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  • Serious question for Muslims: Is interfaith dialogue realistic?

    I am reading a book by an American Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf "What's Right with Islam". So far I understand his point in showing what Christians, Jews and Muslims share in common. What concerns me is the way that he skirts around the issue of the acceptance of religions that are not "of the book". More specifically he says that "authentic" world religions recognize God as a singular entity, God is relevant to creation, this is knowable to all humans, humans are capable of fulfilling divine imperatives, and that people should be held responsible for their actions. What I take the strongest issue with is that a religion some how is not "authentic" if they do not see God as singular or relevant to the human experience.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why is my picture avatar not working?

    I have cleared the cache of my browser... I have tried viewing the page from chrome and explorer. My Yahoo Profile has always been public, I linked my Facebook to Yahoo last night, and when I try to use a picture from Facebook that will not work either. I can't go back to my avatar, I'm assuming because they are being taken away on April 1st. The only place my picture is not showing is next to my answers, it shows in my Yahoo profile, and it shows on my Y!A profile.

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Any Christians on here that belong to churches that advocate for same-sex marriage?

    I am researching churches that allow same-sex marriage, and/or are actively debating the inclusion of same-sex marriage in the rules/mission statement of their church. For some churches it's really hard to pin-point where support comes from because often the "southern" variant of a church will be very socially conservative. Any help would be appreciated... thank you.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What was marriage like in biblical times?

    No agenda... I just want to know more. Christians, Muslims welcome to respond obviously... I'm actually surprised how hard it is to find a good description that isn't snarky. lol

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does the "red pill/blue pill" argument effect religious leaders of different faiths in a similar way?

    For those not familiar with the "red pill/blue pill" argument it's from the Matrix. In life we can either choose to go with the flow, and do what we're told and live a life a decent amount of security and comfort, or we can choose to seek truth no matter what the cost of that truth is. "You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes".

    We talk about this fairly often in Buddhism, or at least I do with my nerd friends. In my opinion, once you start to see things "how they really are" it's nearly impossible to go back to how it was before. I'm interested in hearing from anyone who has experience in a leadership position what they think about the red pill/blue pill analogy, and if they experience something similar. In other words, does being in a leadership position force you to see things from a different perspective than the rank and file followers?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does Christianity improve the quality of life for children?

    Are Christians the only ones that care about children? The sermon I sat through today had this as a main point. The pastor said that if we look to other cultures we see that children are devalued, Muslims stick bombs on kids and use innocents as human sheilds, examples of cultures where unwanted babies are thrown in garbage heaps, etc. I'd like to hear from a variety of persepctices, (especially Muslim/Hindus...) Are Christians really the only ones who care about children? 0.o

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Who's ready to celebrate the end of the end of the world questions?

    I'm gonna be so glad when we're in the nice quiet middle part when the world is still existing, but there's no date set for our doom... :)

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Memorial service for the Newtown CT Victems?

    Anyone who would like to join is more than welcome to do so.

    Namu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo


    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If there were no God/Jesus would there still be a point to being a Christian?

    Suspend your disbelief for a moment. *If* there were no God, and no Jesus... would there be any reason to be a Christian and/or follow the teachings of the Bible?

    I'm asking because I believe that there is still value in Buddhist teachings even if Buddha was a regular man/never existed.


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Did anyone see the story on Fox News about adults going back to church because of the economy?

    I know, this crowd and Fox news... don't report me just yet. lol

    Most of us in the agonostic/atheist crowd are aware of the studies that show the religious "nones" are one of the fastest growing segments in the country. Fox reported tonight that more and more adults are going back to the "religion of their parents" acording to Fox because of the economy, and a desire to recreate more traditional values/family life... blah blah. I *thought* they said this was based off a Pew research poll, but I was unable to find anything like that one their site. I was just wondering if anyone saw this, or knew where I could see the data that shows more people going back to church.


    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Did anyone see the story on Fox News about adults going back to church because of the economy?

    I know, this crowd and Fox news... don't report me just yet. lol

    Most of us in the agonostic/atheist crowd are aware of the studies that show the religious "nones" are one of the fastest growing segments in the country. Fox reported tonight that more and more adults are going back to the "religion of their parents" acording to Fox because of the economy, and a desire to recreate more traditional values/family life... blah blah. I *thought* they said this was based off a Pew research poll, but I was unable to find anything like that one their site. I was just wondering if anyone saw this, or knew where I could see the data that shows more people going back to church.


