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How to rename a link that leads to the same site?
Is there any website or application that changes the link's name but still leads it to the same site?
for example, I disguise "youtube/watch blalalaaaa" for "Awesome Vid"
3 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years agoWhat sickness is this?
I got this last month.
I have dry coughs to normal coughs that happen a lot, like every 15-30 mins i cough.
By accident, I infected my classmates and relatives and they had the same.
Now, it wore off. Instead, I only cough when I laugh.
I think the only symptom I have is cough and when I cough too hard for too long I vomit.
I tried medicine and it only eased it a bit...
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years agoProblem with my iMac, loading screen then shut down?
I was back from school and I came in my room to see my brother using it(6 yr old) now he screwed up my iMac, first it loads up casually, the white screen, the apple logo and the circle loading bar is there, and then after waiting for like 30 seconds it shuts down. Somethings not right and the technician(who visited once) said that its corrupted(and he's not really a repairman for Apple), is it true? or better yet, is there anyway to fix this?
1 AnswerDesktops8 years agoIs it possible to get the graphics card of my iMac to my XP?
My graphics card is VIA/S3G Unichrome Pro IGP, its a really disappointing graphics card, but my iMac's graphics card(ATI Radeon) is decent and 3x better than my Xp. Now i'm wondering if its possible to open up my mac or hire someone to do it for me and get the graphics card to my Xp(BTW my iMac is dead, corrupted possibly) is it possible? my PC is like 2005 old and my iMac is 2009 old
3 AnswersAdd-ons8 years agoWhats more devastating, another world war or a world wide pandemic?
Detail: A world war where there are 2 sides(like Axis and Allies) and they use all of the technology we have today against each other, the war lasts for 100 years
A pandemic that is highly contagious(a virus) that kills humans in a matter of hours and can spread through water and air and can be carried by animals and it takes humans 100 years to find a cure.
which one has the most casualties and most devastating consequences?
3 AnswersTrivia8 years agoBy far, what is the most toughest and most punishing military branch?
Just curios.
12 AnswersMilitary8 years agoIf i point a gun with the highest bullet speed to the sky on a plane, will the bullet reach space?
Is it possible on the ground too?
3 AnswersPhysics8 years agoWhat would the world do if they received, contacted or have been openly visited by aliens for the first time?
If it ever happens...
8 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years agodo i hate gay people?
one day i was trying to sleep and i heard some really loud noises next door,i heard sounds of laughing and shouting,they were also happy,i went next door and told them to please "tone it down",when i went back to bed and heard nothing next door,and i felt bad for myself,so i started thinking if i hated them,
so do i hate happy people?
6 AnswersMental Health9 years agois there still anything good in communism other than taking other peoples freedom?
is there?
btw,which is worst Anarcho,Marxist or Stalinist?
(i only want medium length answers not long ones pls)
3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago*REPOST*i made this riddle can someone answer it?
a finger drops,and then a brain comes out then starts growing legs,then grows an arm,then grows smaller arms then grows hair,then the arm becomes bigger and harder(not a green joke)and then some of the hair transforms into hearts and then out of the heart grows fingers and then inside the fingers are smaller brains and then the "thing" becomes frail and dies
i dont know if im the first one to make this
5 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years agoi need help with my poop?
awhile ago i pooped and when i took a look at it i saw one part is brown while the other is red,im scared in the fact that it might be blood,i have dry cough(which happens occasionally when its cold,when im too tired,when i laugh)im pretty sure its not ulser because ive been eating well,ive been eating meat pizza(with lots of ketchup) and spaghetti in the past few hours,so is it ketchup or blood?
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine10 years agoi made this riddle,can someone answer it?
It first starts as a brain,and then grows many legs,and grows a body,and then grows arms,and then grows hair,and then grows fingers,inside the fingers are more brains,the And the "thing" becomes frail and dies
i dont know if im the first one to make this.
9 AnswersJokes & Riddles10 years agocan someone tell me this song?
the music starts at 0:14
(i know i was looking for some keys,but lol,i knew it wouldn't work)
oh and i also know that this song is mostly hated amongst youtube,but i seem to like this song
3 AnswersLyrics10 years agoMy air conditioner is not working?
Last year my air con has been making a sound it goes eeeekkkkkkk for about 5 secs,and then it will send warm air not cold,the sound it makes was supposed to be it sending cold,we tried cleaning it,it was still the same
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years agohave you ever seen an ant war?
i want to know if any of you saw an ant have a war with another colony or been raided by spiders or anything else
1 AnswerZoology1 decade agoare bees,ants,and termites only?
are bees ants and termites are the only species with a colony that lives by the rule of queen?
5 AnswersZoology1 decade agoi need food to lower blood sugar?
i always drink cola everyday and it backfired at me and raised blood sugar ,i need foods to lower blood sugar
6 AnswersDiabetes1 decade agoif 1000 t-rex,950 spino,700 gigantosaurus,4000 velociraptors were locked in a fight,who would win in the fight?
this IS SO IMPOSSIBLE of course,i want to go even with my friend with his knowledge of primitive wars
4 AnswersZoology1 decade agowhat are special computer viruses out there?
there is trojan,millipede,bug is there a rare and one that would cause the most damage,because i heard of this news of a virus of a computer that destroys the files within minutes
5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago