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Why do ppl think God hating sinners makes Him less loving?

Yes God hates people. if you saw and knew the depravity to its very core of Hitlers heart I'm sure you'd hateeeeee him. Ppl hate the guy that killed the kids at that school recently and he only killed a couple kids. yet this evil was so profound that it conjured genuine righteous hatred. Dont be a fool and think you are a good person. we are evil natured. we lie steal cheat are completely self centered/oriented slander for personal gain. Dont delude yourself to think your innocent. Also dont delude yourself to this God is less complex than humans. Humans can looooove and hate at the same time. We can do many things at the same time. God loves us. Each one. How do we know He sent His perfect sinless son (God as well, yet not God the Father. 3 persons 1 God) to die a brutal agonizing death for these sinners, us (us) criminals for hitler stalin pol pot everyone. He values us and gives us value and self worth by pissing such a High price. somethings only as valuable as the price that would be done to aquire it. The price was Gods (Jesus) life. which was a unjust murder He took injustice for us.

in fact Gods looooove for us is shown to be BILLIONS time stronger by the fact that He hated sinners. Ultimate looooove is to lay down your life for someone. The omniscient God that knows you better than you do sees all our sins faults and evils better than anyone else still (after we spit on and rejected Him) choses to voluntarily out of sheer looooove die for us that justice would be served for our sake and His and to save us. Dont you want justice for all the evils done to you Jesus took the justice for that He suffered it. That makes it even STRONGER He died so you wouldn't suffer. out of love He die to give you justice that He wants you to have oooooooooooooooooooo the looooove of God is great.

God hates sinners but God adores and loves sinners too.

Thank you to some ppls earlier for the question actually shows how much more God loves than if He didn't hate sinners

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is a serious mistake to suppose that God is less loving because He hates sin. God loves all people, and because He loves us all, He hates the sins that we commit. This is because when we sin we voluntarily reject what is good and voluntarily engage in what is evil. This harms not only other people, but also harms ourselves.

    God hates sins, but does not hate sinners. We all commit sins, but God continues to love us. God does NOT love our sins, but He loves us. This is why He sent to us the only savior who could restore between us and God the peace that we have harmed by our sins. By recognizing and accepting the mercy of Jesus Christ, we can be spared the penalty we deserve for our sins.

    It is today, on Christmas day, that we celebrate the gift God gave to us over 2,000 years ago. The gift was God Himself, in the person of His own Son Jesus Christ. I Hope and pray that all will come to accept this most great gift as fully as we all possibly can.

    I am Roman Catholic.

    Peace be with you.

    Merry Christmas!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    According to some research applied years in the past through some uni I by no means heard of earlier than, left passed humans are imagined to be extra aggressive and violent than righties. Some thing to do with the part of the mind you employ most. I do not believe a word of it! I'm a leftie and i would not harm a fly (*sound of a bang on the table*) sure! Acquired that bloody fly, it is been worrying me all day! No, however critically, if I have been consigned to Hell it'd be due to the fact that I lead a wicked life (well, consistent with the Bible i am main a depraved existence) and not when you consider that I write with my left hand. And a further thing, i do know some righties who've the most appalling handwriting I've ever had the misfortune to try and browse.

  • Alex
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    God has been made in man's image. What god hates is what some people at one place and time hated something or someone and gave that characteristic to god. Your bible is a book of half-truths and half-lies and everything in it must be taken as a grain of salt. Also a good person to die for the sins of the whole world is not moral. It is cruel, sadistic, sociopathical and evil. People thru out history have donesimilar things and their actions were in no way good. To set different standards to ur god just to make him seem moral is ridiculous. An omnibelevolent and omnipotent being with such poor foresight and oversight cannot be god.

  • 8 years ago

    Careful how you say things.

    God loves the sinner, but He hates the sin they commit.

    He desires that no one should perish. But the choices of men to commit sin is what condemns them. God does not send anyone to hell because He hates them, but simply because He is Holy and sin cannot come into His presence, which is why He offered His Son Jesus for our Sin so that we may be forgiven of our sins. Everyone will spend eternity somewhere, there choices to sin or seek God's forgiveness is what will determine their destiny either in Heaven or hell.

  • 8 years ago

    God loves everyone. Every single human on earth, God loves everyone. And yes, it's true that evil is in the blood of mankind and everyone is a sinner, except for our beloved Jesus Christ ofcourse, but those who do not even try to stay away from sin are the real sinners. I'm 15 years old and I'm Catholic, there is literally nobody except from my grandparents (of which 1 died) who believes truly, goes to church on sundays and tries with all their heart to stay away from sin. I still sin sometimes, because it can't be avoided. I mean, everyone lies once in a while right? But there's one thing you are wrong in. God hates NOBODY. Nobody in the world. They hate themselves, because they are the ones that get theirselves condemned into the fires of hell.

  • 8 years ago

    God-bearer Virgin Mary died 15 years after Christ's Ascension. In 3 days, Christ resurrected Her body. Jesus was born of the Father before time. Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father only. God is one. God=the Most Holy Trinity. 80 foot (25 meter) dinosaurs (man-eaters) are still alive today. They live under our level by the way. They will use sinkholes and lakes to come out to our level to play a game. Demons ride in UFOs. Don't go into a UFO ship to be healed by demons! Aborted babies go to hell for 33.5 years to grow up there in the dark. Abortion needs to be stopped! New documents lead to hell. Reject the chip, the evil plastic small world grey passport, and the 666 tattoo by lasers from hell! When people stretch hands to receive the evil plastic card (small grey world passport), 666 tattoo is given by lasers on the forehead or the wrist area. Food stores will laser people too. Of course, police will chip and laser people on the highways. Go hide in a village with 7-15 people per house to escape getting chipped and lasered. Antichrist is an evil flying pale gay man with red eyes from the tribe of Dan who is surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. These demons carry the antichrist at the speed of light. Deceived people will say: "Christ is here, Christ is there!". Antichrist is possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old; he also wears gloves to hide his long animal-like nails. God is one. Jesus is 100% God and 100% man! Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father only. Christ preached in hell; those who believed, got out of hell. Orthodoxy is the only Biblical faith.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Without reading that. i will answer this.

    People believe in god because of Fear.

    And God is an Imaginary being.

    Please get over it and spend the money you give to church on something useful like the kids in Africa.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Why would hate make someone less loving? Really? This is what you are asking?

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