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Does anyone have the first notion why this answer attracted so many TDs?

In an idle moment, I answered a question in R&S even though it was nothing to do with R&S. Five minutes later, my answer had five thumbs down. The question (;_ylt=ApMTE... ) asked whether people preferred dogs or cats, and I answered it. It is quite beyond me to understand why my answer would attract such opprobrium but I'm curious. Anyone got any idea?


@International Exports Well, you're a nasty piece of work, for sure! No, I did not give myself a single TU with any other account. And I didn't start with the comment about the category, not that that's a reasonable excuse for a TD - I started by talking about cats being worshipped. For your sheer unpleasantness, I just gave you a TD.

Update 2:

@me Umm... other people also said 'cats'. Hence that's not a terribly helpful contribution.

@WillyTK Not quite following you - yes, haters are going to hate. What's the 'dog' bit? Are you calling me a dog? And as I did not say 'thank you', and won't be doing so, your 'You're welcome' is redundant.

Update 3:

@Canute I'd love to believe you. I have been perfectly certain that two or three of the cats I've had over the decades have been very personally attached to me, but the evidence seems to be against me..... Do you think people REALLY thumb down in such numbers because of that? In R&S? (I know it's vicious over in Cats..... but I'm surprised at such a comment getting such a reaction in R&S!).

Update 4:

Oh ((((tim)))), I did wonder if that might be it.... but couldn't understand why they'd picked on THIS answer rather than several I'd done that might have been more...... 'relevant' to their interests!

Update 5:

@Toke Lover - thanks - I hadn't understood WillyTK's form of address! Nice to see you, and I suspect you're right... Still can't think why THIS answer, but there you go!

Update 6:

Ah, Filida, if even you have been subjected to this nonsense, at least I'm in exceptionally good company!! You're right, some people's lives must be extraordinarily empty. Thank you for answering.

Update 7:

Thanks, WillyTK! I think we're going to have to know each other better - I look forward to it!

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOL: dude, I suspect you've annoyed somebody with too much time on their hands & too many sock puppet accounts, so they lay it on you every time they see you....

    I see absolutely no clue why that particular response would be so unwelcome... for MY (((Willy TK's))) answer (I say MY 'cause of my ginormous crush on the dude) - well, dog is a term of endearment "Yo, what up dog" - it's like pal or buddy....

    I've noticed he pretty much signs everything with your welcome.....and I thank him for all the swoons his smiling face gives me, LOL.....

  • 5 years ago

    More than understanding the person, i might like to know why I obtained a thumbs-down, considering the fact that typically I don't have any proposal and it makes me worry that i've a reality fallacious in my reply. I feel they have to be in a position to anonymously leave a intent. That might also aid if someone really needed to fact-verify and gave anybody improper knowledge. I'm wondering why some individuals provide each person who solutions the identical query thumbs-down, in spite of their solutions. That you could in most cases tell who it's then--the one person and not using a thumbs-down!

  • 8 years ago

    5 TD's in 5 minutes = 1 person with 5 accounts. I once spotted a question where one answer had 9 TU's and most of the others 10 TD's, which looked like someone with 10 accounts. A few minutes searching soon found plenty of other questions they had visited. It must be hard work. Even if they can type fast, switching between that many accounts must take a lot of energy.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Either one person with multiple accounts or a TD stalker. Once, after giving someone an answer they didn't like, suddenly every open question where I answered gained three TDs in a matter of minutes--literally within minutes. And some of the questions were days old.

    Some people lead empty, empty lives, my dear. (((Ambivalent)))

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Ambivalent I have no idea why your answer got so many TD's, personally I saw nothing wrong with it at all.

    Anyway you get another thumbs up from me.

    I must confess I have once or twice given an accidental TD and one time I did it I emailed the person concerned and she is now a contact.

  • 8 years ago

    Haters gonna hate, dog.

    You're welcome.

    EDIT: LOL! Guess my Amercian-ism Is lost on you. Sorry about that. The "Haters gonna hate" part is just that. People who are prone to looking for reasons to dislike others are going to see what they expect to see... i.e. a reason to dislike you. The "dog" part is perhaps an overly familiar colloquialism. The accepted spelling for this is actually "dawg". I assure you I meant no disrespect. I, ironically, meant to imply that I too have been the victim of inappropriate hatred on this forum and feel a bit of camaraderie with others who, like yourself, have suffered the same fate. My updated answer is...

    I too have felt the sting of unwanted hatred from those who look only for a reason to dislike answers. There is nothing that can be done about it except to carry on in the knowledge that those people will never truly be happy. Those of us who are true to the spirit in which this forum was established, such as myself, support you!

    Hope that clears up any worries you may have had concerning my original answer.

  • 8 years ago

    The only thing that singles out your question is the reference to the category, and you can see some people are offended by the insinuation that categories might not be totally immaterial (they are not, of course). Probably the other thumbs also come from people to whom this matters.

  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Same reason why I get TD'd for answering what my favorite kind of pie is. Some people would give TD just because of who you are. Some TD top users. In that case it was probably who you are and then saying you like cats maybe was one or two thumbs down(BTW...I prefer cats too)

    Some people stalk us to thumbs down us and report us because they feel like it gives them power. It is pathetic but true.

    I don't pay much attention to them.

  • robb
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    My first guess is that someone didn't like an answer you gave to another question and decided to thumb down all of your answers using multiple accounts.

  • Canute
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Some cat-lovers would dispute your comparison between "caring" dogs and cats that depend on people for their food.

    Many cats genuinely love their people.


    People care more about cats than they do about people.

    Our last cat was a feral cat. He was very fond us, long before we started to feed him.

  • Chaya
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    It's a tough section, pets. You got my thumbs up, and while there decided to tell the pet owners how I really feel about their dogs.

    Source(s): O...o
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