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Anonymous asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

My dog farts? A LOT?!? what can i do?

my dog farts sooo much! its disgusting! she eats California natural and that's be really good food... but just recently its been really bad ..she's not eating any new teats either

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    All commercial pet foods typically found in grocery stores or box stores are really bad. To learn why, read the investigative report done by the Animal Protection Institute. Never buy these foods, even the so-called "top of the line/best" foods that cost more money. Look at the labels. Pet food companies learned years ago that by selling more than one pet food (just changing the name and maybe an ingredient or two), it fools the consumer into believing she is making "choices." She's not making choices, she's just buying the same garbage that is making our dogs sick. You will be disturbed and disgusted by what you learn is being put into your dog's mouth--these companies do not care about our dogs' health--they only care about making profit.

    If your dog is passing gas, that's a sure sign that the food is causing a problem. If any mammal is eating correctly, including humans, unless its diseased, there is no reason for gas, its stools should be its normal color and size/solid/no blood, its urine near clear, not yellow or deep yellow.

    BRAVO is an excellent pet food, from pure safe food sources, fruits, veggies--all the nutrition your dog needs. My dog has been eating BRAVO since adopted. She also receives RAW frozen chicken legs for chewing--more importantly, for brushing her teeth. At 4-years old, her teeth remain sparkling white. Remember, only feed RAW bones, never cooked. Cooked bones splinter and may pierce the intestines.

    Feed your dog what its body needs and you should have absolutely no elimination problems or smells and mouths that are sparkling clean.

  • 8 years ago

    Which flavor? Several of the California Natural foods are made with meal rather than real meat. Maybe try switching to the herring and sweet potato, sweet potato is really good for digestive issues. My guess would be the food, try changing flavors or brands, just do it slow or it could get worse.

  • 8 years ago

    What kind of dog is she?

    If she is a dog like a pug, who breathes excessively

    then that is normal

    and also the reason why pugs fart so much

    or it could be what she is eating

    even people's diet could affect their gas

    like how some people could eat beans and be fine

    while others fills the house with gas

  • 8 years ago

    ive got boston terriers...which are notorious for being gassy.

    i changed dry food and learned to mix in some cooked lean meats. most often chicken breast. this solved my problem...

    that is until my 70yr old mom comes over and spolis my dog w/ table scraps...then..i spend another 2 days cleaning out the digestive tract...she loves my dogs....and they lover her...but dang...LOL

    change foods.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Does she chew on rawhide? That makes dogs gassy. Giving them a spoonful of yogurt is said to be helpful.

    Source(s): having a gassy dog
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    its most likely his/her diet, some dog foods just dont agree with their.stomachs i would recommend something more on the .natural side verses alot of the commercial brands.obviously dont feed him/her people food inless its an absolute treat lol

  • IRA
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Try this it works Put about one tablespoon of Fennel seed in his food every time he eats.


  • 8 years ago

    Put a clothespin on your nose and live with it

  • 8 years ago

    she could be allergic to something in the food.

  • 8 years ago

    Put a cork in her butt.

    Source(s): Tried it with my husband.
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