a Career district, would you stay with the Careers?
6. What would be the worst part of being in the arena?
7. Is there even any "best" part?
8. You're starving and you see some unfamiliar food. What do you do?
9. What would your District token be?
10. How would you try to get sponsors?
10 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoYou know you're a writer if...?
Anyone have anything? I am looking for some. I have a list of them in my phone and I'm having trouble thinking of some new ones.
Example: You know you're a writer if you consider completely ruining your plot so you don't have to do something bad to your favorite character.
4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoWhich Hunger Games quote is your favorite?
I'd like to see the most popular of them.
Please only choose from these quotes! If you can't choose only one, just rank them or something.
Note: all of these are from the Hunger Games, so if you haven't read the other books yet, it's ok!
"May the odds be ever in your favor!"--Effie
"You have about as much charm as a dead slug."--Haymitch
"Here's some advice: stay alive."--Haymitch
"You aren't afraid of fire, are you, Katniss?"--Cinna
"Stupid people are dangerous."--Katniss
4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoWhat Hunger Games district would you want to be from?
I know that they can't choose their district, but if you could, where would you want to be from?
Yes I know I've asked this already, but I'm trying to get a large amount of answers to see which one is the most popular and which is the least popular.
District 1: Luxury items
District 2: Masonry/Peacekeepers
District 3: Electronics
District 4: Fishing
District 5: Power
District 6: Transportation
District 7: Lumber
District 8: Textiles
District 9: Grain
District 10: Livestock
District 11: Agriculture
District 12: Coal mining
District 13: Life in seclusion/Nuclear weapon knowledge
Or would you want to be from the Captiol?
I'd probably choose District 9 or 11.
6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago