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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetInternetYouTube · 8 years ago

Why did Jenna Marbles and Max Nosleeves break up?

Does anyone know the reason Jenna Marbles and Max NoSleeves broke up? I heard it was cause of this Youtuber called BradTheLadLong but I'm not sure. I've heard the same story about this Brad kid from so many people though.... anyone actually know?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Basically, Jenna was drunk one night and posted on BradTheLadLong's video saying "You can't f***** sing dude, and you're creepy as f***!". Then all her fans started commenting on his videos giving him death threats. Max got annoyed about it and commented back on Brad's video saying "What a lovely girlfriend I have..." and then it caused a big argument on this poor kids video.

    Then Jenna posted a drunk tweet (which she deleted) saying "Wow. Max and I broke up after 4 years over BradTheLadLong. COOL."

    So yeah, that's it. I feel sorry for Brad cause he's getting so much hate.

  • 7 years ago

    Yea, no, he cheated n her, she tweeted about it like way after, cause shes one of the most honest and kind youtubers out there, no one compares to jenna marbles and max underminded her and dusrespected her by cheating.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Jennamarbles Twitter

  • 5 years ago


  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Curlyhairedvegetariangirl, either you're trolling or on crack.

    In the video , they BOTH said they broke up IN that very cristmas tree video , and are sad and thanks to tabler who was nice enough to tell me , now I know why. BUT I am guessing the brad thing was a hoax SO like the above answer , until I see some proof..................

  • 8 years ago

    Actually, she didn't post on "BradTheLadLong"'s video. It was just a story made up by him and a few other people.

    Just rumors that shouldn't be believed. Because no one can find the alleged comment or tweet. And why would they break up over her saying someone sucks in a comment? Stupid...

    Anyways, no one really knows why they broke up, just rough times I guess. But my guess is that they will get back together really soon :)

    EDIT: If anyone doesn't believe me. Just google it. You think somebody would've screen-capped it right? Either the comment or tweet? Wrong, it didn't happen :P

  • 8 years ago

    Word for word verbatim the top comment on some videos by BradTheLadLong videos.

    "Guys... Jenna never commented on anything. BradTheLadLong is a huge troll, and wants us pissed off Jenna fans to dislike his video so he becomes famous for sucking major ***. Just report him and we can be done with him.

    Like so the Jenna fans can see!"

  • 8 years ago

    I am such a HUGE fan of Jenna. Seriously, I was one of her first subscribers. Haha :)

    Erm, pretty much everyone else answered for me so I can't share my knowledge. I'll go over it again in more detail though cause I'm such a saint.

    Jenna was a little drunk and posted on BradTheLadLong's video saying he can't sing and stuff and her fans started digging at him also. People were throwing death threats at him and telling him to commit and then Max said she's disgusting for causing this. Jenna posted on Twitter about breaking up cause of BradTheLadLong which is kinda sad after they've been together for four years :(

    It wasn't really Jenna's fault for saying Brad can't sing, cause....he can't! It was the people who took it to far and leaving death threats to Brad.

    Anyways, I still love Jenna so, I don't really care if she's with Max or she isn't.

    Source(s): My fucking Jenna Marbles knowledge x
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm going to do the right thing here and tell y'all what I think.

    Jenna has been such a ***** by blaming all this on BradTheLadLong. The kid gets enough hate on Youtube as it is without getting all her fans saying he's an idiot for breaking them up. Don't really see his involvement apart from the fact Jenna couldn't control her drinking and then posted on his videos?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    she was drunk and posted on BradTheLadLong's video.

    her fans started joining her and abusing brad and then max said its out of order blah blah blah

    jenna posted on twitter they broke up over brad which led to brad getting death threats.


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    coz of stupid BradTheLadLong thinking hes cool making stupid videos and jenna just told the truth and gets the backlash? NOT fair, i hate brad i hate him i hate him i hate his guts

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