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why do they force kids to use hijab in arab countries? why cant they choose religion themselves?

why do they force kids to use hijab in arab countries? why cant they choose religion themselves

5 Answers

  • OzNana
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Children, wherever they are in the world, are in no position to rebel against their parents or communities. In some of those countries, women and children have absolutely no choice whatever. THese are places where ten year olds can be beheaded, women are routinely stoned to death for 'adultery' (which includes being raped, by the way), young girls can be subject to acid attacks, stoning, or even being shot at (as in the recent case in Pakistan) merely for wanting to have an education.

    Jewish or muslim babies are in no position to refuse to be circumcised, are they.

    Even in my area of Sydney, Australia, we see young people who wear the hijab etc. Mostly, they would say that it's their own choice, but the reality is that children grow up in an environment where that is the norm, and they would see it as wanting to be like Mum or Aunties, and the virtues of wearing it are emphasised in their religious upbringing. Some little girls of Indonesian background in my street do wear the hijab. Other girls, of mostly middle eastern background, tend to adopt it as teenagers or young married women. They always say that it's their own choice.

    It's the same with people like the Amish in the USA, or the Exclusive Brethren, where the women don't cut their hair, wear very long skirts, and wear little headscarves to cover their head when they go out. Why can't their choose their own religion? Why can't Mormon children choose their own religion? Of course, as adults, they can choose to leave their religion, if they want to. But it's not so easy for women and children to do that in countries where women have no rights, and often can't even leave their own home unless a male relative is with them.

    A better question for you to consider is, why is there no democracy in these sorts of countries. How do people from more democratic countries encourage these sorts of communities to change?

    Do remember that these people aren't allowed to read anything other than the Koran. It's their whole way of life. And in many places, there is extreme hostility towards non muslims, and they believe they have the right to kill any muslim who defects from their religion, or decides to change their religion.

  • Mark
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I agree with you, but that happens around the world. Why are 6-year olds forced to go to First Communion? Why are baby males circumcised?

  • Not the Arabic world, but only the Strict Islamic Countries!

    get some education please

  • Andy
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Why don’t you have a look around you ?

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  • 9 years ago

    dude wtf are you talking about? because in afghan country it is rule if we do not do it we will be stoned or something. But if it is arab in america we choose. STOP BEING IGNORANT BICH AMERICAN

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