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Proof of God Challenge. Any Takers?

If you believe in a God, here is your chance to prove once and for all your God exists. Atheists are continuously required to disprove God. It's impossible to prove/disprove God in general because God (in sense of a creator) has no quantifiable traits. If it's an invisible, intangible presense, it cannot be quantified without discrepencies.

But when a God is characterized in doctrine, it becomes quantifiable. It has falsifiable qualities. Weight. Color. Character. Motive. Atheists can disprove these Gods by contradictions. In the aspect of the Abrahamic God (Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah), His Word is infallable, so His Word is Truth. So Atheists look for contradictions in His Word and it's as easy as opening to Genesis to find contradictions.

But as tasked as Atheists are to prove a thousand times to a thousand people that the Abrahamic God doesn't exist, and they do, the goal posts are moved. The tactic is usually redirecting to a fallacy in an aspect of science. Kind of sounds like this:

Atheist: On Earth, we can observe light from stars 20 thousand lightyears away. It means the light had to travel at the speed of light for 20,000 years to reach Earth. There is no way the chronology of the Bible is accurate.

Abrahamic Believer: Well, carbon dating isn't 100% accurate.

It is exaggerated, but not by much.

So here it is. It's your Truth. Atheists can simply say "show me God" and the ball is in your court. It's your Truth, you prove it. I'm Agnostic and I'm saying show me God.

We have photos and footprints of Bigfoot. We have bodies of suspected Chupacabras. We have dead Archeologists from a Mummy's Curse. But not one single physical evidence of the possibility of God. Bigfoot is most likely a case of misidentification based on a hoax. But we have physical evidence of the possibility it does exist. Chupacabras are probably mutant dogs but we can go into a home in Texas and see one. The Mummy Curse is likely bacteria, but it was a kept promise that those who disturb the tomb would die.

Prove God exists by offering physical evidence of His person. If you accept, you post the proof here. If you can offer REAL tangible evidence YOUR God (no matter what religion, I will pick you as best answer, admit your God is real in the comments section, and actively promote your God in the R&S section of Yahoo Answers. If you can't, I will let others pick the Best Answer but it will stand that no one can prove their God is real.


@Scooterpoop: I believe there is a creator we haven't defined or observed yet. I capitalize words pertaining to the Christian God not out of reverence, but out of respect of other's beliefs and mostly trying to avoid the RJ Longs of the world who...

@RJ Long: deflection isn't physical evidence. I didn't ask you specifically to take part but you answered to insult me, answer unaccording to the question (both guideline violations), and attempt to discredit me. Do I think Jesus rose from the grave?

@Ambassador: There are no birth records of Jesus. There are no death records. There is no body. There are no eye witness accounts outside of the Apostles who wrote in the scriptures. Any accounts outside of the Apostles are viewed as forgeries and inaccurate (they don't paint the saintly picture of the Christian Jesus). Offering me the name of something without a "carbon footprint" isn't physical proof. No soul alive can touch Jesus or anything he supposedly to

Update 2:

@Holyroller: If evidence of God is everywhere, then why haven't people offerered evidence. Scripture says He walked this Earth with Adam. He sent an angel to wrestle with Jacob. He sent his son Jesus. Not one shred of physical evidence to support any of that. Scripture said he physically interacted with people. That he spoke to people. Crediting everything as God's creation isn't proof, it's speculation and opinion. Saying we don't know how something works is proof of divinity is ignorance. Ambassador said Jesus was the physical proof. And THAT would be perfect evidence. But as I stated, not only is there no physical evidence of Jesus, there are no records of his birth, his death, his education, his employment, and even the Scriptures went so far as saying his family dodged census workers. So there is nothing that shows Jesus existed but the words of a handful of men who helped write the New Testament. The rest of the New Testament was written long after the "d

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no tangible evidence for God's existence, ANY GOD. That's why 90% of all doctors and scientists are either atheist or agnostic. You don't go through 7 years of intense schooling and come out of it believing in magic and fairy tales. You have to of course account for the few percent of doctors and scientists who go through school because their parents were rich or they slept with the teachers.

