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I'm learning about astrology. This is my workbook: Other then that, I'm a professor in NYC and love being a father to my torturer Kai (the picture)and soul mate to Olya.

  • Does Lilith in Gemini transit have any meaning for you?

    Lilith is in Gemini from 9/12 2012 until 6/9 13. I wonder if you can

    relate to it at all? If you know your rising sign, it may be even more


    Aries: Lilith colored your communication over the past 4 months with

    an openly sexual spin. You maybe started writing a journal, or even

    stories to find can an outlet for the deep passions of the unconscious

    mind. Maybe there is a person in your neighborhood who is attracting

    you sexually, and since it’s possibly not realistic, you may be trying

    to compensate creatively. Lilith also could have caused a problem with

    sibling as well.

    Taurus: In the past 4 months did you notice a strange relationship

    between food and sex? Also, is there a very subtle way that you’ve

    been relating to money in past four months? With more intensity, but

    also more ambivalence. You recognize money’s enslaving power, but on

    the other hand you secretly desire it.

    Gemini: It there a chance that in the last 4 months your inner rebel

    woke up with asteroid Lilith in your sign? Not only can you stir

    controversy, but you can also link it to sex and intense passions.

    It’s entirely possible that often you don’t even know for sure what

    you’re doing, but an instinct is guiding you to turn many stones and

    scratch behind the surface. In worst scenarios there can be even

    violence, and conflicts with the father.

    Cancer: Lilith may have caused some deep shifts in your perception of

    reality. It all depends upon how much you resisted diving into the

    unconscious and exploring the depths of your soul. Ignoring your

    instinct may have caused unresolved conflicts and blocked your healthy

    sexual expression.

    Leo: Over the past 4 months asteroid Lilith may have led you to be

    more selective and demanding when it comes to friendships. There was

    also a risk of projecting onto one’s friends huge emotional demands,

    and of unconsciously using relationships to work on your deep

    emotional conflicts. At times you felt betrayed by friends.

    Virgo: With Lilith in Gemini for the last 4 months, is it possible

    that you avoided conventional forms in your profession, and that you

    were seeking for unusual activities? There was a huge pull to be self

    employed, and also times of an open conflict with your boss. Lilith

    enhances the challenge of finding the right activity in life, the one

    in which you can blossom and fully express your individual nature

    Libra: Over the past 4 months Lilith every now and then you brain just

    shuts down to take a break and create space for some more crazy info

    to mess with you. Think of terms of marrying instinct and knowledge at

    this time. You may have even started to reject all of the conventional

    studies as failing to address the reality of life.

    Scorpio: Lilith hopefully made your sexuality over the past 4 months

    more awesome, sacred, even magic: it is a ritual that puts you in

    touch with the deepest parts of your psyche. Lilith may have fed

    further your need for extremes. If you are not in touch with depths of

    your soul, the result can be the opposite: an empty sexuality which

    does not create much satisfaction, or even a disinterest in sex.

    Sagittarius: There is a chance that Lilith made you project intense

    emotional charges onto your partners. Relationships could have brought

    in the past 4 months profound healing, but also awakening of

    psychological wounds. The most difficult challenge to face is that you

    may be even projecting violent emotions towards those close to you.

    Did high expectations of your partners bring disappointment, resulting

    in withdrawal from relationships?

    Capricorn: Over the past 4 months Lilith may have led you to

    unconventional activities freed from enslaving routines. Maybe you

    challenged your boss too much. If you

    had difficulties with your health over the past 4 months it reflected

    some kind of a need to balance emotional forces surrounding you.

    Aquarius: Over the past 4 months Lilith brought ambivalence as far as

    having children is concerned. You may have played with idea to bring a

    child into your life but deep fears followed it. It’s a similar

    situation with how you approached you creativity. From ecstatic desire

    to bring something new to the world to feeling paralyzed at times. You

    were afraid that it can’t be perfect enough.

    Pisces: Over the past 4 months Lilith possibly brought to you some new

    revelations related to your family and origins. Since Lilith is a

    rebel, this can also include a need to trim family roots and even

    disconnect temporary from parents. It brought you restlessness which

    made you feel like you are never really at home anywhere. This has to

    do with an unconscious wound, even though you were maybe blaming it on

    the climate or a housing situation.

    originally posted here:

    3 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • How each Sign expresses love?

    Here some thoughts on how each sign experiences their 5th house of expressing love. You can also read it for your ascendant, should be even more fitting. Wonder what you think suys.

    Aries: You express love in a lavish fashion. It’s a big exciting game for you. Make sure to be in a big crowd so that this energy of yours doesn’t blow anyone away. No seriously, you can always find innovative ways to express what’s in your heart.

