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Should someone interfere with a school shooter?

Isn't it wrong to stop someone from doing something like shooting a bunch of 6 year olds to death because that would interfere with free will? I mean isn't that the reason the "almighty God" didn't stop the one in Connecticut? Obviously he could have since he certainly exists and is all powerful. And obviously he would want to prevent something like that happening since he is all good and loves children. But he didn't. So why should anyone else?

By the way, I WOULD stop something like that from happening by any means necessary if it was in my power... but maybe I just have a higher sense of morality than God.


So Brett would say "no, don't interfere with a school shooter because we want the kids to die and go to Heaven."

A few other people seem to just dodge the question and say something like "well the world is evil, and tha'ts not God's fault" which completely ignores the question. Either killing children is a good thing, or God should have interfered and not allowed it to happen just like anybody with half a spine and half a heart would have done if they could have. Admit that your god is either a myth or a callous piece of crap.

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'll preface my answer by saying that I have no idea what it feels like to suffer that kind of loss. I have an 8 day old niece who is right now in an ICU fighting for her life. I have lost loved ones, but not to a senseless act of violence like this. I'm trying to choose my words carefully because this is about way more than ideas. Those children have names and faces. They are fully real and must not be used as canon fodder for my (or anyone else's ideology)

    There's an even deeper problem with this. Supposing it was a value judgment on God's part, how can I possibly evaluate his thinking without access to his knowledge? Unlike professor Hawking I make no claim to "know the very mind of God".

    God is ultimately responsible for that shooting. Nothing happens that He doesn't at least allow. So where does that leave somebody like me? I believe God is trustworthy-- good if you will. Instead of trying to defend him, I'll just walk you through my own thinking. You can decide for yourself if any of it makes sense.

    I start by reminding myself that those children have not ceased to exist. Nor will the shooter escape justice. That doesn't lessen the evil one bit, but before I begin my thinking I have to put this into some sort of perspective.

    It seems there are a few options open. I could look for a good produced by such evil that justifies allowing it to happen. The problem is I cannot see the future. More than that, I'm not sure I want to go down a road where God is some cosmic utilitarian sacrificing the few now living for the future benefit of those yet unborn. Particularly since he does so without their consent.

    Another avenue is to grapple with living in a world that now stands under divine judgment. I think that's true. According to my light the human race has collectively told God to mind his own business. Things like this are a consequence of him giving us a taste of what we want. But this isn't really helpful either because the question remains: 'why these children?'. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to such evil. I might be able to defend God's justice in abandoning us to our own devices, but that sure doesn't motivate me to trust him. Horrible things happen to people who love God just as often as to those who don't.

    Then there's the old stand by of free will. True moral freedom does seem to require evil as a real possibility. Another thing which I factor in here is my conviction that God created us to represent him in the world. He's given us both the authority and power to shape our reality here. But, and this is important, along with such gifts comes enormous responsibility. What we do stays done and he doesn't rewind the clock to save us from the consequences. I can't imagine living in a world where he did. Can you? Think what life would be if we couldn't reliably connect cause and effect. The same forces which allow and sustain life can take it. Again, this might provide some intellectual coherence but it doesn't engender trust.

    So how can I trust Him? Why should I? For me the answer is Christ. I've said this before, but God didn't wave a magic wand and make evil and suffering disappear. That would have cost him nothing. Rather he chose to join us in our pain, fear, and confusion; living as we do without his power and perfection. He accepted what we fear most: death. And he did it out of love for a broken, fallen world. That to me proves him trustworthy. This is why I'm Christian and not something else. Only Christianity presents the theistic God in such terms. God's final answer to the problem of suffering is Himself hanging on a cross. I cling to that anchor when this kind of storm rises. But that's not enough. I've also committed myself to doing the same.

    You said you'd do anything within your power to stop such tragedy. I sure hope you mean that. Are you willing to devote you whole being to life? Will you stand in the face of our death entranced culture and show by your example that it's all a gift-- precious beyond measure? I am not saying you have to believe as I do. You can't do that without being convinced it's true. But you can sure as hell act as if human life and dignity matter. You can be part of the solution.

    Will you be?

  • 8 years ago

    God does love those Children, and they are in heaven with him where no one will ever hurt them anymore.

    So Brett would say "no, don't interfere with a school shooter because we want the kids to die and go to Heaven.". No, I am not.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    God is righteous in all his ways and holy in all his works Protecting the children with armed guards was Gods idea, so he already has helped, It is you the people that has bread the evil society that you belong a part of and it is you the people who has too fix it. start taking responsibility for your own stupidity. Happy New Year-Jesus Christ

    Source(s): The Holy Apostle James the Greater
  • 8 years ago

    logic dictates that the good of the many outweighs the good of the one ergo not putting your own life at risk to save many others is illogical

    edit: so i came back and i saw someone said this and just had to respond

    "Protecting the children with armed guards was Gods idea"

    umm no it wasn't humans had that idea and if you claim that god is the source of all ideas then that means that no human is actually intelligent which would mean none of us have free will ergo your book is wrong so if god came up with ideas the bible is a lie otherwise man comes up with his own ideas

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, a Navy SEAL. The SEAL would put the shooter out of his misery without killing innocent children.

  • 8 years ago

    Well telling the interferer not to interfere would be restricting free will as well. Where are you going with this?

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