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AnimalLover asked in PetsRodents · 8 years ago

Is this ok for Rat Christmas Present? Read description?

I was thinking of wrapping a tin circular shaped box in wrapping paper. It would have non-perishable treats inside of it with fleece. I was thinking they could rip open the paper to discover fleece then try and find all the treats before her buddy does. Good idea or not? Also what could I do for a hamster?

2 Answers

  • Sheena
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    rats would love that.

    I've got stockings for each cage I'll hang up with lots of treats wrapped in paper for them to shred off. they can climb in the stocking, sleep in it or tear it up (knowing my lot they will, as they love shredding fleece)

    as long as the box, and the treats are safe for rats, it's brilliant fun for them

  • 8 years ago

    That sounds fun, just make sure they do not eat too much paper (my rat eats anything in sight!)

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