    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Do scientists really have issues explaining the existence of birds according to evolutionary theory?

    I just read an article in a Christian magazine (I know, I know) that says the scientific community is baffled by the evolution of birds/feathers. Any thoughts? I'd much rather hear from people who actually believe in evolution. lol

    1 AnswerBiology9 years ago
  • Is violence against Dalits in India an example of religious hypocracy, or is saying so an example of...?

    the west (i.e. small baptist church) imposing its values on a culture that they do not understand?

    I had to go to church today (which always makes me want to scream). Today there was a little message on the back of the program for the day, telling people about an incident where "Three colonies of Dalits (a.ka. untouchables) (of the Adi-Dravida community) near Naikkankottai in Dharmapuri district of western Tamil Nadu remained benumbed on Thursday by the fury unleashed on them by a rampaging mob of caste Hindus on Wednesday". People were a bit shocked that this happened 2 miles away from an orphanage. My parent's church has a mission in India, and that's why they get these updates from time to time.

    I certainly don't agree with the caste system, but I'm not sure that I would go so far as some other church members as to say that it's hypocritical for Hindus to still have these prejudices. I don't know enough about Indian society, or Hinduism to really comment on the issue... but I would like to know what others think so that I can have an Intelligent conversation with people who see this as simply an example of non-Christians being barbaric and hypocritical.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What's the difference between a Pentecostal and an Baptist baptism?

    OK, this has nothing to do with me, I know I'm going to hell. I just want some education on a finer point of Christian doctrine.

    My little sister (who's an adult) has yet to be baptized and she attends a Baptist church... a sleepy New England type church. Nothing to strict or formal going on there. She was invited to come and get baptized at a Pentecostal church, and declined saying that she'd rather be baptized by her own pastor if she decided to do it. Of course, the one doing the inviting is upset that it's not going to get done right, and hence won't count. (I find the whole thing funny... but that's besides the point).

    The main argument is over the verbiage. Pentecostal says has to be in *Jesus* name or doesn't count, Baptist says in the name of the father, son, and holy spirit. I might be a heathen, but I was pretty sure Jesus and the Son were the same...

    Is this some weird trinitarian definitions game, or are there real differences between the two?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Mixing anime with religious commentary...anyone need a laugh?

    The religious part is from 6:25-7:47... if you like random conversations... watch from the beginning. For those skipping. 5 girls are shooting the **** back stage... they're talking about how if they won the lottery they'd keep it a secret... then they discover a fool-proof way to see if one one them is a secret lottery winner. :)

    Yes, I am aware that I am going to hell.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why does Richard Dawkins reading profanity-strewn hate mail sound so... intelligent?

    If you have three minutes of your life to spare, and haven't seen Richard Dawkins reading his hate mail you should. It almost sounds like some of the drivel we wade through each day. ;)

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is this the Buddha condemning Y!A?

    1.18.’ “Whereas some ascetics and Brahmins remain addicted to disputation such as: ’You don’t understand this doctrine and discipline- I do!’ ‘How could you understand this doctrine and discipline?’ ‘Your way is all wrong- mine is right!’ ‘I am consistent- you aren’t!’ ‘You said last what you should have said first, and you said first what you should have said last!’ ‘What you took so long to think up has been refuted!’ ‘Your argument has been overthrown, you’re defeated!’ ‘Go on, save your doctrine-get out of that if you can!’ the ascetic Gotama refrains from such disputation.

    I find it strange that I stumble upon this after over a week of arguing my little head off on here, lol. :)

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Spiritually speaking, should I get off my butt and go to service tonight?

    I have been such a slug... it's hard to meditate in my parent's house... Y!A has been my only link to the outside world in two weeks... :/

    But then I'd actually have to get dressed and drive somewhere...

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Spiritually speaking what do you think of this statement...? study the self is to die.

    It's from "The Book of Heroes" Miyuki Miyabe. I have no idea what the rest of the book is about, just something I grabbed off my shelf. What do you think, emo teenager drivel? Or is there some merit to this statement?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago