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is the LG Optimus l9 a great phone?

it has a dual core processor at 1ghz which is 2ghz and my old computer had 2.16 ghz so i guess its good ( my pc has 5.0ghz now )

and the screen is 4.7 which is bigger than the galaxy s2 and the galaxy s2 and the l9 has 1gb of ram

the storage is 4gb that isnt alot but i can buy a micro sd card later

and it has android 4.0 which i can download games for free on

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    yeah its a great phone

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hardware-sensible it's no longer a nasty phone. Its 9 mm so that is thin, and it is received a gorgeous gigantic show at a just right resolution. Nonetheless, its digital camera is most effective 5MP, but the sensor concerns too. My most important pork with LG telephones are the Optimus UI, which in my opinon is not just right. A greater alternative stands out as the LG Nexus 4, which isn't only a Nexus phone (assured quick updates) however has obtained lovely pleasant specs at a good cost. Nonetheless, availability is kinda of a drawback with the Nexus 4. I suppose Samsung telephones more often than not are better than LG telephones. Their UI is best and has bought some first-class aspects. They're a hugely triumphant enterprise.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    LG is nt that good in mobiles,get htc one x

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