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What can we learn from Adam's Lanza horoscope chart?

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    To "I'm running out of names": I don't think this chart has an accurate birth time, and I think you're on to something in re the night time chart.

    If you flip this chart around backwards and give him an aquarius rising instead of leo, the transits make a lot more sense. Uranus would have been transiting conjunct mercury in the 3rd house of elementary education as opposed to the 9th of higher education, and mercury would have been ruling the 8th house of death. The chart presented here would be more indicatinve of an outburst of erratic behaviour in a university or maybe a church (9th also ruling religion). The moon/uranus/neptune pileup in capricorn in his natal chart would have been in his 12th house of self-undoing, being transited by pluto, moon and mars. Transiting pluto would still be conj natal moon and square natal mercury and transiting uranus, but the 12th house/3rd house associations make so much more sense than 6th and 9th. In this scenario it would also be possible to have scorpio on the 10th house cusp of public renown, and pluto within the 10th. Uranus ruling the ascendant, pluto ruling the MC - this really adds up to me, too. However this is of course just speculation without actual birth time.

    What stands out to me in the birthchart as given are these things:

    First, that pile up of transits in capricorn suggests to me that he was seriously pissed off with his mother for something that day. I don't know what, and obviously as stated above there were issues with the mother to begin with, but there was a trigger event that day specifically. Also mercury quincunx jupiter - I don't think he really knew how good he had things in life. And the way he expressed himself wasn't conducive to his being able to take full advantage of his advantages in life. And I think someone mentioned this before but there's also the saturn/pluto square in his natal chart (which if you use the aqu rising chart would be transiting in mutual reception in his natal 10th and 12th houses currently btw) which suggests that he may have a hard time controlling his anger. I suppose his behaviour confirms that.

    I'd like to say that I too have saturn sq pluto and moon sq mercury in my chart. I even have a mars/uranus opposition thrown in. But I'm not a mass murderer. And I'm both too old and too much neptune in sag conj sun to be likely to become one. Whenever I see a story like this one though, I have to say I wonder how I managed to dodge that bullet.

    There was a question on the website you linked to - something along the lines of whether or not the government should hire astrologers to assess students in schools. It's a bit of a touchy subject, and I don't really think it would fly all that well. First off, it'd be kind of like mandatory psychological evaluation. I don't know what the school systems are like in the states, but where I'm from we didn't have school psychologists or psychiatrists, we had school counsellors. They obviously would have had some psychological training, but they weren't really there to assess us, they were just there to talk to if we had problems. I'm pretty sure that there would be objections raised to such an intimate psychological analysis of one's children being declared mandatory by the government. People like their privacy, and they have a right to it. Sencondly, there would be dissent amongst those for whom the practise of astrology is akin to witchcraft, and also amongst people who find it to be less than credible. People who believe it's "against god" or just people who've decided that they "don't believe" in astrology. So while astrology may be useful in such a way, it's unlikely that it will ever be used as such I think.

  • Jana
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Missing the obvious?!?! What about the "devoted mothers" chart? She was "committed"...planning to move with him to College to watch over him, (if and when he found one). Why didn't she realize that he needed a male to relate to? (not a surrogate girlfriend/female/mother). It must have turned into a love/hate with him..his mother as the one and only "relationship" he had, and became a possession. My first thought when I heard.. was he was jealous of the attention his mother gave the children at the school (she did volunteer there). She seemed to have friends, interests, etc. but he had only her, hadn't even seen his brother for 2 years-

    Reporters (and such) kept saying what a "wonderful mother" she was...but really more a controlling, dominating mother..which likely contributed to his anger, probably from a very young age. I've known of similar relationships where the young mans' resentment grows, festers and builds (unconsciously). When he tries to break away from the mother-he can't do it. He was raised to be completely dependent on her.

    They lived (alone?) in a sprawling mansion. She didn't want him to be she (over) protected him from the outside world, took complete control, supervision, care. educated, became his "best friend, " and then bonding with the guns. I'm not saying anything sexual went on, but there can be TOO much mothering. I looked for Moon aspects even Pluto, regarding the mother relationship/child and more information of that would be found in the houses, whenever the time of birth can be used.

    As far as using astrology in schools-It will never happen..Talk about potential bias! Get a counselor that doesn't like your "sign" then watch out. Reminds me of a question I asked awhile back-;_ylt=ArMeb... . Unfortunately, the use of astrology would open a bunch of new doors for discrimination. It's used by some employers now, but they would never admit it-

    SINCE YOU ASKED, gets the closest, in my opinion, by saying he was pissed at his mother.

    Someone else said don't ignore your kids. It seems moderation is what is needed.

    She didn't ignore him! When is it too much, not enough..? People project from their own awareness, and experience..They don't often see things objectively.

    It makes one wonder if some things can ever be prevented? All the talk about "WHY?" Each answer will be different for each situation..except possibly how the natives perceived their relationship to the mother- It has nothing to do with how an observer sees the two people...It's all about how the shooter saw it all. He was jealous of anything she did without him, yet they didn't get along? What a mess!

    Sometimes it's just a case of pure "madness."

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    This "man" was actually a child mentally. The statements by authorities are saying this over and over again. If the answer could be found astrologically, I'd say take the goal seriously and find a real pattern in the charts of such persons. Then we could protect the mentally ill person from himself and others in his path. Discussing the Mars or Moon sign is going nowhere.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    The hot topic is still hot. Ouch, it's burning my fingers.

    I had a theory that he had a night chart and the triplicity, terms and face of Saturn were ruled by planets in Aries hence losing the self-discipline but obviously I was wrong.

    I'm gonna cry now. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? HOW?? Go back to the womb, get born again and make my speculation right. Cruel insensitive people.

