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Does the NRA honestly think the best response to sandy hook is to have more guns in schools?

The NRA has just launched a national school protection program that introduces armed professionals into schools across America.

It really does make you wonder about the sanity of our society when the answer to lots of kids getting killed by guns in a school is to make sure that more guns are in every school. I'm sure everyone can see the pure insanity of this totally warped and backward solution - this is an example of how human intelligence is flawed - it's an example of the contractions that appear when a society is so blindly focused on order out of chaos.

Believe it or not but I think everyone should have a right to bare arms as this is fundamental to everyones freedoms in a society that functions through the threat of violence. (This is the definition of a capitalist society) When a government is heavily armed, it's citizens must also have this right. In fact, it shouldn't even be a so called 'right' because in truth, it's not an issue the government should have any say in.

But, even with this pro-gun opinion, I still see the insanity of the NRA solution to the Sandy Hook shooting.


space999: Then your lucky at the moment but your time will come. You wanna hope there are other people left to fight your corner with you when it's your turn. The ONLY way you can ensure this is if YOU stand up and support the people who are being threatened by the government now. The nature of a capitalist society is a society that functions through the CONSTANT threat of violence and the politics of fear and propaganda. The only destiny for such a society is tyranny.

Update 2:


Did you know there is no such thing as an ASSAULT WEAPON. This term 'Assault' is nothing but a propaganda word used and invented by the mainstream media to demonise weapons and brainwash the obvious mindset. Nobody in the industry uses that term. Basically, the government instructed media decided to use this NLP brainwashing propaganda talk simply because of the way a gun looks. As the U.S laws define, these type of guns look 'EVIL' but in reality they don't actually preform any special function that any another type of gun can't do. But supporting a ban on these so called 'ASSAULT' weapons you are expressing your brainwashing because of how something looks. Crazy huh?

Update 3:

Okay, for goodness sake, before I select a best answer I guess I'm going to have to state the obvious because most of you seem incapable of thinking RATIONALLY. More guns in school is a crazy solution and I don't care what so called professionals (matter of opinion) think.

Update 4:

As horrific and terrifying as it may sound, there is NOTHING society can do to stop this type of thing and by trying to do something, it's only going to make matters far worse. This is the flaw of intellectuals... they think that you can find a rational solution to insanity. There is no solution to insanity because it cannot be predicted or controlled. All we can do is accept that this sort of thing is very rare because its impossible to prevent or have any control over. We put more guns in schools, what happens when one of the armed protectors suddenly goes insane? Yes, that's right, it will be YOUR fault is any child gets killed because of it. WAKE UP PEOPLE.

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The problem is that insanity has a lot of support in the US.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Protection against other people with guns is the only true way to deal with it at the moment.

    Having armed professionals check around the clock looking for danger will help the cause, because the responsible gun owners will be doing it. This DOES NOT include all of the people that buys their guns from The Black Market (it's real), online websites, illegal gang trades, and smuggling. People who aren't accounted for are the ones that threaten our nation.

    If America banned guns, then the same result would put America in the exact same situation as Mexico (where the only people with guns are the gangsters and murderers). Intelligence isn't flawed, it's just that in light of recent events, it doesn't seem like it is the best thing to do at the moment, but it will if you give it enough time. The hightened gun standards would only affect those who buy their guns legally, but most school shooters buy their guns illegally (Columbine Massacre for example).

    The main problem about all of these shootings is the lack of protection. All a gunmen has to do is walk on a campus and pull the trigger. One school cop is not enough. If this were true, then Columbine and Virginia Tech would have never happened.

    I just hope that they don't have a bunch of idiots running around the school with guns claiming they will protect us. If they are professionals, then they should act like professionals. I would rather have a shootout between a homegrown terrorist and NRA supports than to be mindlessly slaughtered at the hands of a gunmen who probably has the stature of someone most of us could probably beat up.

  • 8 years ago

    The alternative solution to increase gun control and create more laws will have about the same affect as putting a large sign up in front of every school that says, "You better not bring a gun to this school, or you will be in big trouble mister!"

    That being said, as a father of two small children ages 6 and 8, I personally was disappointed by the NRA stance. I think it's good that they are waking up to the fact that these "weapon free zones" are really "helpless victim zones", but the added cost of adding a police presence, or the complexity of managing a volunteer security service would be very taxing with today's tight budgets and busy schedules. Also, the volunteer security force would have a target on their backs, they would be the first to go down when someone wants to go on a shooting spree, or if someone who wants to get a gun would be able to jump them and take theirs.

    In my opinion, a much simpler solution would be to allow teachers, and school staff members who wish to carry a concealed weapon do so after they have been through a certain amount of training, demonstrated how to properly use, secure, care for the weapon, and have obtained the proper permits to do so. I know in Oregon there are many gun safety trainers who have offered to train teachers for free. I also think that this information should be kept confidential. The students do not need to know who is armed and who is not. We do not want these teachers to be a target if someone wants to take their gun.

    When it comes down to it. I would rather that my children were attending a school that had a couple of anonymous teachers who were willing to get the necessary training, and have the tools available to actually protect them in the case of an emergency. The alternative of hiding and hoping that the door doesn't get kicked in by a crazy man with a gun is not acceptable.

  • Arnie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    Many schools in the US have police officers assigned to them aren't they the same as armed guards.....

    In a not perfect world only the good guys would turn in their guns and we would be helpless and at the

    mercy of the bad guys.Too bad we will never know if a police officer was assigned to that school how many lives could he have saved. Drugs and drunk driving have been against the law for years and that does not help.

    We could use the money we give to countries that hate us,our children are more important!!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The problem with a shooter like Adam Lanzar was he was known to the school staff and although regarded as a bit odd no-one saw him as being capable of anything like the horrors he perpetrated.

    And in such cases as him guns would not really have worked.

    They should have CCTV cameras,but once again not effective when they knew the intruder.

  • 8 years ago

    i would love to have armed professionals in my school over a cop who sits and talks to my Principal all day over nonsense the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun

    Source(s): me
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    It's funny how the Police, the armed services, security contractors, bank guards, airport security, etc, etc, seem to disagree with you.

    Their response to a threat is to send more armed personnel to deal with it...

    How is that different to what the NRA are proposing. Your logic makes no sense...

  • 8 years ago

    When you live with the wild west mindset, you have a hard time seeing any solution but your six shooter.

    We don't need more guns in schools, we need less availability and harder standards for getting guns in the first place.

    Assault weapons should only be in the possession of the military

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, and insane is the best response I could come up with.

  • 8 years ago

    the whole concept was mocked the other day in one of our newspapers.

    The USA look really bad over this.

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