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Favorite Answers14%
  • Is this ok for Rat Christmas Present? Read description?

    I was thinking of wrapping a tin circular shaped box in wrapping paper. It would have non-perishable treats inside of it with fleece. I was thinking they could rip open the paper to discover fleece then try and find all the treats before her buddy does. Good idea or not? Also what could I do for a hamster?

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • How is the World supposed to end Dec. 21?

    Like what is supposed to happen? I don't believe it will happen but just out of curiosity. Thanks in advanced.

    4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology8 years ago
  • Prove your religion/non-religion is true?

    I am a Christian. I believe God created all things this is why...

    Considering all the variety on Earth (trillions of different plant species, trillions of different looking/acting people, trillions of different animal breeds, water, rock, etc...), it can't possible evolve from one thing. Some atheist say the world exploded (I don't know exact details), then where did all this variety on earth come from? How was the explosion caused? Where did the atoms that caused the explosion come from? You (you as atheist) can't fully answer these questions. Someone HAS to create something, it could just be two atoms to cause an explosion! But those two atoms had to come from somewhere. You can't explain it. God created everything. Also how could we humans evolve from apes. Yes we look the same but we have different amounts of chromosomes. If the chromosomes merge together they die because during mitosis (when cells split apart to make new cells) if there is a disfunction in one of the cells in the way that it forms, it dies.

    A Christian scientist could explain much better, but there is mine for ya.

    What is your explanation on your religion/ non- religion? Just wondering, no rude comments please.

    Also if you want to counter-argument my explanation feel free or just explain yours or both.

    Also if your wondering why my explanation only contains atheist counter arguments, it is because I don't know much about other religions.

    Thank you in advance!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Help with trimming my rats claws?

    I have two female 5 month old rats. There nails are getting quite long to where they scratch me when the are on my sholders. I was wondering what I can do to trim their nails down. I was thinking of putting a brick under their water bottle, would that work? Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Can hamsters eat Millet spray?

    I saw online one girl gave it to her hamster. I was wondering if I could give it to my hamster? Here is a pic of it, if you need...

    My hamster is one year old and a syrian if that matters, thanks in advanced.

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Is it normal for a dog to have only one pup?

    When I went to pick up my puppy (from a priate breeder), there was only one puppy there. She said that the mother only had one pup. She said before she had like 6 or something like that. Is having just one puppy normal? He is a very healthy dog (He is now 6 years old and very healthy). He is a poodle cocker spaniel mixed, small dog, black in color. Thanks for the anwsers!

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Athiest: How did we evolve from primates?

    I am Christan and I am wondering your point of view. Here is mine with some scientific evidence to prove...

    Did you know the human body has 46 chromosomes, apes (on average depending on species) have 48. Where did the other two go? Newton's Law of Conservation of mass says, mass is not lost created or destroyed. Just saying. Please no rude comments and thanks for answering.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians: If you could got back to any time of the Bible, where would you go?

    I would probably go to the Garden of Eden, just to see what a perfect world would feel like. What about you?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Velociraptor: How did super novas and nuclear fusion come to be?

    *Note: this question is to a specific person*

    How did super novas and nuclear fusion come to be, it had to come from somewhere? Not to sound pushy..... Thanks for answering.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Atheist: What do you think humans evolved from?

    I am a Christian and would like to know what you think humans evolved from. You don't have to go into specific detail, but enough detail. And question for you, how could something so complex as the human body evolve from something that is so tiny. No rude comments please. Thanks.

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can I use fleece as a bedding for hamsters.?

    I was wondering if I could. I am just worried that it would get stuck in their mouth if they put it in there (mine moves bedding to her sleeping spot). Would this hurt her? How often would I have to change it if I used fleece bedding? Would she like it better? I currently use carfresh. She is not litter trained. Thanks in advanced.

    6 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Atheist: How do you think humans were created?

    I am Christian and would like to know how you think humans were created. I would like a serious answer please with no rude comments. Thanks.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What are the exact ingredients to put in a rat Shunamite diet?

    I have two female rats the age of 5 months. I want to try and feed them a Shunamite rat diet. I looked at a website, but it was kind of confusing. So I would just like you to post the list of ingredients you put in your Shunamite diet for your rats and how much you put in it. Thank you in advanced!

    3 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Do hamsters like Oxbow hamster/gerbil food?

    I have a hamster that has possibly has diabetes. I am looking for a healthy diet for her. I am currently feeding her Hazel hamster (or also I believe called Harry Hamster in the UK). I was wondering if hamsters like to eat the Oxbow hamster/gerbil food. Thanks in advanced!

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • What is the best Rat food out there...?

    I have two female rats. I am currently feeding them Reggie Rat food. They eat it all, every single piece. I changed their food a week ago, I was going to change to Oxbow rat food, but they were out, so I got Reggie Rat food. Should I still change there food to Oxbow rat food when I go back to the store? Thanks in advanced.

    5 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Set up for hamster bin cage?

    I am making a bin cage for my hamster. I was just wondering how I should set it up, so videos and links would be appreciated. Thank you!

    1 AnswerRodents8 years ago
  • Need help on making a bin cage! (Please help!)?

    I am going to make a bin cage for my one year old syrian hamster. I have two crittertrail cages already and I am going to connect them to the bin cage. So first of all what size bin should I get? Second of all, can I just leave the lid off the box? My hamster isn't a very good jumper (I'm sure most hamsters are not), so would this be ok, would I have to put mesh on the sides? Thank you in advanced!

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago

    I would just like you to voice your opinion on bin cages. Perferably good things about the cages. Like "my hamster has a bin cage and he loves it!"... you know stuff like that. I know this seems dumb, but it is for a reason. Please no goofy anwsers thank you!

    3 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • Are bin cages good for hamsters?

    I am most positive they are, but just for a second opinion, are they? Thank you!

    3 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • Where can I let my pet rats run around?

    I have two 5 month old female rats. I was just wondering what kind of places I could let them run around without getting hurt or lost. Thank you in advanced!

    6 AnswersRodents9 years ago