    Edit: You can clearly see that none of the answers so far are scientists of any kind. They don't even understand what evidence is.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Good enough. Your first premise is false. That was once first proposed by way of the former atheist Anthony Flew. However particularly believe about it. The only approach whatever would be proper is that it is ready of being proved false? How does that comply with logically? Falsifiability will not be a condition of science. But, to play the game... Creationism might be falsified if anything eternal and super ordinary would be seeing that created the universe. It might must be super usual on the grounds that logically it triggered the whole thing that's usual, and therefore can't be average itself for the reason that nothing can create itself. This eternal supernatural anything would have got to have intelligence due to the fact the universe is one of these best tuned universe, and we have intelligence in order that an effect cannot have extra knowledge than it is intent, and considering the fact that we are the rationale, and have intelligence then this supernatural thing would have to be shrewd. The same factor goes for free will, conscious, logical, and personal. So - in summery - construction would be falsified if there used to be a supernatural, personal, aware, logical, and sensible something that brought on the universe. Oh .. Wait. That seems like a God. Proof for evolution: I expect you mean usual descent and no longer merely genetic heredity with modification. I would wish precise proof where one species without a doubt differentiates from it can be parent genes vastly enough to be an extra creature. Now not just a moderate change as stated, however evidence of precise specisation. By using that I imply a seperation from the species in order that the elemental animal structure is vastly extraordinary.

  • 8 years ago

    to say that you don't believe in god is fine. but to actively disprove him? that's wrong. there's a reason why Christians avoid atheists.

    you want physical evidence? well here it is:

    1. jesus came to earth in a babies form. babies are from god.

    2. we each have what is called a spirit but to you is probably some sort of unholy fire.

    3. there is no real evidence but the fact that you are on a crusade to blacklist god is appalling. i hope YA! deletes this question.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I like your question. It shows that you are deeply concerned by spiritual matters.

    I offer free of charge Bible study through Skype, in audio. It can be one conversation only or a series of conversations. A few minutes to one hour per week.

    We humans have the ability to ask questions. But these spiritual needs we have come from the One who created us.

    He won't leave this desire we have unsatisfied.

    Jesus asked his listeners: "Therefore, if YOU, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to YOUR children, how much more so will YOUR Father who is in the heavens give good things to those asking him?"

    So we can look together in the Bible and find God's viewpoint on your question and others if you like.

    My Skype is : dateecha

    Talk to you soon :)

    Matt Dennis

  • 8 years ago

    " It's impossible to prove/disprove God in general because God (in sense of a creator) has no quantifiable traits." -- wrong. It is because God involves the supernatural, and whenever you work with the supernatural, you are working beyond the reach of empirical science.

    To try to make it more than that is a useless exercise in futility. All you have is opinion -- yours. And whether you like it or not, it is your opinion that forms what you will accept and what you reject with regard to any statements about God.

    Simply put, either you accept the notion of God or you don't. It isn't even a matter of debate, no matter how badly you'd like it to be.

    TDs expected.

  • 8 years ago

    I appreciate your reason for this challenge but 1) tl,dr and 2) Im not feeling a need to justify myself to anyone for my choice of faith in God. Peace out & Happy Holidays! :D

  • 8 years ago

    Salam aleikom ( peace be unto you )

    well to believe or to disbelieve in something , you should know what it is ! .

    therefore , to say there is God or there isn't ! you have to know who is God . if you don't know , you can't say he doesn't exist or he exists ! . ( use these examples for other things like computer or something )

    so first of all , let me tell you who is God in my religion ( Islam )

    God in islam doesn't need to eat and to drink and take rest , unlike the god of the bible ^^ .

    and he sees us but we can't see him .

    and this surah also :

    1. Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;

    2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

    3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

    4. And there is none like unto Him.

    now , how can we believe in god ? you see , god doesn't ask you to do a blind belief . he doesn't say " look , i exist , if you don't believe in me you'll go to hell" . no he doesn't do that . God is wise and just and he does godly things . however , to believe in him , he ( god ) gave us signs to do so .

    and by saying signs , i'm talking about somethings which no one could know but him .

    here are some of his signs in the Qu'ran

    for example the sign of pharoh

    TOrah and bible speak about pharoh , but only Qu'ran says that we saved your body to be a sign :

    Surah 10:92 :

    "This day shall We save thee in the body, that thou mayest be a sign to those who come after thee! but verily, many among mankind are heedless of Our Signs!"

