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Lv 7

Does the "red pill/blue pill" argument effect religious leaders of different faiths in a similar way?

For those not familiar with the "red pill/blue pill" argument it's from the Matrix. In life we can either choose to go with the flow, and do what we're told and live a life a decent amount of security and comfort, or we can choose to seek truth no matter what the cost of that truth is. "You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes".

We talk about this fairly often in Buddhism, or at least I do with my nerd friends. In my opinion, once you start to see things "how they really are" it's nearly impossible to go back to how it was before. I'm interested in hearing from anyone who has experience in a leadership position what they think about the red pill/blue pill analogy, and if they experience something similar. In other words, does being in a leadership position force you to see things from a different perspective than the rank and file followers?


::sigh:: >.< :*(

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In my experience the christians have no room for any truly 'individual" experiences that contradict the dogma. You either comply with it (because that's where the money is) or you're out.

    This reminds me of a radio show i heard last year involving priests who no longer believe. With a fresher, newer perspective, they were amazed at just how reactive and defensive, hostile even, people in the church were to the concept of looking beyond the orthodoxy. It only served to reinforce the idea that the faith is not true.

    (tough spot to be in)

    But yes, the entrenched christians on this site will never admit it, but once you step back from socially acceptable, preconceived notions, there is no going back to "christianity" for any other reason other than sheer denial. That's why christians are so tight with sticking to the script. Their script is an escapism, a conformity. They even call themselves sheep.

    And contrary to what some might say (just to hear themselves say it) ignorance is not bliss.

    -red piller 4 life

  • 8 years ago

    Hi, kid, good to see you. Your question popped up in my "contacts" update or I might have missed it.

    Can't say as I've ever been in a leadership position, other than being the "resident heretic" in my church (I don't "do dogma"). But I well understand the red pill/blue pill analogy. I think I have lived more on the red pill most of my life, I have always been a skeptic and cynic. Even as a nominal "christian" (and I really tried to get into it), I just never got any "spiritual" connection anywhere and finally decided that reality is gonna have to work for me. Which it does, it leaves my mind to wander in whatever directions I feel led to pursue. Mostly, I like studying Christian church history and bible history. Very few "christians", no matter how they claim to know (selected passages) of the bible, actually know the history of their church. But I notice this seems to be true of many Muslims as well. Not familiar with Eastern religions, I know they emphasize more the "oneness" of ourselves with the universe and with "god". I think that is the right track,

    Sadly, I do yet live with a lot of rage (always have) although I have learned how to live WITH it, and I have a terrible case of "monkey mind", aka ADHD.

    I don't think I could live with the "blue pill" if I tried.

    Blessings on your Journey!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    The pills are not so easy to swallow, because Truth is more like clean water that must overflow from the bottom of the well to flush out all the lies. When everybody is convinced that they have heard the whole truth, it is very hard to get them to eat and drink enough words of Truth to become a spring of overflowing words of Life. People are shocked to see what religions find their origins in the Kabbalah, which ones find their origin in the Torah, and which ones have been infiltrated and turned into diclectic doctrines with one set of beliefs for the masses and a more sinister set of beliefs for the esoteric occult insiders. The red pill is below if you can swallow any of it. Take with plenty of living water.

    Source(s): The Secret Behind Secret Societies, Hidden Agendas Total onslaught series, Strange Fire, The Islamic connection, The Beamable sustainable Princes.
  • Monk
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    シトリン夢 Citrine Dream ,

    That is a very good intelligent question and many intelligent answers. This One is humbled to throw in my two cents. The first cent is to bring about agreement on what does going with the flow mean on the path to awakening. While surrendering is an objective one does not surrender intelligence for security. In surrender one does lose the false ego idea and discovers a healthy balance with nature and comes to the realization they are not separated from it and how much they are interconnected.

    The second cent would be given to an agreement on Buddhism; intuition and perception. (In limited space and time.) For a very brief read on Zen Buddhism on “no self” and “conditionality” by Ajahn Jagaro: most importantly a read by a current Buddha in our time Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh on intuition: Buddha taught that intuition, not reason, is the source of ultimate truth and wisdom. It follows then that to give you what is available on what Buddha had spoken on intuition but intuitively decided to give you a reading on a more current Buddha. In this opinion no one on this forum or for that matter in the world could give a more clear insight into what both intuition and reason are as given here:

    Perception in humankind is perfecto in doing its job as well as their consciousness. The problem begins when the desiring from the false ego idea that filters the messages sent between perception and consciousness and only sees what it wants to see. Sleepwalker of the world must wake up. Not drift of in the whole world of Red pills/Blue pills arguments of all Religious of same or different allusions. Leadership requires to see what is self-evident in the now moment and apply it to their life and teaching regardless of any force to see from a different perspective. Vipassana, inner vision, is a valuable tool to see things as they are.

    Take a look/see.

    Source(s): Zen
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  • 8 years ago

    sure everyone must lead themselves when they seek for truths. those who don't are not really seeking so they take blue pill, huh? then I did take the red one - not just one but the whole bottle and like it - it's like M&M, yeah!!!

    But it's not like rabbit hole but underground cave system - they call it cenote - full of wonder! Yeah, the path of seeking for truth is full of enjoyment. But don't start with believing or willing to believe but with skepticism - as the Buddha mention. Start investigate.


    forgot to mention - we also should know where to stop and think hard.

  • 8 years ago

    my search for the truth nearly cost me my sanity. once you realize that realitys existence is nothing more than assumption (which i can prove logically that it is in fact an assumption) you realize that the only thing any one person can know with absolute certainty is that they themselves exist because a non existent being can not think. that is not an easy realization to deal with, to know that everything you think you know could be a lie.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you go into religion seeking truth, you're going to come out of it discarding the religion.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I know some women enjoy the blue pill.

    Source(s): Viagra.
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