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What is wrong with my computer?

My computer won't boot up to windows normally. It goes to System Recovery Options and everything I click doesnt help the system. Is there anything I can do? Email me if you can for direct help please.

1 Answer

  • Favorite Answer

    hello if your computer is the constant reboot loop then there is a couple things you could try. If you have your original Windows installation DVD, you can boot from it using your CD drive. when Windows loads the files, you will see an option at the bottom of the screen that says repair your computer, click it. The next screen that pops up at the bottom you will see an option that says command prompt, click it. When the recovery command prompt loads, type in BootRec.exe /fixmbr, then BootRec.exe /fixboot. You should not be able to boot into Windows normally, restart the computer and see what happens.

    if the problem persists, more than likely you will still need to reinstall windows, sorry for any inconvenience.

    For extra help or if you have any other questions, email me at:

    First Choice computer Services

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