    2sign of creation:

    Surah 21:30

    "Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder?We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? "


    saying that the earth was formed in the same number as the skies

    Surah 65:12:

    "Allah is He Who created seven Firmaments and of the earth a similar number....."

    and that the sun will not exist

    Surah 13:2:

    "..........He has subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law)! Each one runs (its course) for a term appointed......"

    also this sign

    Surah 55:19-21 :

    "19. He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together:

    20. Between them is a Barrier which they do not transgress:

    21. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? "

    also Surah 25:53:

    "It is He Who has let free the two bodies of flowing water: One palatable and sweet, and the other salt and bitter; yet has He made a barrier between them, a partition that is forbidden to be passed. "

    there are also prophesies of the prophet Muhammed peace be upon on him

    besides , if there is one god , there must be one path . god doesn't send too many religions but the question is : why there are so many religions ? and what is the only religion ?

    let me answer that question :

    Islam ( religion ) came from the arabic word « salam . » which means peace .and islam means « a total submission to god’s will »

    Many people have this misconception , that islam is a new religion , that came 1400 years ago and Muhammed is the foundator of this religion

    Islam is there since man set foot on this earth ,

    Every prophet ( adam , Abraham , Moses , jesus , Muhammed ) was a muslim because he was submitted to god’s will ,

    You know why there is too many religions ? because people named them

    Judaism , came from the word Juda

    Christianity from Christians . Jesus Christ > CHRISTIANS > CHRISTIANITY . you see ?

    Hindiusm , because of India

    Buddhiusm , according to budha

    these "Judaism , Christianity " doesn't exist in the Law ( Torah ) nor the bible ! so they are concocted words .

    But Islam , God in the Qu’ran named It , and it is there since man set foot on this earth

    Islam = submission to god’s will

    Qu'ran Surah 3:19:

    "The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account. "

    Source(s): Muslim
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Everyone believes in God, including you.

    That's my [first] proof.

    Your turn. Tell me why you capitalized "god" throughout your entire rant if your sub-conscience is absent the knowledge of God? If you can give a reasonable answer for this, we'll move on to my next proof. If you can survive all 8 of them, you'll need to make an appointment to have a brain reinserted (because some of my evidence IS physical).

    If you fail to respond, I must assume that you don't have the mental fire power to face the reality of how wrong you are, and you have no ability to discuss this topic with any level of reason.

    (My challenge, by the way, is open to any atheist any time. My only requirement is that this discussion take place in the forum where all comments are exposed to public ridicule. I don't play stupid e-mail games where you can hide behind privacy. Public exposure is the greatest baptism of accountability.)

  • JamesH
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    "God is spirit" (chapter four, John's Gospel).

    Therefore, it is a meaningless challenge to ask someone to prove a spiritual Being "by offering physical evidence".

  • Gone
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    someone said: That's why 90% of all doctors and scientists are either atheist or agnostic. You don't go through 7 years of intense schooling and come out of it believing in magic and fairy tales."

    I have 100% (perfect proof that the laws of science are wrong: I can rewrite the critical laws with 100% precision and link them together. Science cannot do that. Science it turns out is the belief in magic and fair tales being passed off as adjudication of the Truth.

    Anyone who believes that the laws of science are the Truth are clearly delusional, lacking in critical thinking, narcissistic dweebs full of their own lies. they wear ermine and gold and adorn themselves with prizes and gifts as the public genuflects to their great wonders, awed by their 'supreme intelligence' and applauding their bashing of the Divine.

    They got it wrong.

    Source(s): I've got the Watchmaker's Watch -- the Perfect representation of nature. The WatchMaker gave it to me.
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