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Prove your religion/non-religion is true?

I am a Christian. I believe God created all things this is why...

Considering all the variety on Earth (trillions of different plant species, trillions of different looking/acting people, trillions of different animal breeds, water, rock, etc...), it can't possible evolve from one thing. Some atheist say the world exploded (I don't know exact details), then where did all this variety on earth come from? How was the explosion caused? Where did the atoms that caused the explosion come from? You (you as atheist) can't fully answer these questions. Someone HAS to create something, it could just be two atoms to cause an explosion! But those two atoms had to come from somewhere. You can't explain it. God created everything. Also how could we humans evolve from apes. Yes we look the same but we have different amounts of chromosomes. If the chromosomes merge together they die because during mitosis (when cells split apart to make new cells) if there is a disfunction in one of the cells in the way that it forms, it dies.

A Christian scientist could explain much better, but there is mine for ya.

What is your explanation on your religion/ non- religion? Just wondering, no rude comments please.

Also if you want to counter-argument my explanation feel free or just explain yours or both.

Also if your wondering why my explanation only contains atheist counter arguments, it is because I don't know much about other religions.

Thank you in advance!


Dear Mercuri,

I see you have a smart attitude, but I guess that's ok. I am glad you asked. God has always been there. He is all powerful and I really wish I could remember the word but it is omni- something. Sorry. But he is eternal therefore there is no beginning or ending.

Hope I helped :)

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow. Usually such a demand would come from an atheist. And so-called "scientific converts" are increasingly rare among Christians these days.

    Personally, when I have to prove God's existence, I like to start from a philosophical angle. But your way works too. All proper paths of intellectual reasoning lead to God, after all.

  • 8 years ago

    Your fairly illiterate on science and evolution. You should study real science and post in the science section if you truly wish to be enlightened. How can something come from nothing? That is easy, let me explain in layman's terms.


    There was a cosmic egg floating around in the vast nothingness of deep space that just happen to collide with the only cosmic sperm in space. This happened in the vacuum of a flux capacitor that created a huge explosion which birthed a God! God then created everything else in 7 days. Now all you have to do is figure out if this was YOUR God because there have been so many. Nobody ever said man made religion wasn't complicated!

    Source(s): Holy Bible
  • 8 years ago

    Ill start by saying we didnt evolve from apes and monkeys we share a distant relative. Understanding how the universe came to be as it is now is an extremely vast expliration and will take alot longer than any of our live to comprehend and maybe we will never understand it but its not right just say some "god" just created it and think that answered all the questions. As for the millions of species, given the amount of time since the first creature, it makes perfect sense all the variet we have. It makes more sense than god just sat there in his throne and created a bunch of creatures. I think you need to study biology a little more and maybe not from a christian scientist so you can get a better understanding not just the biased opinion of you christian scientist. Yes at one point i would have made the arguments your making too because i was a christian but that is because my parents and my church brainwashed me with false information given to them by a long line of people that are tricled into justifying the worlds majesty with a god.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm utilitarian as of recently. I believe in every religion as far as god goes, but than take pieces that I choose and in my heart believe are true. God is real, but atheists are entitled to their belief. Christianity is an all right religion, but has been in way too many religion wars and far too many forced belief threats for me to say they are right. They even proclaimed the world was flat and killed off Hypatia for being an educated woman on the opposing side of them... Buddha is a peacefully written religion until the mass Muslim killings. Muslims believe in a book written by a man who saw a man and heard voices who would be diagnosed with schizophrenia now a days. They look down upon woman more than other religions and the only religion that respects woman is Wicca which has never been in a religious war but had been ridicule for their belief mainly by Christians. Salem witch trials. They do not drink animal blood it is a misconception but they do believe in natural energies and asking for help from the beyond.

    My question is what does it matter what others believe? Why do others feel as though they must impose their beliefs on others? Love everyone for who they are, not what they can become in your mind.

  • 8 years ago

    > it can't possible evolve from one thing.

    False. That's exactly how evolution works.

    when you talk about explosions, I think you're referencing the Big Bang but you're so hopelessly misinformed about what the Big Bang is that I can't even begin to respond. Go read the Wikipedia page on it or something.

    >Someone HAS to create something

    Oh? Then what created your God?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    OK God is a Figment of Superstitious Neanderthal Clap trap and a Sadistic Murdering Bastard so may he Strike me down on the Spot right Now ?

    Nope I'm Still Here

    Still Here

    Oh Bugger it i'm going to make a Coffee Stuff waiting around

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    A Deist in case you nonetheless trust contained in the god you defined. in case you imagine that is a chance, yet you do not actively trust in a god, then you're an atheist. "yet till shown authentic i can't renowned the existence of this deity. " truly, provided that statement, you're patently an atheist. because you also say, "I note of that there should be some type of deity", that can make you an agnostic atheist.

  • 8 years ago

    i don't think scientist can be christian they believe in evolution

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