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Sam asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 8 years ago

getting into trouble in brazil?

my cousin wants to move to brazil with his older cousin who is 19 he is 18 but he lives in a Favela his mom dont want him to move there with his cousin she said he could move with his other ones who live in a decent place not saying people from favela's are not decent but we are worried about the gang stuff do they still walk around with guns and stuff ? is it still like that

2 Answers

  • granny
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Favela, in Brazil is just a shanty town, what we call a slum, a "ghetto"in the United States.

    Listen, as any place else in the world, low income areas just mean poor people live there. Being poor does NOT mean people are bad, stupid, dirty,rude, whatever, it just mean they cannot afford a better place.

    There are bad people everywhere. I grant there is a larger conglomeration of bad things in shanty towns, like drugs, alcohol, abuse, fights, etc. I think that has to do with living so close together, it creates animosity.

    Having said that, your mother is right, your cousin should NOT move into a Favela. He has the option to move into a better place. Temptations are difficult to resist at such a young age.

    So, NO, tell him NOT to move into a Favela, it can be a dangerous place.

  • 8 years ago

    I am Brazilian, não são assim, as favelas aqui do Brasil são boas para morar, não são tão perigosas, antigamente era mas agora não é mais, vai dar tudo certo com seu primo.

    Boa Sorte !!!!

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