    Taurus: Your expression of love can be pretty critical and brainy so let down your schemes and shine that feeling of abundance.

    Gemini: Love for you is fairness above everything. If you don’t feel equal, you start to fade out. There should be a strong stimulus from creative ideas to feed your love with colors, textures, and ingénues connections.

    Cancer: You express love often by having expectations. It’s a deep emotion that filters out who can really commit and not. The challenge is in not just read emotions, but also thoughts and long term intentions of the loved ones.

    Leo: You express love by allowing the space for the love ones to go beyond their limits, and find out that their potential is unlimited. That puts a big smile on your face. For you showing love is like taking that person on a trip.

    Virgo: You express love in an old-fashioned way, much underappreciated these days. Security, groundedness, and practical guidance are the main qualities of love for you.

    Libra: You express love unconventionally. You don’t like it when it’s direct; it needs to be an adventure and brings the best of childishness.

    Scorpio: Despite the common belief, you express love in a very unlimited and total way. When you say I love you actually say “I understand you, and I understand myself”.

    Sagittarius: You express love in a very futuristic way. Sometimes you may feel misunderstood, because it’s not always within your physical presence. You see the loved ones happy in a point of future and you are ready to do anything to help them get there.

    Capricorn: You express love by generosity of providing your partner with everything she/he can imagine.

    Aquarius: You express love often by showing curiosity, & that’s why some people see you as unattached. They don’t understand that curiosity works like your portal where the others can access the wealth of what you have to offer.

    Pisces: You express love in a very homey way, far away from the public eye, and by immersing yourself in the emotional needs of the person you love.

    originally posted here:

    Horoscopes8 years ago
  • What would really scare you for Halloween? The 8th house stuff?

    Is astrology the 8th house is the Halloween house. Most of our fears live there. It relates to our hidden power, sex, money, and what we like to challenge us.Based on the solar horoscope and your Ascendant, we wonder about your biggest fears. Here some food for thought:

    Aries: When you respond to “a trick or treat” doorbell with your radically sour candy, the worst sight that actually may scare you can look like an invisible steaming creature smelling like lava and sulfur, somehow bringing back to your mind all the worst sexual experiences that you ever had. Any explicitly sexy costume brings chills down your spine, and many of your deepest fears are sex-related.

    Taurus: The worst thing that can happen at your house door on Halloween: A bunch of foreign army uniforms invade you after they mistakenly uncovered your insurance fraud. They put you on a vehicle where you can’t see outside, and you never know where they are taking you and what your punishment is. Traveling and anything related to injustice is something that awakens your darkest fears.

    Gemini. Any forms of death at your door actually really scare you. You think that the best strategy is to turn your cold shoulder, but it doesn’t really work. Another costume that would really scare you is a Donald Trump mask or construction workers giving you a huge list of what they will need to fix in your house.

    Cancer: An appearance on your door on the Halloween night that would actually scare you would come from the future. A man machine is your biggest fear. Whatever gossips that you thought were true, this living data processor would actually give you all the counter evidence, and prove your intuitive knowledge totally wrong. This techno-beast would be waving the scariest beeping and lightening technologies in front of your face.

    Leo: You probably think that nothing can trick you, especially since kids know that you will have the best candy on the block. Try to imagine this: A slimy hobo with polyps, and each one is flashing you with the ghosts of those simpler souls squealing and searching for a revenge for just being born inferior to you. You biggest fear is that something that you don’t want to know will visit you in your dreams, and haunt you disturbingly.

    Virgo: Your worst nightmare appearance for Halloween has a uniform and a huge head. This creature is filthy with buggers running out of his nose. He is forcing you to buy has filthy weapons and he feels like the only person who will be completely impossible to evade or trick away. Anything related to war and army is supposed to bring up the worst fears in you.

    Libra: Your worst nightmare appearance would be if someone comes in front of your house as an eating machine and explodes from too much food. Too much of everything is probably your biggest fear. The feeling of an unstoppable overflow would probably get you.

    Scorpio: Someone comes in front of your door looking youthful and semi-intelligent but starts to tell you something that doesn’t interest you at all. His gift is that he never stops talking, but also that he paralyzes you and you feel you are now punished with this guy’s shallowness and gibberish, and there is no way of shutting him down.

    Sagittarius: The best way to trick you is to get dressed as a bride or a groom and tell you all about the promises you made on the first date. And then just multiply it, and that would build up nicely to your worst nightmare. Your biggest fears is when someone clings on you emotionally and when they just seem incapable of doing anything without you.

