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Christmas Tree Drama - Kitchen or bedroom?

My foster daughter moved back in with me 2 months ago. I am more than happy to have her, she is 25. It meant cleaning out the living room and storing furniture and stuff in every available corner and closet throughout our tiny apartment so she could turn the living room into her space. There is not ONE CORNER left in my house. It is fine. So for Christmas, I told her and my son that I had a great idea for this little nook where my son usually keeps all his school stuff, books, sports gear. I asked him box his stuff up and stack his stuff in ONE REMAINING corner of his room for the holidays so I could turn this little nook into "christmas". I had the great idea to make a fake tree on the wall and hang ornaments. But in order to have a would mean stacking furniture in either my tiny kitchen or in the middle of the living room floor. This would drive me bonkers. So I said no tree BUT I had a great idea for xmas. Again, I said two weeks tree, they could care less!

So Monday as I was decorating this little area, my foster daughter walks in with....a TREE! I was surprised, I said thanks but there is no room. So she proceeds to point out how this furniture could be stacked here and this there and the tree could sit in the middle of the kitchen floor. And why do you need to get to this spot and you don't need to use this area, etc. No no no no I said. But I said thanks, sorry let me pay you back....She does not even like xmas. She is not speaking to me, is very angry, I know she tried to do something nice but to me it is like bringing home a puppy. If she was super into xmas I would get it but she NEVER gets into xmas! She thinks it is stupid.

I suppose I am being a grinch right? It will be such a huge hassle to rearrange furniture and then to have to have the tree in the middle of the floor next to stacked up furniture you have to walk will really bother me.....and I will hate inner peace is directly related to the amount of clutter and mess in my home environment. I find it extremely difficult to function in chaos and mess and clutter.

What would you do?

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would compromise.

    If it is an artificial tree I would only put together the branches of only one side of the tree, so if looked from above, instead of looking like a circle it would look as a semicircle. Then i would put the unbranched side of the tre against the spot where you wanted the fake one and decorate the "half tree".

    If it is a real tree I would trim all the branches of one side and put it against the wall. It shouldn't take a lot of space.

    Then, with the trimmed branches you could make some ornament for your apartment door.

    Any way, happy holidays.

    Source(s): I'm resourceful :-)
  • 8 years ago

    Well, it just seems like so much effort to completely re-arrange your house, for one Christmas tree, that you're going to take down the week after Christmas. They sell little tiny Charlie-Brown-Like Christmas trees at home depot, perhaps you could get one of those little ones, and set it on your counter or something.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    well your daughter never usualy gets into christmas so mabye give in because she is trying for your sake

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