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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Why does the GOP think Rubio would attract Latino votes?

In the aftermath of Mitt Romney's loss, some Republicans are lamenting that he would have won if he had chosen Marco Rubio as his running mate, and many are even tossing around the ridiculous assertion that Rubio would have attracted Latino votes (O'Reilley and Hannity have even supported this fallacy.)

Do you agree with my opinion on why Republicans avidly believe that a Rubio ticket would draw Latino voters?

Policies aside, some Republicans seem to think, for whatever moronic reason, that Latinos would vote for Rubio because of his "race." Latinos are not a race, but rather a broad cultural group. Marco Rubio is White; he is not a member of a minority any more than Italians, Russians, or Swedes are minorities.

Furthermore, many people seem to either forget or are unaware that "Latino" is essentially a synonym for "Mexican." The statement may seem politically incorrect or offensive, but it's true; two-thirds of Latinos are Mexican-Americans and most things, such as a food, music, etc. that's associated with Latinos is probably of Mexican origin. So, exactly why would many Latinos of Mexican heritage (who are predominately Democratic, anyway) feel compelled to vote for a conservative Cuban-American Republican?


I personally like Marco Rubio and think he would a wise choice for the '16 nomination.

I just believe that many Republicans are making absurd assumptions about the electorate and how they can make new ground among voters.

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wishful thinking...of course they also thought Palin would attract women. Slow learners.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    They think putting a Hispanic face on their party would have made a difference in winning the election. But Rubio is not too bright and he is Cuban which is a small percent of the total Hispanic population. Most are Democrats and would not switch to a Repub just because Rubio is good-looking. There is another Republican Cuban in Texas named Cruz so I suppose they will push him too. The Republicans dont understand they lost the election because of their backward mentality not because Romney himself was too weird.

  • 5 years ago

    The Latino isn't fooled for long, maximum understand all approximately dictatorships and the propaganda. they have constantly been a great part of usa and love this u . s . a .. Castro in basic terms could have been considered one of our perfect corridor of repute baseball gamers if he became taken care of diverse earl in his existence rather of one of our enemies.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Rubio is the GOP's token latino friend.

    Source(s): "No its cool bro, I'm not racist. I have a brown friend."
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    End the rhetoric on illegal immigration and support more immigration!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The mere mention that he's RAPE-ublican ruins his cred

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Why partition HIM off like you have. What has he done to you?

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