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Jehovah's Witnesses, if you have faith in the strength of your beliefs...?

...then why do you collectively ambush people on Yahoo Answers?

The Tactic:

A Jehovah's Witness user asks a question that provokes (antagonizes) non-Witnesses. The Witness asks a question directed at non-Witnesses, which means Jehovah's Witnesses by YA guidelines aren't allowed to answer. But they do. Example~ "Where is the proof the Watchtower Society was part of the United Nations?" This will be followed by a rant about slighting truth, Apostates and liars, and one or more quotes from Watchtower literature condemning the UN as the Beast.

A non-Witness will offer links to websites, including the UN press release regarding the WTS' membership, the Guardian Article that exposed it, and the WTS' own release that says they joined for a library card. According to Yahoo guidelines, that's a reasonable answer. But the asker will give it a thumbs down. The online members of his contact list will thumbs down the reasonable answer until it is, by default, not showing due to low user rating.

But an active Witness will answer the question that isn't directed to him. He will say something about Apostates and liars, persecution, and offer more Watchtower quotes. Mind you, any bible quotes will be included as part of the Watchtower quote. They clearly don't answer the question according to the question, and they don't try to. But the asker will give it a thumbs up and the asker's JW contacts will give it a thumbs up.

And then the asker picks as Best Answer a pro-Watchtower propaganda answer that doesn't at all answer "Where is the proof...?"

If you ARE Jehovah's chosen people, and you are so faithful in that idea, why do you feel the need to create ambush questions? Why do you feel you have to collectively snuff accurate answers?

My brother in law is a JW. One of the first things he said was that they were about Truth. The Watchtower founder Charles Russell wrote "the truth is the truth, even if it's from the devil." He didn't say it to mean people should worship Satan, but to show that truth is indisputable if it really is truth.

Just because you don't agree with a truth doesn't make it less true. In the UN example, there are dozens of questions on the UN and the WTS that play out on YA the way I presented. The Guardian in the UK broke the news the WTS was an NGO in the UN. The UN has their information on their website and issued a press release. The WTS released a BOE letter admitting they were an NGO in the UN for access to the UN library. Facts admitted by all sides.

But many of you JWs will take every effort to snuff that truth out of existense. You will report questions and answers you disagree with, even though they are supported by documented facts. You will gang up on non-Witnesses. You will ambush people.

All to hide truth.

If you're about truth, you don't hide it. If you represent "true" Christianity, you don't exhibit guerrilla warfare tactics to obscure access to truth.

So why do so many of you do it?

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What you have experienced is there stock and trade its called "intellectual dishonesty" .

    Their faith is so frail, flimsy and false that it can't stand up to any intelligent scrutiny . They are trained

    directly by there governing body elites not to engage opposers/critics in reasoned conversation .

    Here's a quote from their Watchtower mag.

    What is involved in avoiding false teachers? We do not receive them into our homes or greet them. We also refuse to read their literature, watch TV programs that feature them, examine their Web sites, or add our comments to their blogs. Why do we take such a firm stand? Because of love. We love “the God of truth,” so we are not interested in twisted teachings that contradict his Word of truth.

    Watchtower 2011 7/15 p. 16 par. 7 Will You Heed Jehovah’s Clear Warnings? ***

    Source(s): The largest JW site on earth 4.4 milliom posts
  • gonser
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    a million) Ok shall we wip the slat blank. To aid you get a larger knowledge, appear at Psalms eighty three:18. two) Now appear at John 17:three once more. So whilst it says " And that is existence enternal, that they could recognize thee the one actual God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast despatched." This scripture suggests that you simply are not intended to suppose in Jesus but in addition soak up competencies of him. And on the way to deliver you a larger knowledge of who Jesus is. three) Turn to Romans 6:23. Now whilst a few individuals say, "God will certainly not desire me, I am to dangerous of a man or woman and feature sinned to a lot." That is unfaithful. We all are born with adamic sin. It is sort of a cake pan with a dent within it. Every cake that you just bake has that little little bit of imperfection. That is the equal at present with individuals. Adam and Eve had been the primary individuals on Earth. They sinned earlier than they'd youngsters so, there youngsters inherited that sin. Then it simply got here down the road to us at present. None people are excellent at present. Hope this explans a bit extra. If you've some other questions simply e mail me.

  • 8 years ago

    JWs aren't interested in answers that contradict their thinking. They're not interested in proof or facts that contradict WTS. They won't listen nor read references given. They will repeat their apologists without reading the other side of the argument. There is a reason why so many ExJW need to re-educate themselves because the stupidity we were fed for so long had often blinded our reason but as long as we were cult members we didn't think for ourselves and group think was prevalent.

    There is a reason you don't see JWs give references other than or quote bible which is pointless in most of the arguments here. When has anyone seen JW go to library with one of WTS publications to check the quotes? NEVER unless one was already starting to think for themselves and question what they've been reading.

    From seeing JW pattern of thumbs up/down, I'm guessing majority don't even finish reading the entire answer bu will give you thumb down upon either recognizing your name or reading your answer upto the point of realizing it shows WTS' flaws, deception, or hypocrisy.


    The answers to JW questions which don't align with JW thought pattern should allow non biased, non JW individual to be check reference and come to their own conclusions. Answers are more to help the public than general JW community who can only awaken when their time comes, but as most cult members, many will die believing what their leaders tell them.


    Source(s): cult help resource - international cultic studies association -
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think @Sunshine highlights exactly what you mean in her answer!

    Ridicules your well thought out question.

    Then makes attempts to "threaten" you with reporting it when its broken

    NO guidelines.

    However, her answer as! [scratching head]?????

    If a question is not pointed to witnesses while asking for proof of

    factual accusations against what they refuse to belief despite being the

    TRUTH, because their .org misleads them to think its a lie!

    Then given a best answer to a JW 'denying' the proof shown to me;

    Clearly shows enormous gaps in the sincerity to seek TRUTH!

    Not withstanding their overgrown hypocrisy too!

    But take it as victory that as with their leaders they hide truth for the

    sake of deception! They have Satan as their Father!

    Source(s): EX JW
  • 8 years ago

    They need to be clever because they're battling reality.

    And my money isn't on the Watchtower Society coming out on top.

  • Terry
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Well........ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz (falls asleep at keyboard)

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