    Capricorn: What can really scare you is a an Ego Maniac who is telling you that he knows the ultimate truth, and how you need to learn how to live up to it. Your biggest fear is also that you will wake up and there will be no one else left on the planet. Would you have enough ego power to start the human race again?

    Aquarius: Your worst nightmare would be someone like the Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland or a Labyrinth Man – some creature who has thousands of keys and doesn’t want to share what’s behind those doors. Which brings us to your biggest fear ever, being lost in the physical world, but also being lost in what you know or what you believe you know – and unable to find it back to something that would constitute a logical world.

    Pisces: Once you open your door on a Halloween night, what would really turn your stomach is the sight of something extremely ugly. You would take all this morbidity, disharmony and asymmetry very personally and think; “What did I do to deserve this.”

    originally posted:

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • How would you describe your ideal partner?

    Some thought about what type of a person makes archetypically a good partner for your Sun Sign, since Sun in Libra is a good time to partner up. I wonder how this works for you?! Thanks for your feedback.

    Aries: Your ideal partner s good at juggling your whims. He/she doesn’t return the ball immediately, but bounces it few times and considers your bold actions from different points of view. That’s what you need from your partner – to always make you able to see a larger picture, and also show you how to really personalize things. You love it also to teach your partner how to become more decisive. (I wonder if it ever works.)

    Taurus: Your perfect partner must possess a ground breaking and shaking emotional and sensual intensity. She/he needs to understand things emotionally, but needs to be able to also be resourceful. In other words, you need a person who is superhuman. You ideal partner wears often black, and is also very good at business and with money. Even as an artist, he/she is good at giving you also an financial advice and motivating you more.

    Gemini: You ideal partner will always be able to take time for you. He/she will put all your observations, thoughts and many many details into some kind of a proper picture. Your partner will also give a new direction to your thoughts and explain what strategies will work best. Your ideal partner will be very generous and never clingy or in any way dependent on you. Well, maybe just a little bit.

    Cancer: Your ideal partner has his/her feet firmly on the ground and feeds on your emotions. He/she is responsible, reliable and able to build a very safe house. He /she is a great protector and conserves memories and achievements well. You are inspired by his/her ambition and this is a walk on the tight rope, since you hope that this person will not turn into workaholic and neglect your emotional needs.

    Leo: Your perfect partner acts like your audience and your support. Whatever you are able to accomplish and imagine, your partner needs to take it to the next level and find for you a cozy place in society and history.

    Virgo: Your perfect partner knows everything, often without even needing to share it. This is feeling-based, your partner just needs to radiate the potent wisdom and deeper understanding. You are also ready and willing to deal with a partner who is dreamy, imaginative, even somewhat addictive, if I may say so.

    Libra: Your partner needs to always remind you of excitement of life, and show you that courage leads to feeling complete. You need to be occasionally blown away by his/her attention. You need to be also heard by your partner, which is not always the case.

    Scorpio: You perfect partner needs to have a clear idea that life sources are abundant. Then you can come in the picture, and shape this material into more excitement, and develop a concept of everlasting change and richness that it brings to life.

    Sagittarius: You ideal partner is an intellectual power house. In order for your ideas to bloom you need a lot of quality input. You need the ambivalence. You need something to engage your imagination in new and exciting ways.

    Capricorn: If you can feel like the one who is protecting and providing, and if it feels like your rules can be followed at least to a reasonable degree, you consider yourself to be in a fruitful relationship. Deep down, you don’t mind if your partner is emotional, sensitive, needy, since you know that this is the price for also being romantic, and caring.

    Aquarius: You need someone self-confident, expressive and creative. This will wonderfully compensate the vision of a perfect life shared with someone. You find it attractive and funny when you partner is able to show-off every now and then. He/she must be good with children and be ready to be educated about recycling and organic stuff.

    Pisces: Your ideal partner is not a show-off. This person is quiet, but fully dedicated, loyal, and responsible. Hmm. why is that? Because whenever you decide to enter a relationship it feels like you are entering a maze where it’s impossible to predict where the next day will take you. This is why you need a person who is reasonably patient and jealous, but above all good at navigating the labyrinth of a relationship.

    orginally posted here:

    14 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Your zodiac Sign and your ritual?

    Aquarians seem to have their recycling rituals. My wife took it to the next level. There are no more plastic bags anywhere in the house. She collect them and takes them to the drugstore for recycling. She has a plastic ritual. Do you relate your rituals and obsessions with your Sun Sign, and what are those? Thanks! :)

    Originally asked here:

    14 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Any old flames returning with Venus retrograde?

    Besides difficulties to schedule parties and crisis in relationships, this is supposed to be the effect of Venus rx. Any stories to share?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • What do you think of my weekly forecast for all signs?

