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  • Are there any CSS skins like this?

    Can somebody send me a link for some skins that T are fat and CT are not? or something that show very different between them

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Can someone explain the word "Syndicate" in easy words?

    please explain to me, i dont understand what other people say

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • HTC One X or Samsung Galaxy S3?

    Ok, so i just got the Sgs2 and i feel like the screen is too small, battery life too small, however performance is fine.. so i am thinking about getting HTC One X since 2 of my mates have it or the SGS3.

    since theyre both newer i think they are better? like

    sgs2: dual core 1.2ghz and mali-400mp

    sgs3: quad core 1.4ghz and mali400mp

    hox: quad core 1.5ghz and ULP-Geforce

    ^ which is the best?

    also im really afraid of dropping my phone..

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • please help i disabled my CPU?

    my core temp only showed 2 cores out of 4 so some guy told me to go in msconfig and uncheck the box that said Use 4 cores on boot, so now 0 cores run which mean my CPU is disabled, i cant run windows i get bluescreen and if i try to repair it it says windows found no ways to repair or cant go back in time.. pleease what do i do in BIos or whatever

    3 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • Does this sound normal? CPU Heat?

    I have an i7 2600k OC @ 4.7ghz with 4 Cores.

    I have 3 top fans, 1 back and 1 front.

    Watercooling and radiator

    startup C* = 13

    when playing games like CSS its around 34

    Bf3 around 40-50

    is this normal?

    3 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • Is the school area a public place?

    im wondering since you're allowed to take a picture of a public place, even with people in it and put it out on the internet without asking anyone about anything, so im wondering if the school is a public place?

    3 AnswersOther - Environment8 years ago
  • Samsung Galaxy S2 question?

    is there a thing in the box it comes with that you can plug in your pc and to your phone and you can transfer files?

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • is the LG Optimus l9 a great phone?

    it has a dual core processor at 1ghz which is 2ghz and my old computer had 2.16 ghz so i guess its good ( my pc has 5.0ghz now )

    and the screen is 4.7 which is bigger than the galaxy s2 and the galaxy s2 and the l9 has 1gb of ram

    the storage is 4gb that isnt alot but i can buy a micro sd card later

    and it has android 4.0 which i can download games for free on

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Is the LG Optimus l7 any good?

    im getting that phone for christmas, i dont know why because it was really cheap but XD

    it has a big screen and it has the latest android and all i care about is touch and games

    so is it a good phone really?

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • HLDJ Does not work..CSS?

    why wont HLDJ work on my CSS?

    i have it set up correctly with my 20 minute hardstyle collection..

    i type la in console and select my song and when i press f7 i can hear myself in mic but no song

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • how to make my sister stop stalking me on fb?

    okay so apparently she have starred me and she gets a notification everytime i post a comment or something, i noticed it when i posted and comment and got out of my room to get something to eat, her iphone bussed and she took it up and then i sat down in the sofa and she was on her facebook with 1 notification and she was just scrolling until i left

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • why do they force kids to use hijab in arab countries? why cant they choose religion themselves?

    why do they force kids to use hijab in arab countries? why cant they choose religion themselves

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • BF3 Premium Question? PC?

    Ok, so i bought BF3 (349) and Premium (499) NOK Prices.

    and i wonder what i get by buying it?

    do i get all map packs for free, including those in the future?

    do i get some guns at the start and something?

    and how can i link my PS3 account to PC so i can play on it? if its possible

    2 AnswersPC9 years ago
  • Am i allowed to film my friend when he is on my property? ( house )?

    i filmed him while he was sitting on my couch and he kind of attacked me and told me to delete it

    but he is on my property, in my house.. can i film him legally and still legally whithout publishing it anywhere or using it?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • My chihuahua shakes with intervals?

    Why. Its not cold here

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How can i find out what 77 / 2,2 is?

    How can i do it on paper and not i my head and just write it down..

    And i cant do either cus im stupid

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • how can i gain arm muscles, biceps?

    the gym centre is for people over 14 and im 13

    i dont really want to buy weights before i move in with my dad

    because i dont want them in my room showing, and my room isnt that big where i live with mom..

    what can i eat/do except for pushups.. i hate it i can do 30 and i get so tired

    Diet & Fitness9 years ago
  • How do i solve this, 220.000 : 5?

    i really suck at math,

    220 000 : 5

    that is two hundered and twenty thousand divided 5.

    how can i do it downwards

    5 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • cars dont have any sound in gta sa?

    i downloaded gta sa and the cars i drive have no sound.. however people talk to me and other people driving

    makes a sound.. where can i download sound library and where i put it?

    also cj doesnt say anything like ouch

    3 AnswersPC9 years ago