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Marius asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 9 years ago

how can i gain arm muscles, biceps?

the gym centre is for people over 14 and im 13

i dont really want to buy weights before i move in with my dad

because i dont want them in my room showing, and my room isnt that big where i live with mom..

what can i eat/do except for pushups.. i hate it i can do 30 and i get so tired

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago

    Build on it. Make it a daily thing. I never count only feel the burn. If you do something enough times you will build muscle just slowly be patient. Try adding on more as you go like weekly so you keep building if you must count. I have a small set of weights in a small black case two dumbbell bars and interchangeable weights ranging up by fives. Think full body, there is alot of muscles means alot of different moves. The key is repitition and commitment. Remember after three days you start to lose muscle so you can take breaks just not long periods without working out. Always streach full body and warm up before jumping into the work out you'll end up hurting alot more if you don't. Take your time going fast only gets you hurt. Workout time should be about an hour to truly burn calories. Walking is a basic must once a day regulates bladder and bowl controll and starts your ab muscle. Lastly if you don't eat healthy it will be a wast eat in portions entrees the size of a tuna can. Iv got a six pack and I'm a chick if I can do it so can you :) good luck

    Source(s): Nursing licensure
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