    It's for this week may 21-27.

    This is a week of powerful new initiations. With the still fresh New Moon and the solar ellipse, you have your destiny in your hands. You can start molding it…now. This week will bring a lot of verbal and mental support, and your job is to integrate it into your feelings and desires. With Venus retrograde don’t become overly sensitive if your partner is little bit slower to respond.

    Aries: Make a list of all those folks you have to reach in one way or another, and make sure that by the end of the week all the names on the list are crossed off. That’s the shortest way to a fulfilling week. The possible problems involve your sibling or neighbor letting you down absurdly. Pay closer attention to your online communications to avoid feeling left out.

    Taurus: Your focus is slowly shifting towards very specific goals. You want to see some material tangible rewards now, and it’s time to let them in into your life. The keyword for Taurus is Abundance. Never forget it. Everyone seems to be on the same boat with you and the support is overwhelming.

    Gemini: There is no such a thing as a half-way focus. There is no such a thing as divided attention. Make sure to understand that life is easier once you grasp your own happiness. This is what the current exhilaration is about. Make sure to follow up on all and don’t lose this great momentum.

    Cancer: This week you will feel out of this world. Observe you powerful dreams. They may lead you into visions of the past with still some unfinished businesses. You can decide to just ignore it, but it will stay. In an ideal scenario, you will get engaged in a creative project where the past can be positively channeled at this point in time.

    Leo: The pressures are lifted this week. You have the opportunity to look with fresh pair of eyes into your future. You may still want to incorporate all that you have learned over the past month, and make sure not to make the same mistakes again. You may lose patience with a friend, but make sure that it doesn’t escalate.

    Virgo: The time of rewards has come. With your critical mind you will continue to think that this is just a prelude to your success, and that the main advancement will become cash-able by the end of the year. You are completely right about that. This week you need to focus one more time on your one-on-one relationships, and make sure not to weaken them through your professional involvements.

    Libra: At this point there are two possibilities in your life. You’re either seriously considering continuing your formal education and polishing up your knowledge in the areas of interest. The other option can involve a big trip abroad. Travelling will remain a strong opportunity until the end of the year, so it’s a better to work more on your solid base.

    Scorpio: This month brings a little taste of things to come until the end of the year. Let’s imagine someone wants to marry you, but you are not yet ready to formalize this relationship. This week you will start considering the possible benefits of such a proposal. By the end of next month you will probably have to have some major decision on the table, so start subtly working on it.

    Sagittarius: Who do you want to love you? How do you want to be loved? What is most important for you in a relationship? It’s time this week to get out of your brain and see the world from the perspective of your close partners. Open your heart to receive, but know what you want to receive. Have patience.

    Capricorn: This week brings a taste of things that will become prominent until the end of the year. You probably feel like you’ve relaxed little bit too much over the past couple of months. You feel that you need some solid action now and that you need to have a better focused effort to accomplish some of your goals. The inspiration of the first half of 2012 will come handy now.

    Aquarius: Finally the time has arrived for you to take a slight break from the many projects you are involved in, and have a little fun. If there is no time for break, there will be more fun at work place, along with your greater creative input. You are on the verge of starting an acting career, and that would be the right decision, at least until the end of this year. Attend some auditions, it can’t hurt.

    Pisces: Put a conscience effort to keep it together this week. You are oversensitive and don’t neglect it. If you really feel stuck, make a list of the traits that your parents have that you wish you had, but somehow you don’t. It may sound absurd, but it’s a very practical grounding exercise that will reconnect you with your true nature – the eternal spring of lovable and living knowledge.

    5 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Is it possible to be completely honest without hurting a person’s feelings?

    We’re a culture of white liars. It feels harsh to hear; we all want to believe we are good, honest people. Most of the time, for the most part, we are. Some of the time, most of us aren’t.

    Brad Blanton has addressed this in his book Radical Honesty – which is, as you might guess, pretty radical. He advocates for telling the truth to your parents decades after ‘borrowing’ the car without permission – or decades after they stopped abusing you. The affair you had, the fact that you think your coworker is ugly – or that you’re attracted to him – are all on the table in a process intended to be therapeutic, even if it sounds harrowing and barbaric at first.

    Really? I’m supposed to tell someone something hurtful, just for the sake of honesty?

    “Probably not. … I recommend you hurt people’s feelings and stay with them past the hurt. I also recommend that you offend people. We can all get over having our feelings hurt and we can get over being offended. These are not permanent conditions; they are feelings that come and go. On the other side of that reaction is a conversation in which your mutual honesty creates an intimacy not possible if you are hiding something for the sake of someone’s feelings.”

