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So why didn't house Democrats want to vote to increase taxes on the 1%, the so called plan B?

Isn't that better than raising taxes on everyone?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dumbazz repubs didn't want to pass it in the House.

    Source(s): They've got some splainin to do.
  • David
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Please don't be disingenuous. The proposal put forward by the Speaker has too many sacrifices proposed for the unemployed and underpaid and not enough by the privileged.

    The rest of us are not stupid, you know. We are fully aware that the new year will bring a saner Congress into office with a greatly reduced Republican majority. Thirty of the worst extremists, the people who made it impossible for the Speaker to sell his own plan, will be back working at Wendy's and UPS. Alan West will no doubt be working for Fox News as a token black Conservative.

    The new Congress will than do the job this one could not. It will have the power to act retroactively and the nation will find that the fiscal cliff was mostly illusion. The markets may oscillate, but the nation remains sound and will recover quickly under better governance.

    The Democrats are not stupid. They know that the new Congress will provide them with a solution that has more balance and some equity. What you have been hearing over the last month was the last quack of the lame ducks, who the People in their wisdom have rejected.

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The vote was never called because it didn't have enough *Republican* votes to pass. The question now is whether the more moderate Republicans will do a deal with the Democrats that leaves the hard-line conservatives voting nay.

  • 8 years ago

    yes, one partial aspect of a bill being good must mean that the entire proposal is great. You must be great to sell used cars to. If I throw in AC (with a blower that doesn't work on all speeds), doesn't matter to you that the engine needs to be rebuilt, I suppose. you would immediately sign off on that junker.

  • niHil
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    democrats are rich...

    how rich are they?


    Senator John Kerry_______________$193.07 Million

    Senator Jay Rockefeller__________$81.63 Million

    Senator Mark Warner______________$76.30 Million

    Representative Jared Polis_______$65.91 Million

    Senator Frank Lautenberg_________$55.07 Million

    Senator Richard Blumenthal_______$52.93 Million

    Senator Dianne Feinstein_________$45.39 Million

    Representative Nancy Pelosi______$35.20 Million

    Senator Claire McCaskill_________$17.00 Million

    Representative Nita Lowey________$15.46 Million

    Senator Tom Harkin_______________$10.28 Million

    Representative Carolyn Maloney___$10.14 Million

    Senator Olympia Snowe____________$9.88 Million

    Representative Shelley Berkley___$9.29 Million

    Senator Herb Kohl________________$9.23 Million

    Representative Lloyd Doggett_____$8.53 Million

    Senator Jeff Bingaman____________$7.41 Million

    Senator Kay Hagan________________$7.06 Million

    Senator Ben Nelson_______________$6.56 Million

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You are a little "slow", apparently, so I will be nice about this...

    Who do the preponderance of American voters currently blame for our (largely imaginary) "fiscal woes"?

    Why would Democrats want to do ANYTHING to change that?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Boehner's plan was killed by wingnuts of his own party. Even Norquist said it wouldn't raise taxes. You really don't know what you're talking about. Leave adult discussions to adults.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Hahahahaha - the Cons are beginning to put their Big Whine together.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    House Republicans are the reason Plan B didn't pass.

  • 8 years ago

    Democrats want everyone depending on the government. More control more money for them to spend any way they want

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    does it matter?

    the cons can do whatever they want without a single vote from the dems

    you need to ask why the cons wouldn't vote for plan b

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