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i94 extension after re-entry on B1/2 visa into USA (non US citizen)?

Hi all. I recently returned from costa rica (surfing) as my previous 6 month 194 expiry date was around the corner hoping to get another 6 months to complete my US trip (my return ticket was for May the next year). Upon entry, i was taken to an office where the immi guy gave me only 1 month (and a whole bunch of attitude), my visa is still valid for 2 years. I would really like to stay till may, I bought a old camaro to cross the country with, and im staying with friends all the time (unless on the road of course!) - i would like to apply for an extension, any ideas? Id appreciate any experiences.. if i overstay my visa falls away and I def dont want that happening..

The interveiw:

I have no US issues of any kind. I was however a little broke after my trip (I bought a camaro 2 months before which he could see). He made comments like: "so u thought u could leave the country and get another 6 months?", and i was like: "Yes" (as law states that one is permitted that), then he answered:"Sorry bud it doesnt happen." as if he had made his mind up before i answered. Those were his first words. He also asked if i had medical which I do except i wasnt carrying it in my carry on - and he didnt believe me. I also told him i could show how Ive made about $12000 from one client in the past few months but he also wasnt interested. I make enough money to be in the US, I have full medical cover, I own a car yet I get rejected because "my lifestyle doesnt make sense" in his eyes? He proceeded to ask me how old i was, being the same age as him just got the shaking head.He couldnt accept the fact that as a freelance software developer and actually make enough money to travel in the states. He kept looking at me shaking his head saying "ive been doing this for ten years and ive heard every story and seen everything." He looked at ONE payment of $350, and thought that was my monthly earnings missing the OTHER payment of the same amount, and the one of $2000 for the next month - after that there was just no hope. He was saying things like: "So you travel to costa rica and surf around one $350? And you live in washington?". "I think you are going to be a public liability top our country - like we're going to have to take care of you." yeah right, like how when all im actually doing is spending all my cash here eh?

I didnt even bother repeating myself twice that I was staying for free with friends and travelling around..

I am shocked and personally quite insulted that you have to fit into a certain "bracket" to be allowed to travel freely, esp when you have all correct paperwork, documents and no arrest issues in the US. I know I was a little broke at the time, but erm - after 5 weeks in costa rica who isnt!

After looking forward to visiting my cousins in Canada and hoping to spend more time with friends all i can say is what a disgrace to travellers the place has become. At least i thanked him for the month - "because you dont have any arrest records", yeah, thanks really...

I ho[pe this will aid people in the future who dont walk around with $20 000 in cash to be prepared if they are travelling - to carry PROOF of everything, from financial earnings, medical insurance, address, return tickets, etc with their CARRY ON LUGGAGE when re-entering etc.


tx a bunch guys, I have a letter of employment from my primary client at the mo - (we are in a long term development phase), i guess they want to see hard cash man. Ill have that sorted when i reapply, with everything else. Thing is i did apply for a trv to Canada unknowingly that it doesnt count so maybe that raised a flag on the system? only after denial did i realize Canada and mexico doesnt count as leaving the US (live and learn!), hence Costa Rica. Immi issues can be really complicated and VERY specific(!!)

It was just the blatant lack of interest from his side, had he actually looked at my paperwork, he would have realised and been like.. "oh", maybe.

I think he suspected something else, what I would never know. I didnt lie about anything, and gave the exact (and truthful answers) I did upon landing, and during my TRV to Canada application. . Just sucks when its taken as not true.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can file a "one-time" I-539 petition to get another 6 months. Try to explain it as a "once in a lifetime opportunity" to expand your cultural and geographical horizon and that you have a job waiting at home on a certain date and in most cases they give you another 6 months.

    Source(s): An immigrant from Europe, I live in the charming old mission town San Buenaventura and work as an attorney in Santa Barbara, California.
  • Ed
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Your were fortunate to be readmitted. If you go to Canada and seek reentry, you are likely to be

    refused entry. You can apply for an extension of stay. The form and instructions are here:

    As along as you apply before the expiration date on your entry form you can lawfully remain until

    a decision is made.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    180 days in ..tthen 180 days .. keeps the man happy

    over 183 days and uncle Sam start wanting his income tax

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