    What do you think guys?

    originally posted here:

    9 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Your original and your current happiness, are they the same?

    The solar 10th house of each sign shows the idea of success with the original idea of happiness. Let me know how it works for you?

    Aries: Believe it or not your original idea of social happiness is very much relaying on law and order. Discipline is a guarantee of happiness for you. Playfulness is more exhilarated and rewarding within defined limits. These days you are more leaning towards material rewards. You are very eager to score big and permanently.

    Taurus: Originally you related the concept of happiness to being the original hippie – free and running on the meadows and making love in nature. Nowadays things have changed and someone probably told you already that this is a great period for you astrologically. .

    Gemini: Your original happiness is related to the idea that all is one, that we live in harmony with nature and that you are a sailor who knows all seven seas. These days, however, the happiness is unfortunately in your dreams, and occasionally the flashes of the past are visiting you as well. Your happiness is patiently waiting for you in your inspiration.

    Cancer: The original happiness for you was in discovery, in being fthe irst to arrive in an unknown terrain and turn it into something familiar. You were so excited to be the first to know something and to have it as your secret. These days your happiness is with your friends and in your future plans. Try to merge those two for optimal happiness. Remember that all your plans are actually more realistic than you dare to believe.

    Leo: The original idea of wealth for you meant being ultimately generous and living in abundance. This includes your way of ruling the world, by not being so limited in ways of sharing your love. These days in the corporate world you are integrated in the rat race, but you are presently trying to alter it into a more creative mode. Good luck, all eyes are on you.

    Virgo: The original happiness for you was related to possessing all the knowledge in the world and being able to share it with as many people as possible. Nowadays you are sucked in into a race where your analytical skill is more in demand than ever. You don’t want to admit it, but being smart these days brings you a lot of credit and if you didn’t benefit yet, just wait until the end of the year.

    Libra: For you the original idea of a success as happiness must be related to being at peace with your roots. It’s the Family that provides the original idea of harmonious and balanced growth. These days the success is in relationship that can physically manifest itself and reflect that sharing between humans is an enduring strength, but also a weakness that most humans must learn from.

    Scorpio: For you the original idea of success in life is tied to creativity. You understand that power rules the world, but you still can’t grasp why it is so tied to narcissism and plain clinging to the glory of the past. These days you find fulfillment in the dynamics in both your personal and professional relationships. By no means it’s a smooth process, but could the idea of happiness be even imaginable without challenges?

    Sagittarius: The idea of happiness for you is in opportunity to serve with your knowledge. It’s far from simple and you believe that labyrinthic complexity of truth is actually a reason to transcend all the dumbing generalizations working against the richness of life. These days you are an industrious bee and just allow for the possibility that your day-to-day efforts lead to rewards that bring peace to your heart.

    Capricorn: The original happiness clearly involved art and beauty for you. It’s the inner harmony of things that will always motivate you the most. These days you find happiness in trying to understand the concept of play and games. You are involved in those maybe more than you would like. The trick is not to feel limited by rules and to experience the primordial spontaneity.

    Aquarius: For you the original happiness is in feeling resourceful. It gives you a certain type of power that is not intrusive, which distributes all resources evenly and transcends all the violence and volatilities. These days you are looking at your family and origins, and maybe you’re even struggling to see clearly. You may believe that you will not be able to continue doing what you’re doing until you find a peace with your family deep within.

    Pisces: Your personal happiness is in motion. It’s a silent motion which activates all your senses, as well as captures you intellectually. There is also this wonderful inherent naturalness in that process. You would love to create a garden reflecting your happiness with all that is distant and exotic. These days you are gathering bits and pieces of your happiness in your communications.

    original question:

    4 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Astrology of giving birth?

    A friend of mine will go into labor soon. What in her horoscope chart can be the indicators how the birthing process will unfold and also the outcome. Like, is it going to be more painful, less painfuller, with C-Section or not, and so forth…Thanks. I will really appreciate your input.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • What in her chart can indicate addiction to sugar?

    It's a very close relative of mine (it's becoming scary). Here her chart:

    1 AnswerHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Can planet(s) in 8th house indicate fear of sex?

    Any real experiences with this?

    Originally asked here:

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Did you go to a Pisces birthday party recently? Anything wacky to report?

    I have many Pisces friends and love them dearly, but did you notice recently how they have slightly out-of-whack ideas? I’m invited to two birthday parties next week, the e-invite for one says I need to dress up as a Movie Character, and on the other party I need to come dressed like an animal of choice??!! Is it just my circle of Pisces friends gone crazy or maybe it’s a wider trend with Neptune back home? Would love to hear from you.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago