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What is the first month of the new year in Elohim bible? Ex. 12;2 13;1-8.?

America and England selected jan. 1 as the beginning of the new year.

What was Elohim selection? Nissan= April as the first month of the New Year.

Nothing suffer from investigation but sophism lies and greek interpolation in america bibles.

The others are, god, jesus, easter, christmas, thanksgiving. godhead, church of christ, etc !!!!

PROV. 30;1-4.MATT. 10;26. ALL LIES WILL BE EXPOSE.WHAT A BLESSING.!!!!!!!!!!! Andrew G Roth, Aramaic to English New testament.

5 Answers

  • robb
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The new year begins in Tishri which is the seventh month and falls in the fall. The first month is Nisan and is in the spring. What Exodus 12:2 says is "this shall be the beginning of months" NOT "this shall be the beginning of the year". This can be proved by looking at passages that mention "beginning of the year" or "end of the year" as there are passages after Exodus 12 where Succot is identified as being at the end of the year yet it falls in the seventh month. This is a common mistake made by people not familiar with the calendar.

    The second mistake is that the months of the Jewish calendar do not match up precisely with months of the Gregorian calendar because the Jewish months always start on a new moon with a 13th month added every so many years to keep it in line with the seasons. This year Nisan 15 falls on March 26.

    Added: Most countries replaced the Julian calendar with the Gregorian one around 1582.

    Added: I'll make it easier on you, Exodus 23:14-16 list the three festivals in which the Jews were supposed to be in Jerusalem while the Temple stood. the first, "Unleavened Bread" is in the month of "spring" (Abib means "spring" which is the month known today as Nisan), the "Festival of the Harvest of the first fruits" (refers to Shavuot, Sivan 6, NOT the "First Fruits" of the Barley harvest that falls during the week of Unleavened Bread), and the "Festival of Ingathering" (Succot) which it identifies as being "at the close of the Year". Comparing this passage with Lev. 23:39-42 it is easy to see that this "Feast of Ingathering" is the same as "Succot" and falls in the "seventh month" which happens to be the same month the year begins and ends in. Condensed version, the year begins in the seventh month (Tishri) rather than the first month(Nisan).

  • David
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I'm really not sure what you're trying to say here. It sounds like you're some sort of anti-theist trying to find lies in the Bible. Your information is so far off the tracks your whole train is in the dirt. Your assertions as to the inaccuracies are - to borrow a term - spinach.

    "America and England selected jan. 1 as the beginning of the new year." FALSE January was designated as the first month of the year by Constantine when he altered what was to become the Gregorian calendar. He used the name of the Roman god Janus, a 2 faced figure looking forward into the future and backward to the past.

    "What was Elohim selection? Nissan= April as the first month of the New Year." FALSE Nissan is not mentioned in any Bible I can find. Even the Hebrew Names Version doesn't have it. The first month of the year is Abib, the month wherein the ear (presumably corn) is mature. When that would be in Israel during the Mosaic era is unknown. In modern civil calendars Abib is not listed in the names of Hebrew months.

    "Nothing suffer from investigation but sophism lies and greek interpolation in america bibles." No offense intended, but I can't make heads of this.

    The others are, [G]od, [J]esus, easter, christmas, thanksgiving. godhead, church of [C]hrist, etc[.] What others?


    Prov 30:1-4 What's your point?

    Matt 10:26 This is out of context, but I think I get your point. Unfortunately, your history noted above makes this null.

    I contacted a Rabbi friend to look over and give me an idea of its accuracy.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You're a bit off. The Jews follow the Jewish Calander. The West follows the Julian calander set down by Julius Ceaser.

  • 8 years ago

    Correct......1st month of the year = Nisan. Before Exodus 12:2, the first month of the year was Tisheri.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


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