    He has Leo rising, that's all, I'm going home. I have a big beef with those guys. He just needs to be famous this guy, doesn't he? The ruler in the 10th house, it's screaming LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!

    Never ignore your children or they turn into mass murderers. Told ya. Beat them to death if you will, just don't ignore them.

    The vast majority of the planets are peregrine. Three are in detriment. There are receptions (Sun-Venus and Mars-Venus) but when two debilitated planets are in detriment in the reception, the allegory was of two drunkards helping each other home. Here, the Sun and Venus are peregrine, Venus is also in detriment. Mars is in his own triplicity, according to Ptolemy, and peregrine, according to Lilly.

    Maybe someone could have helped him (Saturn is in domicile and triplicity in the 7th). The terms and face are still ruled by planets in the sign of Saturn's fall so it's 8-3 for structure and discipline. Maybe those 3 votes still played a part. Maybe Saturn could not bear the whole chart on his own shoulders and Mercury and Venus in Aries were silently eating on him like tiny worms.

    As far as Moon square Mercury, I had a confrontational relationship with my mother and know of two other women with the same placement who I'm sure would say the same about their own lives, and we haven't killed anyone (yet).

    WAIT!!! That's NOT his actual birth time?

    My theory can still be proven, aaaahhhhh, keeping my fingers crossed on a nocturnal chart. It's 50-50, cooomeee oooon.

    Edit: Does anyone understand what they are saying as regards the grand earth trine? You mean to say that one of the most beneficial aspect configurations can turn someone into a mass murderer because too good can be too good. I repeat, having the best of the best will turn someone into a mass murderer. If I have exceptional ability, I will run the world, f*ck you. I woundn't spend a second of my life even THINKING of killing people with so much talent on my side.

    Asperger is generally a mild form of autism, it's nothing to worry about. And they are using that to start the gun debate again this time with someone 'mildly insane.' They want your guns back, 'normal' people, that's all. This guy is the closest to normal they can use to get to you.

    A transit CANNOT show this by itself unless it's in the natal chart. Nothing in astrology whatsoever has the ability to override the natal chart in any way. You have to explain first what in the natal chart can give such a propensity and then fiddle with transits as much as you want. Mercury square Moon is not likely to cut it.

    'Oh FFS you can't judge someone by their damn chart!' - If you believe you can't, you have no business studying astrology, amirite?

    And Chain could have used the discord to greater effect than that blatant statement but anyway. I say we learn to predict who will be able to kill people. Just imagine what that means. Just imagine the eugenicist policies that would stem from that. People actually don't learn, do they? Think Hitler. There have been studies demonstrating the difference in brain chemistry between people who have committed violent crimes and those who haven't (e.g. Raine, A., Buchsbaum, M. & LaCasse, L. (1997) Brain abnormalities in murderers indicated by positron emission tomography). Very tricky subject that one, isn't it?

    As far as what I've written above, obviously I was joking. No one in their right mind would suggest beating children to death. Leo rising and Sun in the 10th does scream of needing attention but that might as well not be his birth time which means that part of the analysis would be wrong.

    And finally, I am at awe at the level of psychological analysis people apply to someone based on what they've read on the news. I say we fire all psychologists (especially the psychotherapists) and just let the public analyse cases in this way. You either discuss some astrology in an astrology forum or go explain how a bad mother makes you kill people in the psychology section. I'd be very pleased if a trained therapist takes the time to explain to you why your assumptions might be wrong.

  • 8 years ago

    The very close square from his Aries Venus (his Sun sign ruler) to the very tight Uranus - Pluto conjunction suggests some very serious biochemical imbalances resulting from negative socio-sexual imprints taken around age 8. With a timed chart a lot more could be determined, but this alone is a big red flag for personality development.

    Source(s): Bruce Scofield -
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Emotional. Excessively so, or an abundance of emotional feeling. Moon trine Jupiter.

    He had a grand trine, freakn' bastard.

    Mars trine Pluto.

    That could be used for good or bad. We all know any planet Pluto touches heightens the other planets intensity.

    Not a bad looking chart, even a Grand trine. The Sun is close to the Midheaven which should be noted... Combined with the influence of the Moon and Jupiter... Maybe with intensity of the Pluto/Mars, he wanted to go out with a bang.. To be famous or seen all over by the news. On second look, the Sun close to the Midheaven caught my attention.

  • 6 years ago

    I don t - for a second - believe this boy had Leo Rising. Leo Rising, even if Saturn was squaring the ascendant, would still project a hail-fello-well-met persona, with the real feeling being hidden inside. I d suggest he has a water sign ascendant. Certainly not a fire sign ascendant.

  • -
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Mars transit was conjunct his Neptune and Uranus transit was conjunct his natal mercury Aries, which may or may not be unaspected in a chart with birth time. So Pluto transit was also squaring his mercury, that Pluto square Uranus transit.

    This reminds me of James Holmes' chart, he had Pluto transit conjunct his Neptune? Of course we have to remember they both had aspergers or some form of autism besides that and they struggle socially. A transit to their Neptune might have an effect.

    I think that Adam Lanza felt pressure of the Pluto square Uranus transit on his mercury and then having mars transit on his Neptune gave him a temporary sense of purpose or ease with carrying out the actions.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Oh FFS you can't judge someone by their damn chart!

    Look he obviously had stupid parents because, stupid negligent parents are always the root cause.

    Edit: Mercury, not all of us Aspergians want to kill. Just stating a fact there.

    Source(s): I feel like the voice of mofo reason around here at times.
  • 8 years ago

    Beware the Grand Trine... what appears to be good can become the opposite... and people with hard charts can turn the difficulty to good

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