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Does anyone still hold that dog thing against Michael Vick?
I am sorry, I just can't get past it. Should he sign with the Jets I will give up my nearly fifty years of being a fan.
4 Answers
- ?Lv 58 years agoFavorite Answer
Me! I own an american pit bull terrier and if someone did this to my dog I would sure as hell go trigger happy on that sh*thead. Not only is it because of my love for dogs, him being able to watch two dogs rip each others organs out and like it, electrocute, drown, strangle, and beat a losing/loser dog to death says something about his personality. Obviously there's something messed up in his brain.
Not only that but he sucks all around, at everything. Sucks to suck. I like the saints better anyways although they're horrible this year.
That apology was such BS. If he was truly sorry he wouldn't have done it to begin with, simple as that. He would've continued to fight, and would til this day, if they did not catch him. He also never actually said the phrase "I'm sorry", even though it was on his list of things to say in the speech. He skipped it for a reason- he's not sorry. He never will be.
Source(s): Saints fan and pit bull owner. - Anonymous8 years ago
I don't. I hold almost everything against athletes who mess up. I still have my Roger Clemens and Mark McGwire stuff locked away in the attic because they did roids, I'm still unregretful that I ripped my Livestrong bracelet to shreds, and I still want my own QB off my team. "Innocent" or not, Big Ben is a stain on the Steelers' good reputation.
Michael Vick is the one exception in my eyes. I loved him before he was accused, and the day he was, I sold all my Vick stuff and switched football positions in HS (my nickname was White Vick because I threw better on the run). Never thought I'd like him again, but he is the one athlete I've seen genuinelly repent and make amends for what he's done.
- 8 years ago
Ok here's what I think a lot of people still hold it against him but I think they shouldnt. I think what he did was wrong but does that even involve football?? No
- Anonymous8 years ago
honestly he should just retire, no team would want him 'cos he's a turnover machine.