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Does this sound normal? CPU Heat?

I have an i7 2600k OC @ 4.7ghz with 4 Cores.

I have 3 top fans, 1 back and 1 front.

Watercooling and radiator

startup C* = 13

when playing games like CSS its around 34

Bf3 around 40-50

is this normal?

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its actually quite stupid oc'g a 4 core to 4.7 Ghz. I can assure you that neither of those games nor any other game nor application for that matter would use 5 Ghz of 4 core speed. Not even my 2.8Ghz quad gets even close to full usage on Farcry 3 for example. So your pretty much running extra voltage for nothing.

  • 8 years ago

    That's pretty normal, but if you want to lower it, you may have to lower your OC settings to 4.4ghz. That should shave off about 5 degrees C. The more you OC it, the hotter your CPU gets.

  • 8 years ago

    Jst use the headsets while playing the game. The computer works miracles.

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