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? asked in Education & ReferenceTrivia · 8 years ago

Whats more devastating, another world war or a world wide pandemic?

Detail: A world war where there are 2 sides(like Axis and Allies) and they use all of the technology we have today against each other, the war lasts for 100 years

A pandemic that is highly contagious(a virus) that kills humans in a matter of hours and can spread through water and air and can be carried by animals and it takes humans 100 years to find a cure.

which one has the most casualties and most devastating consequences?

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    War would be worse.

    Disease wipes out large numbers of many species on a regular basis and usually only affect a very few species. At the start, usually the species is overpopulated. Nature cleans up fairly easily afterward.

    It is also normal for fighting among populations of animals but only involving a few dozen members at a time. Nature cleans this up pretty good too.

    With a world war, we would destroy vast tracts of land and possibly of the sea. Nature would take a long time to recover.


  • 8 years ago

    The next World War will leave No Survivors. The next Pandemic- might. So DON'T Plan on another World War ( or it might be the LAST thing you Do...).

  • 8 years ago

    a pandemic would be worse for it would kill a larger range of people. not only men and women but older people to old to serve and children.

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