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Does Christianity improve the quality of life for children?

Are Christians the only ones that care about children? The sermon I sat through today had this as a main point. The pastor said that if we look to other cultures we see that children are devalued, Muslims stick bombs on kids and use innocents as human sheilds, examples of cultures where unwanted babies are thrown in garbage heaps, etc. I'd like to hear from a variety of persepctices, (especially Muslim/Hindus...) Are Christians really the only ones who care about children? 0.o

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your pastor was indoctrinating you into believing that you are the only group that is "right". He is proliferating religious hatred among his followers. Certainly by the fact you are asking this question you know he is wrong. Buddhists value children, as do Hindu, Atheist, Pagan, Taoist, and most other religions. He is siting the actions of a few extremists as examples of the whole. Look the at recent killings of 20 kids and you could say Christians don't value kids either. You cannot base opinions of a whole religion on the actions of a few zealots or extremists. If there was a group that didn't value their kids they would soon die out as there would be no "new blood" to carry on the practices. You pastor is encouraging hatred of other religions and I wouldn't call that very spiritual.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    no longer outcomes that can not get replaced with non-theistic parallels. The communal aspects are solid. yet lots of Christianity is approximately theory combating memes, emotion based manipulation, stifling inquiry, contriving actuality, and coming up misplaces have confidence. If somebody is afraid of something(preconceiving harm), actual doing something valuable for addressing that harm is extra valuable than spiraling off right into a delusion that isn't representative of life. And there are diverse techniques of coping with loss of life, and devaluing their one actually life isn't the suitable way. "those rules can help save society so as" regulation are what the society establishes as being needed. Christianity and different faiths do no longer could join that technique. they have a tendency to handle those social subjects in very fallacious techniques. practice human beings to actual think of approximately what's physically powerful/incorrect fairly than conserving what's a "sin", utilising that as a crutch to dodge theory. So whilst the time comes whilst they actually could be questioning approximately their strikes, they have the kit to take the suitable action.

  • 8 years ago

    Good people improve the quality of life for children.

    If people are good because of religion, then fine.

    If people are good because they do not believe in religion, then fine.

    In other words, it is the people and their inherent nature that is at work, not religion, although religion can play a role in their "goodness".

    In the meantime, I don't trust any pastor who berates another culture because that isn't demonstrating the love that Jesus says we should have toward all people, including our enemies. And in the case you've cited, the pastor is lumping all Muslims together and that is basically disingenuous and dishonest. I'd find another pastor or church in a hurry.

    TDs expected.

  • 8 years ago

    Christians are a lot like gym members that once you join you have access to all the equipment and trainers and diet and all to get tremendous results. The Christian children who are serious about their faith and use the spiritual equipment have a quality that is distinguishable from others. I know many kids and volunteer in the kids programs at church and can see those young adults that have grown from such homes and have taken the right path. These kids are Intelligent, responsible, self motivated, kind respectful, generous, caring and not polluted by drugs, promiscuity, alcohol. They are the kind of people you would want to raise kids and pass on the same values.

    I know many people who love their kids as much as anyone else and do the best they can. But your kids are going to be imprinted by TV video games and friends so as to introduce many destructive influences. There are many Christian families that let these same influences into their homes and their kids tend to grow up like a lot of others with many problems. Every one cares about their kids and perhaps equally but the results in raising your family is after they are grown. There are many temporal plains such as education that other cultures surpass Christians in yet in the end it is going to be your character that defines you. There are many wonderful people of all faiths who have provided loving secure home environments for their children to grow in safe and this is common to all.

  • 8 years ago

    All religions teach the duties of parents towards children and vice versa and Hinduism is not an exception.

  • fire
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    the bible says we are responsible to God, and he says we need to be clean, physically, morally, and spiritually.

    however lest not categorize other religions, in that way because anyone can abuse religion as extremest have done with Islam. We remember the abuse that was done by Christianity in the crusades , and spain in forcing indians to accept Christianity. What they did was spilled blood in Jesus name, i would think they are guilty of bloodshed according to the bible.

    so answer is yes christianity improves the quality of life for children and everyone for that matter based on justice, love which is love for our neighbor to be treated fairly.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    wow ur ignorant. no almost every human cares a lot and would give their life for their child. u don't have to believe in ur magical god to love. There are millions of people out there good and bad, sometimes children are abandoned. You don't know why whatever you saw in the pictures happened do you? try to form your own opinions, think for yourself.

  • 8 years ago

    No, how could threatening children with eternal burning improve their quality of life?

    most likely, as the availability of information grows, no matter what you teach them, they will learn the truth that there are NO gods

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Certainly not. It keeps some of them back to the point where they do not ever gain critical thinking skills.

    Source(s): .
  • 8 years ago

    No. It is just a cruel form of indoctrination.

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