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Convincing Someone THEN Requiring they prove something to you?

Periodically R&S posters contact me privately.

They start out trying to convince me of something, but very quickly turn to requiring ME to convince them.

QUESTION: Do you think it is polite or good etiquette to try and convince a person of something and then turn towards requesting that they prove their view to you? Does anyone think this is acceptable behavior or even a productive way to convince a person?

Let's say I contact you and say.. oh I don't know... pick at random "The Catholic church's doctrine on the Trinity is contradictory" Then after a couple of back n forth responses say: "Show me where it says XYZ"

Do you think that is a good tool or helpful? Has anyone had success in contacting a person out of the blue and basically (in a nice way) demand that they provide you with proof?

I've been contacted by a yet unconfirmed JW in this manner. He/She won't admit who they are with..but their tactics are straight out of the JW handbook on arguing with Catholics.

Just curious if I'm being too unrealistic.


@Citrine Dream

True.. the back n forth does imply that I am entertaining it. That's probably where I'm leading them on.

But by 'back n forth' could imply that you are only poking holes in their argument. But I guess you are correct in that by engaging at all... there is an expectation that I give some evidence too.

I hadn't thought of that.

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    JWs have infiltrated Y!A, but they use the same tactics they use in person, and it's really easy to see through their arguments when they are all spelled out on a page.

    Whether it's a good technique or not, I don't know. I went several rounds with a JW privately (had to take a break due to family business after 3 months!), but this particular JW would conveniently forget everything I had already supplied as proof and would start repeating the same old arguments again. I've spent the last month praying over how exactly to respond - Y!A makes conversation difficult with the word limit, of course. And then, there's that whole issue of JW shunning. I'm well aware that the JW I am speaking with could lose everything (home, family, livelihood, etc.) if I ever were to convince that person of the JW fallacies and the value of Catholic theology.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    H.L. MENKEN said that to prove there is no God, they should run up to a church, throw in a dead cat, and run away laughing. At least, he said that that was a good thing to do.

    A number of Atheists on RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY behave that way. They show evidence of organized instruction in how to cause maximim disruption. There is an organized movement to prevent Spiritual Truth being communicated. If a Pro-God or pro-Spirituality point is too incisive the Question is Quarantined or Deleted. Therefore we know that SATAN owns YAHOO! Answers. You know what you can kiss.

    Let's use the example of Trinity-bashing.

    The Roman Catholic Church Trinity consists of God, Jesus: The Begotten Son of God, and The Mother of God. They will invariably lie to you about this, but that is what they believe. They imported this idea from the Babylonian Trinity, which was Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz. (See: THE TWO BABYLONS, by Alexander Hislop.)

    If an Atheist denounces The Trinity, he will say something like it's silly, crazy, stupid, senseless, blah, blah- YOU ARE NEVER TOLD WHY it is wrong: we are all VERMIN for DARING to QUESTION the Judgment of an ATHEIST, and talked down to, accordingly.

    I am typing this on my phone, so I am not going to go into as much detail as I could. I consider myself the only Christian alive who knows what The Trinity of The Godhead is. Everyone else talks rubbish, and their ideas of what they talk about are rubbish.

    For example Benny Hinn said (I heard the soundbite myself,) that The Godhead is THREE Trinities, not one. That each member has a material body.

    A serious person would have a group where topics would be explored in depth, without censorship.

    God is a static matrix of sentient data that exists in a peculiar state of Time. He creates Time but does not need it Himself. He created a Clone Copy of Himself to Operate in Space and Time, to create and control the Eight Universes.

    If you move, you leave a position. A, and, at a given Time, you are at another position, B. When you are at B, you are not at A, and vice-versa.

    THIS Law does not apply to the Spiritual Realm.

    God can leave A for B, but still be at A.

    This is the basis of Divinatiom- where possession of a known part.of what or whom is sought affords access to their entire Timeline.

    Whereas a "psychic" can find, say, the park bench you last sat on, they cannot usually interact with you, nor you with them. This does not restrict GOD.

    Therefore The Son of God became Mortal, died, Ascended to become again what he once was.

    The Holy Ghost is the Cloning of God across distance, to create, to change, and to annihilate in Real Time.


    This Cloning is sentient, and can interface with any living creature, especially Humans.

    The Original remains in is No-Time stasis.

    Source(s): . THE TWO BABYLONS, by Alexander Hislop
  • 8 years ago

    Personally, I don't have any issue with it. The only real problem is that the majority of the time, you can show them all the evidence available and they will still chant "Show me the evidence." I am always open to discussion on Theology but most of the time Theists tend to break after a couple of months and it generally ends up with the usual tired propaganda e.g. Why are there still monkeys? which is usually the point where I have to ask if they are serious or just trolling.

  • 8 years ago

    They test the waters until they stumble on a weak, cafeteria catholic.

    With an excellent cathecized catholic, they have a danger of learning their so-called apostate views and could be detrimental to the cult.

    So, I have a couple that send the like message, and I dont mind, as I know I would be gospeling the truth, the catholic teachings with them... so they will at least know.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The only people who contact me with any regularity are JW's and there really isn't any point in worrying about what is polite or acceptable behaviour as far as they are concerned.

    If it's in your nature the only response is to be just as rude back.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I can see it if they are legitimatly making a request to see where a claim you have made came from. IF you're back and forthing with them, that means that they're not entirely unwelcome at least as debate partners. It can also be a sign that they're running out of points to argue from. :)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I like to know where people get their ideas from. The Bible or another source. Seems fair enough.

    I never email anyone to make a point or prove them wrong.

    Haven't seen you in a long time. I know you're a fighting Catholic. Welcome back.

  • 8 years ago

    If you are a rock, then ships will run aground on you.

    As Jesus said to the first catholic pope.

  • 8 years ago

    No. It is scientific ethics of peer review and scientific method and the forumlation of a scientific theory that requires MUTUAL debate AND SHARING OF EVIDENCE. If you don't have evidence you don't speak about your alleged "facts."

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It's almost always unrealistic to argue about religion.

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