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Atheists ... how can you claim to not believe in God, yet rant about what he did in the Bible?

How can he have done the stuff in the bible if he doesn't exist? Your rants about the bible are fallacious at best.


Funny how no one has actually answered the question yet. Funny ...

Update 2:

@ Pyriform - ""Indeed. And since what we are ranting about is all in the Bible, that makes the Bible fallacious, too. Now do you get it?"

Not in the least ... why would you rant against something that doesn't exist? That'd be like me going on a rant that the easter bunny doesn't exist citing the M&M's commercials as PROVING that he doesn't exist.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Atheists have a hard time remembering they don't believe in God. They are pretend atheists, just simply haters.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Your mind is in need of some serious help; I think I may be that help.---- You are making the assumption that when atheists "rant" about what God did in "the" bible, whatever bible you are thinking about, that means that they believe it actually happened. That is of course extremely stupid when you read it in such plain English. I hope it's not the case; let me tell you why atheists talk about God's actions in "the" bible. Religion has absolutely no evidence and it's not suppose to, so it really doesn't matter; religion is faith based. All it requires is for you to say it's true and that's it, *but* since the bible is the ONLY piece of evidence, and the ONLY thing that can actually be argued, since it's impossible to argue someone saying "It's true, I need no evidence." AND in addition to the aforementioned facts, since the bible is suppose to be a true account of happenings, or at least some sort of moral lesson (Which is determined by people, it's not labeled as such in the bible) Then Atheist *MUST* point out about how absurd the passages and stories are in the bible by "ranting" about them. Otherwise, atheists have NOTHING to talk about, because without the bible, religion is NOTHING! There is nothing in the physical UNIVERSE that is related to god at ALL except for a raggedy known to be fake book that theists STILL hold on to and think is true. Atheists are trying to break the shackles of your idiocy by pointing out obviously fake or absurd things in the bible, hoping that you'll snap to it and realize how moronic that dusty collection of random desert scribbling is.

    Source(s): ---The only answer you need to read.
  • 8 years ago

    Look, we're not saying two mutually exclusive things. We're not saying God does not exist, but he's a horrible old man who hurts people for no reason. We're saying that as he is portrayed by the Bible, he does not make sense from a supernatural point of view. He is a human invention, and the Bible is full of human failings, human jealousy, human insecurity, human ignorance, human anger and hatred... So therefore, the Bible is full of examples of how God is (remember he's still not real, just a human invention) angry, jealous, vengeful, lustful, greedy, and cruel. I can talk about how the character of Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol is greedy and cruel and yet not believe that Ebenezer Scrooge is or was ever a real person, can't I? So in that same way, we're talking about God as a fictional character. We don't actually think he's real and did all the things he's given credit for in the Bible. Understand? I hope this answers your question.

  • 8 years ago

    " can you claim to not believe in God..." No. My claim is: there is no evidence that supports claims of god's existence.

    "...yet rant about what he did in the Bible?" I don't.

    "How can he have done the stuff in the bible if he doesn't exist?" I have not made that claim.

    "Your rants about the bible are fallacious at best." Again, I don't.

    You really should not generalize.

    The ones that do are pointing out errors, contradictions, immoral acts, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, in a book that theists follow as the word of god.

  • Cris
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    You have to understand, people that are in books are not necessarily REAL beings. Harry Potter has appeared in a number of books, but he is not real. Neither is Sherlock Holmes.

    Nevertheless, since these characters do not have a real existence outside their books, we must refer to the books, because that is where they "exist".

    I have to refer to the Bible, since in my view, the Bible is the only place God 'Exists".

    For example, when I say "God was a horrible jerk for what he did to Job" I mean, the imaginary character, "God" was a jerk to the other imaginary character "Job".

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Wow, you never too debate, did you? But whatever. Since no one has apparently answered you yet, I will do just that. To disprove a theory, you must use your opponent's evidence and disprove it. They use the Bible as an argument point because we believe in it and to disprove us, they must take the things we take as fact and prove that they hold no water. They don't believe in any of it, but they have to address it if they're going to argue against the claims made within. That's the point. Hope that helped.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I haven't ranted about anything - I leave that to the religious fundamentalists. I can't be bothered to argue. I haven't read the bible.


    An atheist

  • 8 years ago

    Sorry, ignore my previous answer. It was rubbish.

    The point is that IF the Bible is true, then the God committing terrible atrocities in one part is completely incompatible with the loving God of the New Testament.

  • Super
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    If an atheist is going on such a rant, they are probably trying to invoke this:

    If they show that God couldn't possibly be such a great guy (whether or not he exists), then at least the biblical interpretation of him should be wrong. That is what they are trying to do, at least.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You are either disingenuous or stupid. It's called a hypothetical. If the Bible is true and says X, then... It's called logic.

  • 8 years ago

    Kniwledge of the bible is good evidence for an arguement

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